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Your search returned 331 results in 188 document sections:
Latest from Florida.
The following official dispatch, received at the War Department yesterday, explains more fully the victory obtained by our forces in Florida on Saturday last:
Charleston, Feb. 23.--2.15 P. M. To Gen. S. Cooper:
The latest reports from Gen. Finegan give no particulars of the victory at Occum Pond, except that he has taken all of the enemy's artillery, some five or six hundred stand of small arms already collected, and that the roads for three miles are strewed with the enemy's dead and wounded. (Signed>) G. T. Beauregard.
The Daily Dispatch: February 25, 1864., [Electronic resource], Another Peninsula rumor. (search)
From Mississippi — enemy retiring. Demopolis, Feb. 23.
--The enemy's forces along the line of the Mobile and Ohio railroad are making a retrograde movement in the direction of the Mississippi river.
Their mounted infantry in North Mississippi are also retiring, being closely pressed by Forrest and Lee.
Affairs at Mobile. Mobile, Feb. 23.
--The enemy opened fire on Fort Powell at 10½ o'clock this morning.
A dispatch this evening says that six mortars and four gunboats shelled all day, firing 304 shots.
No casualties and no damage.
The Daily Dispatch: February 25, 1864., [Electronic resource], The Legislature. (search)
Re-enlisted for the War.
Franklin, Feb. 23. To Gen. S. Cooper:
The 10th Georgia battalion this evening re-enlisted for the war, though their time was not out by twelve months. J. E. Rylander, Major Com'g.
The Daily Dispatch: February 9, 1865., [Electronic resource], The meeting to-day (search)