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Congressional. Washington, Jan. 31. --Senate.--Mr. Seward presented a petition of 38,000 names, from New York, asking conciliation. Mr. Seward said he had been requested to support the petition, but had seen no disposition on the part of the seceding States to allow a practical effort at compromise by the adhering States. He however, held himself open to such propositions. He did not fear for the Union. All platforms, or men that stood in the way of the preservation of the Union, would be swept away. He intimated that the question of slavery in the Territories was an abstraction. That the number of slaves that would ever be introduced there would be too trifling to risk embroiling the country in civil war. Mr. Mason, of Va., understood the petitions to be for the adoption of the Crittenden resolutions. Mr. Seward had shown by his votes that he was not in favor of this mode of adjustment, but had signified that the Constitution needed no amendment. Mr. Seward had
The Louisiana Convention. New Orleans, Jan. 31. --The Convention met at 11½ o'clock. A motion to elect a reporter for the Convention was tabled. A resolution relative to the expediency of sending reinforcements to assist in taking Fort Pickens, was tabled. A resolution was passed asking the Military Board to report progress to the Convention. A resolution was passed that the Ordinance of Secession be signed and engraved and lithographed. A resolution was offered instructing the delegates to the Montgomery Congress to resist any attempt to re-open the African slave trade. Tabled--83 to 28. Mr. Walker, of New Orleans, offered a resolution that this action is not the sense of the Convention, but it did not think proper to hamper the delegates with instructions upon this or other subjects. Much excited debate followed, and the resolution was finally passed. George Williams, a member of the Convention, was appointed Commissioner to Texas.
The alleged "Conspiracy" to seize the Capitol. Washington, Jan. 31. --The Select Committee of Five have examined about twelve witnesses as to the alleged conspiracy to seize the Federal Capitol. Nothing convincing has been elicited. Gen. Scott was before them more than two hours to-day. He said there was abundant evidence, to his mind, to justify him in making military preparations, though it was not of the strongest character. There is certainly nothing to show that an organization for that purpose exists in the District of Columbia.
Affairs at Norfolk. Norfolk, Jan. 31. --The U. S. brig Dolphin is receiving her armament at the Navy-Yard. It is said she will be moored off the U. States powder magazine at Fort Norfolk. On Wednesday, an artillery company and a company of light infantry (State troops) went to Fort Norfolk. The former practised their guns on the beach. The statement in the New York Herald about the U. S. magazine at Fort Norfolk having been made ready to be blown up by the U. S. authorities, in case of an attempted seizure, is without foundation.
From North Carolina. Raleigh, N. C., Jan. 31. --The Legislature, to-day, re-elected Hon. Thomas Clingman, U. S. Senator. A resolution is now under consideration, declaring that in case the sectional difficulties are not speedily reconciled, North Carolina will go with the South. The Military bill will come up next.
Marine Disaster. Hampton Roads, Jan. 31. --Brig Amos M. Lawrence, Colson, of Belfast, Me., with Capt. Hinkley and crew of schr. Matchless, of New London, which sunk off the Brazilian coast on the 27th November, while on her way from Rio Grande to New York with sugar, arrived to-day. The schooner was a total loss.
Nashville, Jan. 31. --The Commissioners appointed by the Legislature are to go to Washington, instead of Alabama, as recommended by the Governor.
Missouri Legislature. St. Louis, Jan. 31. --The House reconsidered the Senate's resolutions for the appointment of Commissioners to Washington, and again tabled them.
Fort Monroe. Norfolk, Jan. 31. --The force at Fort Monroe is 300 men. It will be reinforced in a few days by 200 men from Governor's Island, New York.
Northern Markets. New York, Jan. 31. --Cotton firm. Flour firm. Wheat buoyant. Corn firm — prime white 70@74. Lard dull at 9¼@10½. Whiskey dull at 18@18½, closing at 18 cents. Sugar heavy — Muscovado 4¼@5½. Coffee steady at 11½@13. Turpentine firm at 35½@36. Rosin steady at $1.27½@$1.30. Stocks firm-- N. Y. Centrais 80; Missouri 6's 68. Baltimore, Jan. 31. --Flour active at 6c decline. Howard $5.31, Ohio held at $5.37. Wheat steady, Red $1.30 @$1.35, White $1.45@$1.65. Corn active — Yellow 61@63, white 70 @71. Provisions active.--Mess pork $28. Lard 10½, Coffee 11½@12 ¼. Whiskey dull at 18@18@18½. Norfolk, Jan.5, White $1.45@$1.65. Corn active — Yellow 61@63, white 70 @71. Provisions active.--Mess pork $28. Lard 10½, Coffee 11½@12 ¼. Whiskey dull at 18@18@18½. Norfolk, Jan. 31. --The receipts of Corn for the week reach 130,000 bushels; sales to-day of 20,000 bushels — mixed and yellow 60; white 6