Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 30, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for June 13th or search for June 13th in all documents.

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a, and within twenty miles of port? Mr. Layard could not give an answer at present, the case of the Circassian being under consideration of the law officers of the Crown. Sir J. Elphinstone asked if the Government had any information of a Federal steamer having fired into an English and a French steamer, killing the captain of the latter, news to that effect having been received at Lloyd's. Lord Palmerston had no information on the subject. In the House of Lords on the 13th of June Earl Carnarvon called attention to General Butler's proclamation relative to the ladies of New Orleans. He condemned it in severe terms, as without precedent in the annals of mar, and asked if the Government had information of its authenticity, and if it had protested against it. He also asked if there was any truth in the rumors of the mediation of France and England. The success of such mediation would depend greatly upon the manner in which and the time at which it was offered; but he
the co- operation of England in her schemes for intervention. It says that after two discussions in the French Ministerial Councils, one of which was held the 13th of June, within a few hours of the Emperor's departure for Fontaine-bloan, mediation was resolved upon; that simultaneous propositions should be made by England and Fr but without mate rial variation in rates. There was considerable demand for money, and the best short paper sold at 3 per cent. Consols closed on Friday, June 13th, at 91 ⅝ @ 91¾ for money. The bullion in the Bank of England had decreased £450,000. Baring says the disposition to sell American stocks continues, and tends to depress prices. The Paris Bourse. Paris, June 14, 1862. The Bourse is firmer. The Rentes closed yesterday (June 13) at 68f. 65 The Liverpool cotton market. Liverpool. June 14, 1862. The Brokers' Circular reports the sales of the week at 84,000 bales. The market has been buoyant and prices are one-