10 Buildings whose Building Type is Altar

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Model of sanctuary showing altar and early pediment, from S

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Model of sanctuary showing altar and early pediment, from N (above)

South foundations of altar, from NW, Athens, Altar of the 12 Gods

Southeast corner of altar foundations, from N, Athens, Altar of the 12 Gods

Plan, Athens, Eschara

Plan, Eleusis, Eschara
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Plan, Olympia, Altar of Zeus

Plan, Perachora, Triglyph Altar of Hera Akraia

Area of sanctuary terrace between Propylon and altar (visible at left), fr...

Detail of altar (with front of temple in background), from SE, Priene, Alt...

Architectural molding details of altar fragments, Samos, Main Altar

Section of NW Anta of Main Altar, Samos

North end of the altar, from W, Altar of Hieron II, Syracuse

North end of the altar, from NW, Altar of Hieron II, Syracuse