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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 4, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for March 1st or search for March 1st in all documents.
Your search returned 8 results in 8 document sections:
Ran away from the subscriber, on Friday, March 1st, a Negro Boy named Harry, who is about 5½ feet high; 22 or 23 years old; he is nearly black, and is supposed to be either in Richmond or in the neighborhood of Mr. B. Green's. I will pay a reward of $20 for his delivery in some jail in the city. R. A. Ford. [mh 4--4t*]
The Daily Dispatch: March 4, 1861., [Electronic resource], What Mr. Buchanan proposes to do after the fourth of March . (search)
The Daily Dispatch: March 4, 1861., [Electronic resource], The Duke of Newcastle on our Diffculties. (search)
Boiler Explosion — fatal result. New Orleans, March 1st.
--This noon at 12 o'clock a boiler in the Gun Factory of the Whitney Arms Company, at Whitneyville, about three miles from here, exploded, blowing out the east end of the building, demolishing the machinery and arms of various kinds, and making a complete wreck of the premises.
About 30 persons were at work in the vicinity of the boiler at the time, many of whom were buried in the ruins.
Paul Savage, the engineer, was seriously injured; Ed. R. Farmer, W. J. Richards, Samuel Hall, Sabon Oliver and son, were all badly scalded.
Nine others are less injured.
Major R. W. Horton, and Mr. Oliver, were both blown across a portion of the stream.
It is expected that all but one of the victims will recover.
The rumor of the accident spread quickly throughout the city; and several fire companies, including a steamer, started for the scene, but soon returned, their services not being required.
A number of physicians
Affairs in Texas. New Orleans. March 1.
--Harrison county, Texas, voted 868 for secession, and 44 against it. Cass, Marion, Rusk and Cherokee counties were almost unanimous for secession.
Capt. Hill refused the demand of the Texas Commissioners to surrender Fort Brown or the public property there, and sent to Ring gold barracks for reinforcements to retake the property seized on Brazos Island.
Danger of a collision is imminent.
The Daily Dispatch: March 4, 1861., [Electronic resource], The National crisis. (search)
Southern Congress. Montgomery, March 1.
--The Congress was in secret session all day. The nomination of Peter G. Beauregard, of Louisiana, was confirmed as Brigadier General of the Provisional Army.
Montgomery, March 2.--The Convention yesterday admitted the Texas delegates with the full privileges of other members.
There was a short session this morning on the subject of the Tariff.
There was a secret session of several hours to-night.
Weston, the pedestrian, at Trenton. Trenton, March 1st
--Weston, the pedestrian, arrived here about 9 o'clock to-day, and attracted a crowd of spectators.
He made a short speech to the crowd, and said he was well and felt confident that he would accomplish his feat.
He left again at 10 o'clock, followed by a crowd on a smart trot to keep up with him.
The Daily Dispatch: March 4, 1861., [Electronic resource], The arrangements for the inauguration, to-day. (search)
Gen. Cass at Detroit. Detroit, March 1st.
--General Cass arrived here this evening and was received by a large concourse of friends and neighbors, who welcomed him to his old home in a hearty and gratifying manner.
The Daily Dispatch: March 4, 1861., [Electronic resource], The starry heavens. (search)
Rhode Island Legislature. Providence, March 1st.
--The House, this morning, refused, by a tie vote, to instruct the Senators and Representatives in Congress to vote for the propositions recommended by the Peace Conference.