Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 27, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for April 23rd or search for April 23rd in all documents.

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Virginia. the war feeling Aroused--Western Virginia true to the South--return of the University Company, &c., &c. Letters which we publish elsewhere show that Virginia is fully aroused, and that her brave sons are ready to buckle on their armor and march to her defence. Every mail brings renewed assurances of the spread of the war feeling, and we regret that we are unable to publish all that we receive. A letter from Union, Monroe county, (April 23d,) says: The flags of Virginia and the Confederate States are floating all over the town. The students of our High School raised a beautiful one last night, by the light of the moon, with the arms of Virginia, surrounded by eight stars. Speeches and fire-works ended the entertainment. Gen. Chapman addressed us at length in his glowing language of exulting patriotism. Never fear! Western Virginia is all right. Our motto is, "A Union of hearts, a Union of hands, and the flag of our Union forever!" A student a
three. News by Telegraph. Omaha City, April 23 --A messenger has arrived from Niobrarae made to tear up the track. Harrisburg,April 23.--The 7th and 8th Regiments go to Chambersburn from the Western counties. Harrisburg,April 23.--Lieut. F. A. Parker was arrested here this isfactory, he was discharged. St. Louis,April 23.--The Democrat of this morning says: Gen. Hara proper attitude for defence. New York,April 23.--A gentleman from Charleston, who left that oops to be raised in Virginia. New York,April 23.--The schooner Hannah Martin, from Boston for guard will be organized. Nashua, N. H.,April 23. -- Gen. Stark, late Democratic candidate forf troops is ready to march. Elkton, Md.,April 23.--A large Union meeting was held here to-day,ecil county will not secede. Louisville,April 23.--A private dispatch says that Cairo, Illinoind 4,000 more are expected soon. Boston,April 23.--Eighty-five companies have reported themsel[2 more...]