Overall view of the Chalkotheke, from SW, Athens

Aerial view of Acropolis, from SW, Athens, Chalkotheke, Erechtheion,Temple...

Plan, Athens, Chalkotheke

Overall view of the Chalkotheke, from E, Athens

Context: Athens
Type: Hall
Summary: Oblong hall; between the western rock-cut steps of the Parthenon and the shrine of Artemis Brauronia.
Date: ca. 450 BC

ca. 43 m x ca. 14.2 m; Inner intercolumniation: ca. 5.70 m; later colonnade: ca. 4.5 m deep.

Region: Attica
Period: Early Classical


Oblong hall opened north. Interior colonnade of 6 columns created 2 aisles. Possibly 3 double doors in the north wall, opening on to a later exterior Doric colonnade which cut into the western steps approaching the Parthenon. The area west of the steps and north of the Chalkotheke is known as the West Forecourt of the Parthenon.


First phase of construction is dated to ca. 450 B.C. Later colonnade added in the early 4th century B.C. An inscription dated to ca. 353/52 B.C. lists items, such as armor and bronze vessels that were stored in the Chalkotheke.

Other Bibliography:

Travlos 1971, 196-197; Coulton 1976, 222; Stevens 1940, 14-18

See Also: Athens, Stoa of Artemis Brauronia