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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
rracks after taps. May 13, 1864.--Ordered, any prisoner shouting or making a noise will be shot. It was noticed and discussed among the prisoners, that the shooting was most violent immediately after a Confederate success. I noted some cases that came under my own observation, but by no means a complete list; in fact, the prisoners became so accustomed to the firing from the parapet, that unless it occurred near his side of the prison, a man would take little notice of it. 1864.  April 27--Prisoner shot by sentinel. May 27--One man killed and one wounded in the leg. June 9--Franks, Fourth Alabama Cavalry, killed last night at barrack No. 12. He was shot by the sentinel on the parapet as he was about to step into the street. His body fell into the barrack, and lay there till morning. The men afraid to go near him during the night. 22--Bannister Cantrell, Co. G., 18th Georgia, and James W. Ricks, Co. F,, 50th Georgia, were shot by the sentinel on the parapet. They were
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of the Confederate States Navy. (search)
of river and ocean steamers on the river could have been readily and easily converted into rams and used successfully against Farragut's wooden fleet. The Mississippi was a most formidable iron-clad, with plenty of power, and was to mount twenty of the heaviest guns. She could have been ready for action within ten days after the enemy passed the forts. The lower forts were uninjured, and had six months provisions, and were supported by the iron-clad battery Louisiana. About 10 A. M., April 27, the McRae arrived in front of the city. Farragut's fleet was anchored in the stream abreast of New Orleans, and was treating for the surrender. Getting permission to land our wounded, the McRae was anchored at the foot of Canal street, and all of our poor fellows were landed safely that afternoon. I went on shore to see our commander, Lieutenant Huger, carried to his residence, and returned on board about 6 P. M. The donkey-engine had been going steadily since the fight, but having beco
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 5 (search)
and our enjoyment was damped by the sight of the poor soldiers that we met, trundling along the road; they looked so weary and ragged and travel-stained. Many of them, overcome with fatigue, were lying down to rest on the bare ground by the roadside. I felt ashamed of myself for riding when they had to walk. These are the straggling remnants of those splendid armies that have been for four years a terror to the North, the glory of the South, and the wonder of the world. Alas, alas! April 27, Thursday Robert Ball left for New Orleans, Mary Day for a short visit to Augusta, and Cora returned from there, where she had gone to bid farewell to General and Mrs. Fry, who have arranged to make their future home in Cuba. The Elzeys and many other visitors called during the evening. We had a delightful serenade in the night, but Toby kept up such a barking that we couldn't half get the good of it. Their songs were all about the sea, so I suppose the serenaders were naval officers.
promised protection to the friendly Sacs and Foxes, and threatened punishment to Black Hawk's band. The journal continues: April 24th.-General Atkinson, having sent several persons to the British band of Indians, and hearing nothing of them, resolved to dispatch two young Sacs with a mild talk. April 26th.--The two young Sacs returned to day from the British band, bringing Black Hawk's answer, which was, that his heart was bad, and that he was determined not to turn back. On April 27th Mr. Gratiot brought word from the Prophet's village that Black Hawk's band had run up the British flag, and was decidedly hostile. General Atkinson now made arrangements to secure the cooperation of the Illinois volunteers with the regular troops, but they were not concentrated at Rock River Rapids before the 9th of May. In the mean time emissaries had been sent to the Winnebagoes, and other measures taken to secure the peace of the frontier. On May 10th the movement up Rock River was b
into the face and heart of one of his own kin, who lived when the Nation was young. In leaving this unpretentious record, therefore, I seek to do simply what I would have had my fathers do for me. Kinsmen of the coming centuries, I bid you hail and godspeed! Columbus, December 16, 1878. The Third Ohio Volunteer Infantry served under two separate terms of enlistment — the one for three months, and the other for three years. The regiment was organized April 21, 1861, and on April 27th it was mustered into the United States service, with the following field officers: Isaac H. Marrow, Colonel; John Beatty, Lieutenant Colonel, and J. Warren Keifer, Major. The writer's record begins with the day on which his regiment entered Virginia, June 22, 1861, and ends on January 1, 1864. He does not undertake to present a history of the organizations with which he was connected, nor does he attempt to describe the operations of armies. His record consists merely of matters whic
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Jackson at Harper's Ferry in 1861. (search)
t Patterson, near Williamsport, and under Colonel Lew Wallace at Romney (see footnote page 127), General Joseph E. Johnston (who had succeeded Colonel Jackson in command on the 23d of May), considering the position untenable, withdrew the Confederate army to Winchester. This was a disastrous blow to the pomp and circumstance of glorious war at Harper's Ferry. Militia generals and the brilliant staff were stricken down, and their functions devolved, according to Governor Letcher's order of April 27th, upon Thomas J. Jackson, colonel commandant, and James W. Massie, major and assistant adjutant-general, who arrived during the first week of May, This was Stonewall Jackson's first appearance on the theater of the war. I spent one day and night in Richmond, and then returned to camp, arriving about 2 P. M. What a revolution three or four days had wrought! I could scarcely realize the change. The militia generals were all gone, and the staff had vanished. The commanding colonel and his
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Flight and capture of Jefferson Davis. (search)
He also says that in a short time he was informed by General Sherman, by telegram, of the termination of hostilities, and surrender of General Johnston, on the 27th of April. Now the armistice was agreed to on the 18th of April, and on the 24th of April General Sherman notified General Johnston it would terminate in forty-eight hof the forty-eight hours, when it was finally terminated, and did not leave there until he learned of the surrender of General Johnston, which took place on the 27th of April. General Wilson says: The first direct information of Mr. Davis' movements reached me on the 23d of April, from a citizen, now a prominent lawyer and polie. But if he did, he saw him halted there, awaiting the result of the negotiations with General Sherman, and afterward the termination of the armistice, until the 27th or 28th of April, with perfect good faith and honor, and not violating a solemn engagement, always binding on the true soldiers and honorable men, as General Wilso
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), How Jefferson Davis was overtaken. (search)
of the railroads, and sent scouts in all directions, in order that I might receive timely notice of his movements. The armistice was declared null and void by the Secretary of War; but, at least one day before I had been advised of this, through General Thomas, I received from General Sherman a dispatch, in cipher, informing me of the formal termination of hostilities by the surrender of General Johnston, and all the forces under his command east of the Chattahoochee. This was on the 27th of April. Immediately afterward, I disposed of my troops for the purpose of taking possession of the important points in Georgia, and paroling the rebel prisoners, who might have to pass through them in order to reach their homes. I felt certain, from what I could learn, that Davis and his Cabinet would endeavor to escape to the west side of the Mississippi river, notwithstanding the armistice and capitulation; and, therefore, gave instructions to the different detachments of the corps to look
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 6: first campaign in the Valley. (search)
was commissioned, Colonel of the Virginia forces, and ordered to take command at Harper's Ferry. The next day this appointment was sent to the Convention for their sanction, when some one asked, Who is this Major Jackson, that we are asked to commit to him so responsible a post? He is one, replied the member from Rockbridge, who, if you order him to hold a post, will never leave it alive to be occupied by the enemy. The Governor accordingly handed him his commission as Colonel, on Saturday, April 27th, and he departed at once for his command. On the way. he wrote thus to his wife:-- Winchester, April 29th.-I expect to leave here about halfpast two P. M. to-day, for Harper's Ferry. I am thankful to say that an ever-kind Providence, who causes all things to work together for good to them that love him, has given me the post which I prefer above all others, and has given me an independent command. To His name be all the praise. You must not expect to hear from me very of
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Capture of Port Gibson-Grierson's raid-occupation of Grand Gulf-movement up the Big Black- battle of Raymond (search)
e one from Vicksburg to the same place six or seven miles out, I learned that the last of the enemy had retreated past that place on their way to Vicksburg. I left Logan to make the proper disposition of his troops for the night, while I rode into the town with an escort of about twenty cavalry. Admiral Porter had already arrived with his fleet. The enemy had abandoned his heavy guns and evacuated the place. When I reached Grand Gulf May 3d I had not been with my baggage since the 27th of April and consequently had had no change of underclothing, no meal except such as I could pick up sometimes at other headquarters, and no tent to cover me. The first thing I did was to get a bath, borrow some fresh underclothing from one of the naval officers and get a good meal on the flag-ship. Then I wrote letters to the general-in-chief informing him of our present position, dispatches to be telegraphed from Cairo, orders to General [Jeremiah C.] Sullivan commanding above Vicksburg, and