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Sulpicia, Carmina Omnia (ed. Anne Mahoney), section 1 (search)
4 of Cicero's collected letters: letters 1-4 and 6 are from Cicero, letter 5 is Sulpicius's letter of condolence on the death of Cicero's daughter in March 45, and in letter 12 Sulpicius tells Cicero about the assassination of Marcellus in May of that year. Sulpicius died in 43, and Cicero's ninth Philippic argues in favor of giving him a public funeral. Sulpicia's guardian was her uncle Marcus Valerius Messalla Corvinus, who proposed the measure giving Augustus the title pater patriae in 2 BC (see Suet. Aug. 58). Messalla had fought on the side of Brutus and Cassius at the start of the civil war, but ultimately joined Octavian's side. He was consul in 31 along with Octavian. Messalla is best known now, however, as the patron of a group of writers including Tibullus and the other poets of the Corpus Tibullianum, one of whom was Sulpicia. Messalla lived from 64 BC to AD 8. We know little about Sulpicia's own life. It is clear from poem 2 that Messalla has patris potestas over
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, BASILICA AEMILIA BASILICA PAULI (search)
Iulia (Mon. Anc. iv. 13-16: basilicam quae fuit inter aedem Castoris et aedem Saturni ... nominis filiorum meum incohavi). But the passage of Dio refers to a dedication in 12 A.D., which will not fit the date of the inscription of Lucius Caesar (2 B.C., see p. 74) any more than it agrees with the date of the dedication of the porticus Liviae. The remains of the basilica Aemilia, of which nothing was previously visible, have been for the most part laid bare by the recent excavations. It occupiedmoved-with a single exception, which is of special interest, inasmuch as it comes at the south angle of the building, and shows clearly that here there was a projecting porch of one intercolumniation. This porch bore three inscriptions, set up in 2 B.C. in honour of Augustus and his two grandsons by the plebs, the senate, and the equites: half of the first inscription is preserved (CIL vi. 3747=31291) The attribution to Vespasian (Mitt. 1888, 89) has been given up. but not in situ, while the s
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, CIRCUS FLAMINIUS (search)
54), and other games, e.g. the ludi saeculares in 158 B.C. (Liv. xl. 52. 4); and assemblies of the people were frequently held here (Cic. ad Att. i. 14. I; pro Sestio 33; post red. in sen. 13, 17; Plut. Marcell. 27; Liv. xxvii. 21. 1). It was also a market-place (Cic. ad Att. i. 14. 1), and within it part of the ceremony of the triumph took place (Liv. xxxix. 5; Plut. Lucull. 37).See also JRS 1921, 33-34. In 9 B.C. Augustus delivered the laudatio of Drusus here (Cass. Dio lv. 2. 2); and in 2 B.C. water was brought into the circus and thirty-six crocodiles butchered immediately after the dedication of the forum of Augustus (ib. 10. 8). If P. Meyer (Straboniana, ii. 20) and A. W. Van Buren (Ann. Brit. Sch. Athens, 1916-18, 48-50) are correct, Strabo (v. 3. 8) mentions it between the circus Maximus and the forum Romanum. Extant literature furnishes no information concerning the construction of the building, its restorations or its contents, except that contained in the statement of Vitr
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, FORS FORTUNA, FANUM (search)
eliquo aere aedem Fortis Fortunae de manubiis faciendam locavit prope aedem eius deae ab rege Servio Tullio dedicatam). This was of course on the right bank of the river, but Carvilius' temple is mentioned nowhere else by name, nor is the day of its dedication known. It cannot be one of the two temples of the calendars, for they were five miles apart (vid. sup.), and there must, there- fore, have been three in existence in the time of Livy, to any one of which his notice of a prodigium in 2 B.C. may refer (xxvii. 11. 3: in cella [aedis] Fortis Fortunae). Finally in 17 A.D. Tiberius dedicated another temple to this goddess (Tac. Ann. ii. 41: fine anni.. aedes Fortis Fortunae Tiberim iuxta in hortis quos Caesar dictator populo Romano legaverat ... dicantur). As the Fasti Esquilini at any rate antedate 17 A.D., and as the day of dedication was near the end of the year, not 24th June, Tiberius' temple cannot be identified with either of the two temples of the calendars. If our sources
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, FORUM AUGUSTUM (search)
e at all. nao/s Cass. Dio (lv. 10)), vowed by Octavianus at the battle of Philippi pro ultione paterna (Suet. Aug. 29. 2; Ov. Fast. v. 569-578), which formed the essential element of the forum as the temple of Venus Genetrix did that of the forum Iulium. The work was greatly delayed (Macrob. Sat. ii. 4. 9), but that on the forum was hurried at last and this was opened before the temple was finished (Suet. Aug. 29. I), although its actual dedication is said to have taken place on Ist August, 2 B.C., at the same time as that of the temple (Cass. Dio lv. 10; lx. 5. 3; Vell. ii. 100; but cf. Ov. Fast. v. 551 ff., where 12th May seems to be given as that of this temple also; cf. Jord. i. 2. 444; CIL i². p. 318). Because of.the temple of Mars, this forum was sometimes called forum Martis (Schol. Juv. xiv. 261-262; Pol. Silv. 545 ; CIL xv. 7190; cf. cod. Laur. Apul. subscriptio: ego Salustius legi (c. 395 A.D.) et emendavi Romae in foro Martis), and this name is preserved in that of the via
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, MARS ULTOR, TEMPLUM (search)
io liv. 8:kai\ new\n )/*areos timwrou=- e)n tw=| *kapitwli/w| kata\ to\ tou= *dio\s tou= feretri/ou zh/lwma (that is, for the same use, cf. aedes Iovis Feretri)pro\s th\n tw=n shmei/wn a)na/qesin; Ov. Fast. v. 579-580). The statement in the Monumentum Ancyranum (v. 42: ea autem signa in penetrali quod est in templo Martis Ultoris reposui) is generally taken to refer to the temple in the forum of Augustus (see p. 220), and, if so, the standards must have been kept in this temple on the Capitol until the dedication of the other in 2 B.C. (CIL i². p. 318). The temple is represented on coins of Augustus (Cohen, Aug. 189-205; 278-282; BM. Rep. ii. 27 sqq., 4406- 11, 4417-27; 426. 155; 551. 311=Aug. 315, 366-375, 384-389, 704) as a circular domed structure on a high podium with four or six columns, within which is either a figure of Hermes holding the standards, or the standards without the figure (Altm. 50; Jord. i. 2. 46; Rosch. ii. 2392; Gilb. iii. 229-230; Rodocanachi, Le Capitole 42).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, NAUMACHIA AUGUSTI (search)
NAUMACHIA AUGUSTI the artificial pond constructed by Augustus in 2 B.C. on the right bank of the Tiber, where he celebrated sham naval combats on a great scale in connection with the dedication of the temple of Mars Ultor (Veil. ii. 100; Mon. Anc. iv. 43-44; Suet. Aug. 43; Tac. Ann. xii. 56; Cass. Dio lxvi. 25; Euseb. ad a. Abr. 2014). It was 1800 Roman feet (536 metres) long and 1200 (357) wide (Mon. Anc. loc. cit.), and was supplied with water by the aqua Alsietina, built by Augustus for this purpose (Frontinus, de aq. i. I , 22). Around the naumachia was a grove, nemus Caesarum, laid out by Augustus (Tac. Ann. xiv. 15) in honour of Gaius and Lucius Caesar (Mon. Anc. loc. cit.; Suet. Aug. 43; Cass. Dio lxvi. 25; Kornemann, Mausoleum des Augustus, 4, thinks that the mnhmei=on mentioned here is to be identified with themnh=ma *gaiou= kai\ *louki/ou in which Julia Domna was placed; but see MAUSOLEUM AUGUSTI, SEP. C. ET L. CAESARIS. CIL vi. 31566), and perhaps gardens (cf. Suet. T
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, Chronological Index to Dateable Monuments (search)
es of Tiber banks, 537. 7Rome divided in XIV regions, 444. (after). Augustus restores Temple of Consus, 141. Porticus Liviae dedicated, 423. Diribitorium dedicated by Augustus, 151. Campus Agrippae dedicated by Augustus, go. Tiberius rebuilds Temple of Concord, 139; and removes Basilica Opimia, 81; Augustus builds Atrium Minervae, 57. Macellum Liviae dedicated by Tiberius, 322. Terminal stones of Tiber banks, 537. 5Augustus rebuilds arch of aqueducts over Via Tiburtina, 417. 2Temple of Mars Ultor dedicated, 220. Forum of Augustus dedicated (unfinished), 220. Water brought to Circus Flaminius, 112. Naumachia Augusti, 357. Inscriptions on Basilica Aemilia to Augustus and his grandsons, 74. A.D. 2Tiberius resides in Gardens of Maecenas, 269. Arch of Lentulus and Crispinus, 40. 3Temple of the Magna Mater restored, 324. Horti Lamiani, 267. House of Augustus burnt, 157. 6Tiberius rebuilds Temple of Castor, 103. 7Altar of Ceres Mater and Ops Augusta, 110.
Anto'nius 19. JULUS ANTONIUS, M. F. M. N., the younger son of the triumvir by Fulvia, was brought up by his step-mother Octavia at Rome, and after his father's death (B. C. 30) received great marks of favour from Augustus, through the influence of Octavia. (Plut. Ant. 87; D. C. 51.15.) Augustus married him to Marcella, the daughter of Octavia by her first husband, C. Marcellus, conferred upon him the praetorship in B. C. 13, and the consulship in B. C. 10. (Vell. 2.100 ; D. C. 54.26, 36; Suet. Cl. 2.) In consequence of his adulterous intercourse with Julia, the daughter of Augustus, he was condemned to death by the emperor in B. C. 2, but seems to have anticipated his execution by a voluntary death. He was also accused of aiming at the empire. (D. C. 55.10; Senec. de Brevit. Vit. 5; Tac. Ann. 4.44, 3.18; Plin. Nat. 7.46; Vell. Pat. l.c.) Antonius was a poet, as we learn from one of Horace's odes (4.2), which is addressed to him.
of the Arsacidae, established on the throne of Armenia by his brother, Mithridates Arsaces [ARSACES VI.] king of the Parthians. --B. C. 127. Arsaces or Arshag I., his son.--B. C. 114. Artaces, Artaxes, or Ardashes I., his son.--B. C. 89. Tigranes or Dikran I. (II.), his son.--B. C. 36. Artavasdes or Artawazt I., his son.--B. C. 30. Artaxes II., his son.--B. C. 20. Tigranes II., brother of Artaxes II.--B. C. .... Tigranes III.--B. C. 6. Artavasdes II.--B. C. 5. Tigranes III. reestablished.--B. C. 2. Erato, queen. A. D. 2. Ariobarzanes, a Parthian prince, established by the Romans.--A. D. 4. Artavasdes III. or Artabases, his Son.--A. D. 5. Erato re-established ; death uncertain.-- .... Interregnum.--A. D. 16. Vonones.--A. D. 17. Interregnum.--A. D. 18. Zeno of Pontus, surnamed Artaxias.--... Tigranes IV., son of Alexander Herodes.--A. D. 35. Arsaces II. --A. D. 35. Mithridates of Iberia.--A. D. 51. Rhadamistus of Iberia.--A. D. 52. Tiridates I.--A. D. 60. Tigranes V. of the race of H