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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 6.36 (search)
lry beyond Leetown, but they fell back quickly, and, except a few shells thrown at us, our advance was not opposed. We marched through Shepherdstown after dark, making the air ring with joyous shouts. Many ladies welcomed us with waiving handkerchiefs and kind words as we passed through the streets. Lieutenant J. P. Arrington, A. D. C. to Major-General Rodes, was severely wounded in the knee, and Colonel------, of Louisiana, commanding Hays' brigade, was killed in a skirmish to day. August 26th Slept until three o'clock P. M., then marched to near Leetown and halted. August 27th Went into camp two miles from our old stamping ground, Bunker Hill. August 28th (Sunday) I heard two excellent sermons from our regimental chaplain, Reverend Henry D. Moore. We have been on the wing so much recently, the Parson has had little opportunity to preach to us. August 29th A convention of Yankee politicians is to be held at Chicago to-day. I reckon they will spout a good
bottle in her hand, and paid her wager most gracefully to the Yankee Quartermaster, who took the joke very well and the champagne very willingly, declaring that he should always be happy to drink the health of so charming a person. 23d to 26th August. We were soon out of sight of Warrenton. The glowing radiance of the sun breaking at last through the parting clouds brought life and cheer to our drenched and chilled column. About twelve o'clock we reached the scene of action, where thfront, and his corps had been in motion during the whole of the afternoon, marching nobody but General Lee and his Lieutenant knew where. I also went back to General Stuart with marching orders for himself and the greater part of his cavalry. 26th and 27th August. The line of our march lay directly in the tracks of Jackson's troops, who, by the extraordinary rapidity of their movements, had gained the title of the Foot-cavalry of the army, and who had now been taken by their great leader
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 6: the campaign in West Virginia. (search)
se, and was not with the force in General Lee's front. He and Lee commanded the whole department on their respective sides. The army whose movements General Lee was about to superintend in person consisted, as stated, of about six thousand men, including a few companies of cavalry, as well as a fine battalion of the same arm under General Lee's son, Major W. H. F. Lee. Reynolds's force was estimated at about ten thousand. After Floyd's clever defeat of Tyler at Cross Lane, on the 26th of August, he and General Wise seem to have kept on different sides of the Gauley River, and there did not seem to be that concert of action between them necessary to win success. General Rosecrans, an able and sagacious officer, was not slow to recognize the detached positions of these commands, and determined to re-enforce Cox and attempt the defeat of one or both of them. He advanced rapidly and assaulted Floyd's position, but was repulsed. Floyd then crossed the Gauley, followed by Rosecran
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, V. August, 1861 (search)
ping 500,000 or 600,000 men. I hope we may not soon be floating down stream! We know the enemy is, besides, building iron-clad steamers-and yet we are not even erecting casemate batteries! We are losing precious time, and, perhaps, the government is saving money! August 25 I believe the Secretary will resign; but immediate still lies on his table. News of a battle near Springfield, Mo. McCulloch and Price defeat the Federals, killing and wounding thousands. Gen. Lyon killed. August 26 What a number of cavalry companies are daily tendered in the letters received at this department. Almost invariably they are refused; and really it is painful to me to write these letters. This government must be aware, from the statistics of the census, that the South has quite as many horses as the North, and twice as many good riders. But for infantry, the North can put three men in the field to our one. Ten thousand mounted men, on the border of the enemy's country, would be equa
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 18 (search)
nstituents. Those I have seen (Senator Brown, of Mississippi, among the rest) express a purpose not to renew the act, to expire on the 18th September, authorizing martial law. August 24 In both Houses of Congress they are thundering away at Gen. Winder's Provost Marshal and his Plug Ugly alien policemen. Senator Brown has been very bitter against them. August 25 Mr. Russell has reported a bill which would give us martial law in such a modified form as to extract its venom. August 26 Mr. Russell's bill will not pass. The machinery of legislation works too slowly. Fredericksburg has been evacuated by the enemy! It is said the Jews rushed in and bought boots for $7.00, which they now demand $25.00 for, and so with various other articles of merchandise. They are now investing money in real estate for the first time, which is evidence that they have no faith in the ultimate redemption of Confederate money. August 27 Huzza for Gen. Stuart! He has made anoth
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXIX. August, 1863 (search)
onsultation with Gen. Stuart and Capt. Moseby, suggests that the Secretary of War send up some of Gen. Rains's subterra torpedoes, to place under the track of the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, in possession of the enemy. Gen. Stuart suggested that a man familiar with their use be sent along with them, as they are dangerous weapons. We have a report, to-day, that our expedition from this city has succeeded in boarding and capturing two of the enemy's gun-boats in the Rappahannock. August 26 H. C.---, a mad private, and Northern man, in a Georgia Regiment, writes to the President, proposing to take some 300 to 500 men of resolution and assassinate the leading public men of the United States--the war Abolitionists, I suppose. The President referred the paper, without notice, to the Secretary of War. Gen. Whiting writes that Wilmington is in imminent danger from a coup de main, as he has but one regiment available in the vicinity. He says he gives the government fair wa
re was in the hands of the enemy. And what added to the bitterness of our capture was that we felt that it was due to the incompetence of our leader. They kept us at Newman that night and the next day while they mended the railroad at Palmetto. As soon as they could get a train through they moved us to East Point, a junction only six miles from Atlanta. Here we lay one night and day, in hearing of Sherman's guns. From there we were taken to Andersonville, arriving there about noon, August 26. Andersonville is a small town on the Macon & S. W. R. R. At that time it did not contain over a dozen houses, and most of these were poor shanties. There were only two or three respectable residences. There was one store, kept in part of the depot building, and a cotton warehouse. The cotton warehouse is to a Georgia railroad station what the grain elevator is in Iowa. The town was built in a pine forest, many of the stumps and a few of the trees still remaining in the streets an
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 3 (search)
Corps. Aug. 10-Sept. 9, 1864.Wheeler's raid to North Georgia and East Tennessee, with combats at Dalton (August 14-15) and other points. Aug. 15, 1864.Skirmishes at Sandtown and Fairburn. Aug. 18-22, 1864.Kilpatrick's raid from Sandtown to Lovejoy's Station, with combats at Camp Creek (18th), Red Oak (19th), Flint River (19th), Jonesborough (19th), and Lovejoy's Station (20th). Aug. 22, 1864.Bvt. Maj. Gen. Jefferson C. Davis, U. S. Army, assumes command of the Fourteenth Army Corps. Aug. 26-Sept. 4, 1864.Operations at the Chattahoochee railroad bridge and at Pace's and Turner's Ferries, with skirmishes. Aug. 27, 1864.Maj. Gen. Henry W. Slocum, U. S. Army, assumes command of the Twentieth Army Corps. Aug. 29, 1864.Skirmish near Red Oak. Aug. 30, 1864.Skirmish near East Point. Action at Flint River Bridge. Aug. 31, 1864.Skirmish near Rough and Ready Station. Aug. 31-Sept. 1, 1864.Battle of Jonesborough. Sept. 2, 1864.Union occupation of Atlanta. Sept. 2-5, 1864.Actions a
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 10 (search)
ta. August 24, at work upon the new flank referred to above. Reconnaissances pushed to the right almost as far as Campbellton. August 25, at midnight the grand movement commenced by the withdrawal of the Fourth and Twentieth Corps. The latter marched directly to the railroad bridge, Pace's and Turner's Ferries, while the former passing in rear of the Army of the Tennessee, bivouacked next night on Utoy Creek. Before the movement began its left had rested on the Decatur road. August 26, the movement of the Army of the Cumberland still going on, and at dark the left wing of the Army of the Tennessee was swung to the rear upon its right and occupied the position previously prepared for it. August 27, all the army in motion except the Army of the Ohio. The Army of the Cumberland was placed in position along Camp Creek, covering all the roads leading from Mount Gilead Church toward East Point and Red Oak. The Army of the Tennessee was thrown further to the right, but cl
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 20 (search)
, and Twenty-first Illinois as skirmishers and advanced onehalf mile, drove the enemy's skirmishers into their rifle-pits, and withdrew. In the afternoon made similar demonstrations. August 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25, occupied same position, occasionally making a display of the troops. August 25, immediately after dark broke up camp and marched in rear of the lines to the right; crossed the Chattanooga railroad and bivouacked in some old works, Eighty-first Indiana deployed as pickets. August 26, the enemy advanced a strong line of skirmishers on our pickets, pushing them vigorously succeeded in driving our pickets off the ridge occupied. The Thirty-eighth Illinois was immediately deployed as support. The Eighty-first Indiana rallied and charged the enemy, driving the lines back handsomely. The brigade was then withdrawn and marched off to the right in division column, and camped at night in rear of Fourteenth Army Corps. August 27, continued march to the right, and went into