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the day, but were not available until near its close. Large reenforcements from Pennsylvania, which were expected during the day, did not arrive at all. During the eighteenth, orders were given for a renewal of the attack at daylight on the nineteenth. On the night of the eighteenth, the enemy, after having been passing troops in the latter part of the day from the Virginia shore to their position behind Sharpsburgh, as seen by our officers, suddenly formed the design of abandoning their li This movement they executed before daylight. Being but a short distance from the river, the evacuation presented but little difficulty. It was, however, rapidly followed up. A reconnoissance was made across the river on the evening of the nineteenth, which resulted in ascertaining the near presence of the enemy in some force, and in our capturing six guns. A second reconnoissance, the next morning, which, with the first, was made by a small detachment from Porter's corps, resulted in ob
I cannot speak in too high praise of the steadiness and coolness of my officers and men. They appeared as if on parade. I desire to make especial mention of Acting Master Mate Jannin, of the Rachel Seaman, and Second Assistant Engineer O'Connor, of this ship, both of whom I recommend strongly for promotion for their gallantry, and also for their professional qualifications and character. On the eighteenth the Kensington returned, having obeyed your orders down the coast, and on the nineteenth, with a number of refugees who had fled to us for protection, I started for the South-West Pass, where I landed them on the twenty-first, in care of Capt. Weeks of the Pampero. I left the Rachel Seaman at Sabine Pass, and also the Velocity, with the Kensington's Parrott gun, and the prize steamer Dan, with the heavy howitzer, and about thirty of the Kensington's men, all under command of Acting Master Hammond, of the Kensington, who has accompanied me on all my expeditions, and distingu
g treated in hospitals. I am glad to represent the army at the present time in good condition. Thanking the Government for that entire support and confidence which I have always received from them, I remain, General, very respectfully, your obedient servant, A. E. Burnside, Major-General Commanding Army of the Potomac. headquarters of the army of the Potomac, Falmouth, December 23, 1862. Major-General H. W. Halleck, General-in-Chief, Washington: In my report to you of the nineteenth instant, the number of our wounded was stated at about nine thousand, and the number receiving hospital treatment at one thousand six hundred and thirty. Both of these amounts are wrong. On the authority of Dr. Letterman, our medical director, the whole number of wounded is between six and seven thousand. About one half of these are receiving treatment in the hospitals. A. E. Burnside, Major-General Commanding Army of the Potomac. Proclamation of President Lincoln. Executive mansi
On the morning of the eighteenth started at five, still in charge of the baggage; the left flank, company I, in charge of a batch of prisoners, which had been captured along the way, principally by the cavalry. These prisoners were all paroled alongside the road on the way down. Passed the Whitehall (at Jericho) battle-ground at ten. Nothing of interest during the rest of the day. Got into camp about eight. Said to have marched about twenty-two miles--our longest day's work. On the nineteenth we were away at sunrise. Passed during the forenoon the battle-ground at Kinston, and the houses near by which were used for hospitals on the occasion of the fight, whence the wounded were taken on ambulances, to be placed on board gunboats lying about three miles below the town, and by them carried to Newbern. The same course was pursued with the wounded at Whitehall, an item which I neglected to mention in its proper place. The bridge across the Neuse, which the rebels tried to burn
ng this a few miles, we turned again south, and crossed the Yockna, on a bridge, where we camped for the night. I here found, to my surprise, that the escort and couriers, by a fatal misapprehension of my orders, had not left the column. Other couriers were at once sent forward for Oxford, but lost their way in the Yockna bottom, and, travelling all night, found themselves farther from Oxford than when they left camp, and did not arrive until this morning. Early yesterday morning, the nineteenth, we took up the line of march, and Colonel Hatch was sent with the command to the cavalry camp on the Yockna River, and with my escort, after a long day's march, I reached Oxford at half-past 5 P. M. last evening, and reported to you the fact that on the evening of the eighteenth a large rebel cavalry force passed from Pontotoc north on the Ripley road, and notice was at once telegraphed to every point on the railroad north of this. The expedition to Okolona has been most laborious, and
e put into practice here, and the supplies can come from no direction but the North. Three or four days rations are not sufficient to push on to Grenada and open the road from there to Memphis. Those who know Gen. Grant best, know, that if it could be done he would do it. The army will now probably fall back until the road to Columbus is rendered secure. With the supplies it will then get, it will be able to push on and open new lines of communication with the North. On Saturday, the nineteenth, Gen. McArthur's division passed through town on their way southward, and on yesterday passed through again on their return. Day before yesterday every thing looked as though we should continue advancing steadily, as we have done since leaving La Grange, but yesterday the face of affairs changed. Cotton, which had begun to come in in large quantities, suddenly got a very black eye, as they say on 'change; sutlers began to pack up, and to-day every thing looks like taking the back-track.
esponsible for any damage to the railroad or other public property; which order was promptly obeyed. The last of the troops left Trenton on Friday morning, the nineteenth, at three o'clock--a portion having had to wait for the train from Union City, with troops, also ordered from that place to Jackson. As the troops had been od. On Saturday morning the train was ordered to Jackson, leaving about twenty of these men, representing fifteen different regiments. On Friday evening, the nineteenth, Col. Hawkins returned from the Lexington fight, and reported that he did not see more than eight hundred of the enemy, and that he saw no artillery, except thebeing Trenton and Humboldt, and the Memphis and Ohio Railroad, with a view to cut off General Grant's supplies. Learning from my scouts, on Friday morning, the nineteenth, that the main force of the enemy was moving toward Trenton, I telegraphed Gen. Davis, at Columbus, to send me reenforcements, with one battery of artillery, if
Of course the Federal force, being but about five thousand strong, could not be expected to successfully meet so overwhelming a force. General Sullivan had information that seemed to corroborate common report, and fully expected an attack. He had his men under arms, early and late, during the day and night, prepared to do his best in any emergency. On the evening of the eighteenth, Brayman's and Fuller's brigades came up and reenforced Sullivan. At twelve M. on the ensuing day, the nineteenth, the enemy were reported actually but two miles from Jackson. Gen. Sullivan ordered out the Forty-third Illinois, Col. Engleman, to go to the front and do what they could to harass the confederates. The command was obeyed. Engleman ambuscaded his regiment and waited Forrest's approach. As the rebel advance came in, a volley was fired upon them; several were killed outright, some wounded and three taken prisoners. In this rencontre our loss was one killed and five wounded. At two P. M.
, and obtained the Eleventh Illinois volunteers and the Fourteenth Wisconsin volunteers, under General Ransom. We arrived on the seventeenth at eight A. M. General Ransom attempted to find the enemy, but they were not discoverable. On the nineteenth instant, I proceeded with the Fanny Bullitt for more teams. I obtained at Lake Providence, from the Seventeenth army corps, twelve teams, and the steamer Von Phul, from the Thirteenth army corps, fifty-one teams and the Empress, and arrived with all at American Bend on the morning of the nineteenth, and, in the mean time, transported from Milliken's Bend to Eagle Bend thirty thousand rations, for General Stuart's command. On the twentieth, at eight P. M., the Von Phul left, with one hundred and seventy-one bales of cotton, three hundred and fifty head of beef cattle, and one hundred mules, and proceeded to Lake Providence and discharged her freight there, returning on the twenty-second at eight A. M., and again left on the twenty-fift
prisoners from Major Chalmers's command, and destroyed some camp and garrison equipage. Two companies were also sent to the left, to look after some horses said to be hid in the woods; and they returned at ten o'clock with very good success. The command left camp at ten o'clock, and passed through Pontotoc at four o'clock P. M. They encamped on the estate of Mr. Wetherall, eight miles south of Pontotoc. The distance marched on the eighteenth and nineteenth was about sixty miles. On the nineteenth the Sixth Illinois marched in advance, and at Pontotoc killed a rebel who persistently continued to fire upon the advance. His name was Re<*>o. 20th.--They left camp at four o'clock A. M. Sixty men and a number of led horses, in charge of Lieutenant Wilt, were sent back to La Grange. About the same number were sent back from the other regiments; all under command of Major Love, of the Second Iowa. They encamped at Clear Springs, Mississippi, having passed around Houston — the Second