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he neighbor-hood of Gadsden. He evidently wanted to avoid a fight. On the nineteenth, all the armies were grouped about Gaylesville, in the rich valley of the Chathe night rendered the ascent extremely difficult. On the morning of the nineteenth instant, regiments were detailed in each division to assist the trains in gettingo camp four (4) miles north of Penn's Ford, on the Chattooga River. On the nineteenth, marched for Summerville, and after much delay in consequence of coming in coed across the stream, and the march resumed at daylight on the morning of the nineteenth, in the direction of Eatonton, by the way of Shady Dale, in the vicinity of wracted. Geary's division was detached, unencumbered, on the morning of the nineteenth, with orders to destroy the Georgia Railroad Bridge over the Oconee River, an of battery I, First New-York artillery. He took up a strong position on the nineteenth, in advance of Izzard's House, and made several demonstrations and reconnoiss
vember 18, 1864. The nearest division was pushed to Hatting's or Planters' Factory early next morning, and a part of it crossed over by the ferry. The bridge arrived at about ten A. M., was laid, and the troops commenced crossing at one P. M.; during that day and night, General Blair's corps, Third division, Fifteenth corps, and all the cavalry had crossed. The hill on the east side was steep, and the heavy rain during the night rendered the ascent extremely difficult. On the morning of the nineteenth instant, regiments were detailed in each division to assist the trains in getting up the hill. The Fifteenth corps, following the cavalry, took country roads to Hillsborough. The Seventeenth corps moved to the vicinity of Hillsborough, via Monticello. The roads now becoming very heavy, the progress was slow. We had two bridges at the point of crossing, and they were kept full all day. Yet the crossing was not completed by the rearguard until the morning of the twentieth instant.
ttle Haynes River, and other streams, very bad. The condition of the teams was not good, and delays to the rear of our long column were consequently vexatious and protracted. Geary's division was detached, unencumbered, on the morning of the nineteenth, with orders to destroy the Georgia Railroad Bridge over the Oconee River, and such wagon-bridges as he might find on that river toward Milledgeville. The purpose was fully accomplished, and several miles of railroad as well as the long railroupied the upper end of Hutchinson's Island. Carman's brigade, First division, was sent to Argyle Island, and subsequently across to the Carolina shore, with a section of battery I, First New-York artillery. He took up a strong position on the nineteenth, in advance of Izzard's House, and made several demonstrations and reconnoissances toward Clydesdale Creek and the Union causeway road from Savannah to Hardeesville. The enemy opposed these movements in strong force. The nature of the country
half-past 9 P. M. October thirteenth, started for Resaca, passing through Calhoun at three P. M. next day, and reaching Resaca the same evening. Crossed the Oostanaula at daylight of the fifteenth, and encamped on the summit of Mill Creek Mountain. October sixteenth, marched through Snake Creek Gap to a point within two miles of Ship Gap. From this place, October eighteenth, passed through Dick's and Ship's Gaps, moved along the side of Taylor's Ridge, and crossed the Chattooga on the nineteenth. October twentieth, division reached Galesville, Alabama, where it remained encamped till the twenty-ninth. October twenty-ninth, crossed the Chattooga, destroyed the bridge and also a large and valuable flouring-mill, passed through McCullough's Gap, and encamped five miles from Rome, at which place the division remained until the morning of November second, 1864. November second, division moved from camp near Rome, Georgia, and arrived, at three P. M. same day, at Kingston, where it r
th great difficulty, and it was not until the nineteenth instant that the whole brigade had effected a landing Camped near Madison on the eighteenth. On the nineteenth, broke camp at six A. M., and resumed the march, ent left at Flat Shoals, and on the next day, the nineteenth, returned to Atlanta. The quantity of corn brougadison, making in all about fifteen miles. On the nineteenth, we marched through Madison, and proceeded on theg the railroad near Rutledge, Georgia, and on the nineteenth, when near Parker's Ferry, went into camp and deshe first, and returned, with like success, on the nineteenth. 19th, 21st, 22d. The brigade was detailed astral Railroad, on the eighteenth; Madison, on the nineteenth; leaving the railroad at Madison and passing throsed for the purposes of irrigation. On the nineteenth instant, I made a careful personal examination of theed to camp occupied the night previous. On the nineteenth, the regiment, in the rear of brigade and in the
so a few shots into the city. On the sixteenth, one section of battery I, First New-York artillery, crossed the river to Argyle Island, and exchanged a few shots with a section of the enemy's on the Carolina shore. During the night of the nineteenth, this section crossed to the Carolina shore with a brigade of infantry, under command of Colonel Carman. A few rounds were fired at small bodies of the enemy during the twentieth. About three P. M., a gunboat came up from the city, and opes. On the morning of the eighteenth engaged a section of rebel artillery on South-Carolina shore. After firing thirteen rounds, silenced their guns, at a distance of one thousand five hundred yards, with no casualties. On the morning of the nineteenth, a regiment of rebel cavalry made their appearance about two thousand two hundred yards' distance, on the South-Carolina shore. After firing three rounds caseshot they withdrew out of range. During the day, Lieutenant Scott was relieved by Li
ber 18, 1864. Captain: In compliance with a circular from your headquarters, dated December seventeenth, 1864, I have the honor to report that the Tenth Wisconsin battery left Marietta, Georgia, on the fourteenth day of November, 1864. On the sixteenth day of November, the battery was in action at Lovejoy's Station, and at Bear Creek Station. At Lovejoy's Station, the battery silenced the enemy's guns and took possession of two of them, after the cavalry had run them down. On the nineteenth, the battery crossed the Ocmulgee and marched thirty-two (32) miles, to Clinton. This day's march killed ten (10) horses. On the twentieth, the battery was in action near Macon; had one wagon broken and destroyed. On the twenty-third, near Gordon, broke an axle and destroyed a caisson. On the twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth, and twenty-seventh, the company marched one hundred and twenty-three (123) miles, to Waynesboro; had thirty (30) horses killed and abandoned. On
vening of the tenth, when it march toward Rome via Allatoona. At that point, Colonel Fowler's brigade (the Third) was put on cars and sent forward. The division arrived at Rome the twelfth, and next day marched toward Resaca, reaching that place, and passing through it and Snake Gap on the fifteenth. We passed Villanow on the sixteenth, and stopped for the night in Ship's Gap, on Taylor's Ridge. On the seventeenth, we moved to La Fayette, and on the eighteenth, to Summerville; on the nineteenth, to Alpine, and on the twentieth, to Gaylesville, and on the twenty-first, moved out seven miles on Little River, and went into camp, where we remained till the twenty-fourth, when the division, with the First of this corps, went in the direction of Gadsden on a reconnoissance. On the twenty-fifth, this division having been left in reserve at Blount's Farm, was ordered forward to form on the right of the First division, which was five miles in our front, deployed, and sharply engaging the
irst of October, we took part in division-drills, conducted by Brigadier-General Geary. October tenth, started on a foraging expedition, which proved highly successful; returning on the thirteenth, having marched about forty (40) miles. On the nineteenth, in company with the brigade, we embarked on a train for East-Point; after reaching which place, we marched about two miles on the West-Point Railroad, where we stood guard while the track was torn up by a negro gang, the iron being loaded on taining until October sixteenth, when it was ordered out on a forage expedition, under command of Colonel Robinson, commanding First brigade, First division, to the vicinity of Flat Shoals, Georgia; returning and occupying our former camp on the nineteenth, where it remained on duty until the twenty-sixth of the same month, when it was again ordered out on a similar expedition, under General John W. Geary, commanding Second division, Twentieth corps, to the vicinity of Yellow River, Georgia; retu
. Pontiac, Sister's Ferry, Savannah River, Ga., January 31, 1865. Admiral: In obedience to your order of the thirteenth instant, I reported, on the fifteenth instant, to General Sherman, at Savannah, and was by him referred to General Slocum for special instructions. Agreeably to such instructions, we left Savannah on the afternoon of the eighteenth, in company with the army transport, Robert E. Lee, and arrived at Purrysburgh, about twenty miles up the river, on the afternoon of the nineteenth, where we found a portion of the Twentieth corps, General Williams's. Remained at Purrysburgh until the twenty-second, when we proceeded up the river, and on the twenty-fourth anchored at Morrall's Landing, at the lower end of Sister's Ferry Bluffs, about forty-one miles from Savannah. Here, on the high banks which overlook the river, we established a picket-station, with a view to keep a lookout for the advance of our own army, and to see that the enemy did not bring artillery to bear on