Side B: upper body of maenad with tray

Side A: overview from right

Side B: upper body of satyr

Side A: maenad at right

Side A: upper body of satyr

Side B: drinking horn in field

Collection: Tampa Museum of Art
Summary: Side A: Dionysos with satyr and maenad. Side B: satyr and maenad
Ware: Attic Red Figure
Painter: Attributed to the Painter of Athens 14627
Date: ca. 420 BC

H. 0.331 m.

Primary Citation: Para, 493.3 bis
Shape: Calyx krater
Beazley Number: 340104
Period: Classical


Misfiring on Side B.

Decoration Description:

Side A: Dionysos at center with a cloak over his shoulder and radiate crowns on his head. He holds a thyrsos in his right hand and grasps a maenad holding a tympanum in his left hand. The maenad has a nude torso with a himation around lower body and shoulders. Both figures stride to the right. At left, a satyr holds a basket in his outstretched left hand. The satyr has a fillet tied to his left wrist. Bunches of grapes and vines are seen in the background. There is a stump at right. The tympanum and maenad skin are white.

Side B: altar above at far left. A satyr at left puts his left foot on a short stump. A maenad at right runs to the right with a basket of offerings and a tympanum with a star device. She wears a peplos and a kekryphalos. In front of her at right is a stele.

Meanders and one cross square occur on each side below the scene. There is a laurel band under the rim.

Shape Description:

Rim warped in drying and cracked. Repaired with wet clay before glazing and firing.

Collection History:

Tampa Museum of Art, Joseph Veach Noble Collection.