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Side B: scene at center

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Side A: scene at center

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Three-dimensional approximation of the vase

Collection: London, British Museum
Summary: Animal friezes.
Ware: Corinthian
Context: Said to be from Rhodes
Date: ca. 620 BC - ca. 600 BC

H 35; H restored 44.5

Primary Citation: Amyx 1988, 144, 311, 377
Shape: Amphora
Ceramic Phase: Early Corinthian
Region: Dodecanese
Period: Archaic


The vase is in excellent condition.

Decoration Description:

Neck: siren and wild boar. A siren occupies the neck on one side. On the other side is a wild boar with head lowered.

Body: animal friezes. Five animal friezes cover the body. On the shoulder, between the handles, sphinxes frame a siren. Below, roaring lions frame a wild boar to the left. Behind them are rams. Underneath are lions alternating with deer and rams. The frieze below shows lions and bulls. The bottom frieze contains lions, rams and boars. There is a ray motif above the foot. In all the friezes, all available space is filled with incised rosettes and irregular 'space-fillers' which are also incised.

Sources Used:

Simon & Hirmer 1976, 50-51, pl. 9.

Other Bibliography:

Payne 1931, 300 no. 770, Pl. 23,5; Arias & Hirmer 1962, 281, pl. 6; Benson 1953, 124 no. 828; Williams 1985, 23, fig. 28.