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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., From the Wilderness to Cold Harbor. (search)
k; but the further progress of the attack was checked and the line partly restored before night. By the morning of the 2d of June the opposing lines had settled down close to each other, and everything promised a repetition of the scenes at Spotsylvwing at Cold Harbor, while the other two looked after Early's (Ewell's) corps near Bethesda Church. In the afternoon of June 2d, General Early, perceiving a movement that indicated a withdrawal of the Federal force in his front, attacked Burnside'sof the fight the previous evening. The Pennsyivania Reserves resisting a Confederate attack near the Bethesda Church, June 2. from a sketch made at the time. Convinced that under such assaults as we had sustained at Spotsylvania our line wouton, chief of artillery of Kershaw's division, not only cooperated with energy in strengthening our line on the night of June 2d, but directed the fire of his guns with great skill during the attack on the 3d, reaching not only the front of the atta
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The Confederate Army. (search)
brigade (under Henagan), 57 killed, 239 wounded, and 26 missing; Bryan's brigade (Kershaw's division), 31 killed and 102 wounded; Mahone's brigade, 20 killed, 126 wounded, and 7 missing; Gordon's brigade, 50 killed, wounded, and missing. The reported casualties at Spotsylvania are as follows: Ewell's corps (May 10th), 650, and (May 19th), 900; Edward Johnson's division (May 12th), over 2000; and McGowan's brigade (May 12th), 86 killed, 248 wounded, and 117 missing. The following summary, aggregating 3507, exhibits the losses of Beauregard's forces on the south side of the James from May 6th to June 2d, so far as reported: Killed. Wounded.Captured or missing.Total. Ransom's, Hoke's, and Colquitt's divisions.May 163551941 2102506 Barton's brigadeMay10 3617934 249 Hagood's brigadeMay6-954 25337344 B. Johnson's brigadeMay7-92 10 12 Martin's brigadeMay20 13928 113 Wise's brigadeMay16-20 18162  180 Wise's brigadeJune29 49 58 Fifty-ninth VirginiaMay8 32220
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing forces at Cold Harbor. June 1st, 1864. (search)
12th Mass., Maj. Benj. F. Cook; 83d N. Y. (9th Militia), Lieut.-Col. William Chalmers; 97th N. Y., Capt. Delos E. Hall; 11th Pa., Capt. Benjamin F. Haines; 88th Pa., Capt. George B. Rhoads. Third Brigade, Col. Nathan T. Dushane: 1st Md., Lieut.-Col. John W. Wilson; 4th Md., Col. Richard N. Bowerman; 7th Md., Maj. Edward M. Mobley; 8th Md., Lieut.-Col. John G. Johannes; Purnell (Md.) Legion, Col. Samuel A. Graham. Third division, Brig.-Gen. Samuel W. Crawford (assigned to Second Division, June 2). Veteran Reserve Brigade, Maj. William R. Hartshorne: 190th Pa.,----; 191st Pa.,----. Independent Brigade, Col. J. Howard Kitching: 6th N. Y. Art'y, Maj. Absalom Crookston; 15th N. Y. Art'y (First and Third Battalions), Col. Louis Schirmer. Fourth division, Brig.-Gen. Lysander Cutler. Provost Guard: 2d Wis., Capt. George H. Otis. First Brigade, Col. William W. Robinson: 7th Ind., Lieut.-Col. William C. Banta; 19th Ind., Maj. John M. Lindley; 24th Mich., Lieut.-Col. William W. Wight;
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Cold Harbor. (search)
the spires of Richmond, and on the very ground where, under McClellan, they had defended the passage of the river they were now endeavoring to force. On the 2d of June our confronting line, on which the burden of the day must necessarily fall, consisted of Hancock on the left, Wright in the center, and Smith on the right. Warrch. At 6 o'clock Smith and Wright drove the enemy through the woods along the road to New Cold Harbor and intrenched a new line. Warren was north of Smith. On June 2d Hancock formed on the left of Wright. Hill's corps and Breckinridge's division took position opposite, extending the Confederate line to the Chickahominy. Burnside, May 30th to June 1st, occupied lines facing south and west, above Sydnor's sawmill; June 2d he withdrew to Warren's right. Ewell's position throughout was on the Confederate left. Hancock's line, connecting with Wright's left, extended obliquely to the left and rear. A movement upon his part to the front must necessarily tak
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The Eighteenth Corps at Cold Harbor. (search)
unition to fill up the cartridge-boxes, which relieved a most pressing want; and during the morning a division of the Sixth Corps took the place of General Devens's division in the lines, enabling me to shorten my front so that it could be held. A division was also ordered to take post on my right, but it failed to appear. The day was spent in strengthening the position and making ready for the next conflict. In the afternoon the following circular order was received: 2:30 P. M., June 2d. Circular: The attack ordered for 5 P. M. this day is postponed to 4:30 A. M. to-morrow. Corps commanders will employ the interim in making examinations of the ground on their front and perfecting the arrangements for the assault. Geo. G. Meade, Major-General Commanding. Such an order of battle as was developed in that circular — an attack along the whole line — is denounced by the standard writers on the art of war, and belongs to the first period in history after man had ceased t
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Sheridan's Trevilian raid. (search)
Sheridan's Trevilian raid. by Theo. F. Rodenbough, Brevet Brigadier-General, U. S. A. See Sheridan's Richmond raid, p. 188, of which this article is a continuation, for a map giving Sheridan's route in the Trevilian raid.--editors. While Torbert and Gregg had been engaged near Cold Harbor, Wilson had been operating on our right flank. He fought at Mechump's Creek on May 31st, 1864; Ashland, June 1st; and Hawes's Shop and Totopotomoy Creek, June 2d. The fight at Ashland was brought on by McIntosh, in a successful dash at the railroad bridges over the South Anna. The permanent injury of Lee's lines of supply was an important element in Grant's purposes. To this end, on the 26th of May, Hunter was directed to move down the Shenandoah Valley to Lynchburg, cut the canal, and return over the Lynchburg branch of the Virginia Central to Charlottesville, where it was expected he would meet Sheridan. That officer was again to cut loose from the army, and, after tearing up the Vi
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., General Lee in the Wilderness campaign. (search)
field; and it was then rendered more evident than ever that he was the head and front, the very life and soul of his army. Grant declined general battle and drew eastward; and after several lesser combats, with no serious results, the two armies confronted one another on the 3d of June at Cold Harbor. In these days Lee had drawn to himself Hoke's division from Beauregard, and had been reenforced by Finegan's Florida brigade and Keitt's South Carolina regiment. The days from May 30th to June 2d were anxious ones for General Lee. For while General Grant had easy and safe communication with Petersburg and Bermuda Hundred, and commanded all the Federal troops north and south of Richmond, he commanded only the Army of Northern Virginia and was compelled to communicate his suggestions to General Beauregard through General Bragg and the War Department at Richmond. This marred greatly the unity, secrecy, and celerity of action so absolutely essential to success. That he considered thi
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Closing operations in the Gulf and western rivers. (search)
her. On the 3d of June Lieutenant-Commander W. E. Fitzhugh received the surrender of Lieutenant J. H. Carter and the Confederate naval forces under his command in the Red River. On the west Gulf coast the blockade continued until the end, several important cutting-out expeditions occurring during January and February. Among these the most noteworthy were the capture of the Delphina, January 22d, in Calcasieu River, by Lieutenant-Commander R. W. Meade; of the Pet and the Anna Sophia, February 7th, at Galveston, by an expedition organized by Commander J. R. M. Mullany; and of the Anna Dale, February 18th, at Pass Cavallo, by a party sent in by Lieutenant-Commander Henry Erben. After the surrender of Mobile, Admiral Thatcher turned his attention to the coast of Texas, and on May 25th Sabine Pass was evacuated. On the 2d of June Galveston surrendered, and the war on the Texas coast came to an end. The Levee at Nashville, looking down the Cumberland. From a War-time photograph.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., John Morgan in 1864. (search)
information has determined me to move at once into Kentucky, and thus distract the plans of the enemy by initiating a movement within his lines. My force will be about 2000 men. Morgan accordingly entered Kentucky with Giltner's brigade, the mounted men of the old Morgan division, and 800 dismounted men from the various cavalry commands stationed in the department. It was impossible to carry artillery over the roads by which he expected to march. The column reached Pound Gap on the 2d of June, dislodged a small Federal garrison occupying it, and pushed through. More than 150 miles of the most rugged regions of the Kentucky mountains were then traversed in seven days. The dismounted men, whose numbers were constantly augmented as horses broke down from fatigue and lack of forage, kept pace with their comrades in the saddle. Giltner's brigade lost more than 200 horses. On the 7th of June detachments were sent forward to destroy the bridges on the Louisville and Lexington and K
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The battle of New Market, Va., May 15th, 1864. (search)
ns. General Lee replied, as he had done in May, that he could not immediately spare any troops. He directed me again to call out all the reserves, and to telegraph Brigadier-General William E. Jones, then in south-west Virginia, beyond Lynchburg, to come to my aid with all the men he could collect from that part of the State or in east Tennessee. Jones responded promptly that he would join me via Lynchburg and Staunton by the 4th with about three thousand men. Late in the afternoon of June 2d I was driven through Harrisonburg with some loss. That night I took position on the south bank of the North River fork of the Shenandoah River at Mount Crawford, eight miles from Harrisonburg and seventeen from Staunton. On the 3d Hunter rested at Harrisonburg. That night Jones's troops began to arrive in small detachments, just as they had been posted at many points along the line of the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad west of Lynchburg. My staff and I were up nearly all night organizi