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J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 5: Bible and colportage work. (search)
h your society for the Scriptures we need—say to the value of £ 1,000— until such time as sterling exchange is reduced to about its usual cost—we paying interest on our purchase until the debt is liquidated. To this letter the following noble response was sent, granting the society three times the amount they asked, free of interest: London, 10 Earl Street, Blackfriars, October 10, 1862. the Rev. Dr. Myers: Dear Sir: I beg leave to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 19th of August, which did not, however, reach us until the 3d of this month. The request which it contains was immediately submitted to our committee for their consideration and decision, and I have much pleasure in informing you that it was unanimously agreed that your request should be complied with, and that the Scriptures should be sent as directed, to Messrs. Fraser, Trenholm & Co. The only portion of your letter to which the committee demurred was that in which you proposed that interest should