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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
on was guarded by negroes for a considerable time. The negroes frequently shot the prisoners down through wantonness, just as they did at Elmira. The officer who led negroes to kill the people of his own race, can sink to no lower depth of degradation. Henry J. Moses writes from Woodbine, Texas, that he was taken prisoner at Gaines' Farm, near Richmond, Virginia, and confined at Point Lookout during the month of May, 1864, and then taken to Fort Delaware, where he remained until the 24th of August. When General Foster demanded the removal of six hundred of the prisoners, they were placed on board the steamer Crescent, and kept in the hold seventeen days, suffocating with heat, drinking bilge water, and eating salt pork and crackers in very stinted allowances. The hatchway was frequently closed, and all of the horrors of the African slave trade revived in their persons and treatment. After enduring this terrible form of torture, they were placed on Morris' Island, under the fire
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 6.36 (search)
mpany I ), skirmished vigorously the rest of the day. The firing was fierce and continuous. August 22d The Yankees fell back towards Harper's Ferry, and we promptly followed, passing their breastworks and through Charlestown, encamping in a woods near where Honorable Andrew Hunter's beautiful residence recently stood. His splendid mansion had been burnt by order of General (Yankee) Hunter, his cousin. A very affectionate and cousinly act, surely! August 23d Quiet in camp, August 24th A sharp skirmish took place in front of our camp, which we could see very plainly. It was a deeply interesting sight to watch them advancing and retreating, firing from behind trees and rocks and clumps of bushes, falling down to load their discharged muskets, and rising quickly, moving forward, aiming and firing again — the whole line occasionally running rapidly forward, firing as they ran, with loud Rebel yells, and the Yankee hirelings retreating as rapidly and firing as they fell
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 8 (search)
a Daniel, and we always stand by Minnie, though we would both a great deal rather have stayed at home. I was so tired that I made Jim Bryan tell the boys not to ask me to dance. Mett and Kate Robertson were in the same plight, so we hid off in a corner and called ourselves the broom-stick brigade. Kate is a splendid girl; she takes to hard work as unmurmuringly as if she had been used to it all her life, and always looks stylish and pretty, in the face of broom-sticks and dish-rags. Aug. 24, Thursday I had to be up early and clean up my room, though half-dead with fatigue. After breakfast I went out again with Mrs. Jordan, and we were almost suffocated by the dust. While we were crossing the square I received a piece of politeness from a Yankee, which astonished me so that I almost lost my breath. He had a gang of negro vagrants with balls and chains, sweeping the street in front of their quarters. The dust flew frightfully, but we were obliged to pass, and the Yankee o
ack. Has General Johnston come home? No, sir. Then go back; you cannot come in here! The son hurried back to the beach, got aboard a schooner, and was with the army in time to share with his comrades under Shivers in the attack on Monterey. The following letter, written soon after the battle of Monterey, gives a sufficient view of the campaign, terminating in that fine feat of arms: Monterey, Mexico, September 28, 1846. my dear son: My regiment was disbanded at Camargo on the 24th of August, under the construction of the law given by the War Department in reference to six months volunteers. Soon after, General Taylor offered me the appointment of inspector-general of the field division of volunteers under Major-General Butler, which I accepted, as I was desirous of participating in the campaign which was about to commence. The army moved from Camargo, and was concentrated at Ceralvo on the 12th; and marched thence to Monterey, successively in divisions, on the 13th, 14th
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., In command in Missouri. (search)
. C. Meigs, Gustavus V. Fox, afterward the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, and myself, and had been referred to me for decision, as having in charge military operations on the Mississippi. On the 31st of July the Secretary of War directed that the 16 nine-inch guns made at Pittsburg for the navy should be forwarded to me with the greatest dispatch, and that 30 thirteen-inch mortars be made as soon as possible and forwarded to me, together with shells for both guns and mortars. On the 24th of August I directed the construction of 38 mortar-boats, and later of 8 steam-tugs to move them, and the purchase and alteration into gunboats of two strongly built river vessels,--the New Era, a large ferry-boat, and the Submarine, a powerful snag-boat; they were renamed Essex and Benton. At my suggestion and order, the sides of all these vessels were to be clad with iron. On the 3d of September General Meigs advised me to order from Pittsburg fifteen-inch guns for my gun-boats, as able to emp
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 1: the situation. (search)
This exposition of the state of mind and body among our officers and men in the later operations along the Petersburg lines may help to find a reason for their failure. For instance, the fiasco of the mine explosion of July 30th, where well-laid plans and costly and toilsome labors were brought to shameful disaster through lack of earnest co-operation, and strange lethargy of participants. For another instance, the unexampled reverses of our renowned Second Corps at Ream's Station, August 24th, where, after every purpose and prospect of success, these veterans were quickly driven from their entrenchments, even abandoning their guns,--conduct contrary to their habit and contradictory of their character. But these were exceptional even if illustrative cases. Along our lines reigned a patient fortitude, a waiting expectation, unswerving loyalty, that kind of faith which is the evidence of things unseen. Among these men were some doubly deserving-comrades whom we thought l
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Military order of the Loyal Legion of the United States: headquarters Commandery of the State of Maine. (search)
at a reunion of his old brigade some years ago, is appended to The attack and defense of little Round Top, by Oliver Willcox Norton. After the surrender Chamberlain was assigned to the command of a division and with it occupied a long portion of the South Side Railroad for some time. He led the triumphal entry into Richmond and in the Grand Review in Washington. When the army was broken up he was assigned to another command; but active operations being over, he declined, and on the 24th of August, 1865, he repaired to his home for the surgical treatment and rest which his war-worn and war-torn frame required. In the January following he was mustered out. Immediately after the surrender, General Griffin, his corps commander, addressed a special communication to headquarters urging General Chamberlain's promotion to the full rank of Major General for distinguished and gallant services on the left, including the White Oak Road, Five Forks and Appotomattox Court House, where, says
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Advance on the City of Mexico-battle of Contreras-assault at Churubusco-negotiations for peace-battle of Molino del Rey-storming of Chapultepec-San Cosme-evacuation of the City-Halls of the Montezumas (search)
ossible while the Mexican government was in possession of the capital than if it was scattered and the capital in the hands of an invader. Be this as it may, we did not enter at that time. The army took up positions along the slopes of the mountains south of the city, as far west as Tacubaya. Negotiations were at once entered into with Santa Anna, who was then practically the Government and the immediate commander of all the troops engaged in defence of the country. A truce was signed [August 24] which denied to either party the right to strengthen its position, or to receive reinforcements during the continuance of the armistices, but authorized General Scott to draw supplies for his army from the city in the meantime. Negotiations were commenced at once and were kept up vigorously, between Mr. Trist and the commissioners appointed on the part of Mexico, until the 2d of September. At that time Mr. Trist handed in his ultimatum. Texas was to be given up absolutely by Mexico
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, V. August, 1861 (search)
at work. The U. S. agent has engaged the rest. All the world seems to be in the market buying arms. Mr. Dayton, U. S. Minister in Paris, has bought 30,000 flint-locks in France; and our agent wants authority to buy some too. He says the French statisticians allege that no greater mortality in battle occurs from the use of the percussion and the rifled musket than from the old smooth-bore flint-lock musket. This may be owing to the fact that a shorter range is sought with the latter. August 24 We are resting on our oars after the victory at Manassas, while the enemy is drilling and equipping 500,000 or 600,000 men. I hope we may not soon be floating down stream! We know the enemy is, besides, building iron-clad steamers-and yet we are not even erecting casemate batteries! We are losing precious time, and, perhaps, the government is saving money! August 25 I believe the Secretary will resign; but immediate still lies on his table. News of a battle near Springfield,
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 18 (search)
fifteen thousand men could be concentrated here in twenty-four hours. Richmond is not in half the danger that Washington is. August 22 Saw Vice-President Stephens to day, as cordial and enthusiastic as ever. August 23 Members of Congress are coming to my office every day, getting passports for their constituents. Those I have seen (Senator Brown, of Mississippi, among the rest) express a purpose not to renew the act, to expire on the 18th September, authorizing martial law. August 24 In both Houses of Congress they are thundering away at Gen. Winder's Provost Marshal and his Plug Ugly alien policemen. Senator Brown has been very bitter against them. August 25 Mr. Russell has reported a bill which would give us martial law in such a modified form as to extract its venom. August 26 Mr. Russell's bill will not pass. The machinery of legislation works too slowly. Fredericksburg has been evacuated by the enemy! It is said the Jews rushed in and bought