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Aegina W 10, Left Opponent of W. Ped. 2, right leg

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Aegina W 10, Left Opponent of W. Ped. 2, det. of shield device, forelegs o...

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Aegina W 10, Left Opponent of W. Ped. 2, view facing pediment from central...

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Aegina W 10, Left Opponent of W. Ped. 2, shield interior, det.

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Aegina W 10, Left Opponent of W. Ped. 2, shield interior, det.

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Aegina W 10, Left Opponent of W. Ped. 2, left foot and lower leg

Collection: Munich, Glyptothek
Title: Aegina, W. Ped. 2, fig. W 10: Left Opponent of Ajax (?)
Context: From Aegina, Sanctuary of Aphaia
Findspot: Excavated at Aegina, Sanctuary of Aphaia
Summary: Opponent facing Ajax (?)
Material: Marble
Sculpture Type: Architectural
Category: Statuary group
Placement: West pediment 2
Style: Late Archaic
Technique: In-the-round
Date: ca. 500 BC - ca. 490 BC
Scale: Life-size
Region: Saronic Gulf
Period: Late Archaic
In Group: Aegina West Pediment 2

Subject Description:

Only a few fragments of the Left Opponent have survived. The left leg is forward and flat on the ground. The heel of the right foot is raised slightly off the ground. The figure is essentially on balance. The right arm would have yielded the weapon; the left carried the shield. A nearly complete shield has been attributed to this figure which is painted with the forepart of a boar.

Condition: Fragmentary

Condition Description: Preserved: left and right lower legs with feet and attached plinths, right arm, left arm with nearly complete shield. Painted shield device: forepart of boar.

Material Description:

Parian Marble

Associated Building: Aegina, Temple of Aphaia