Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 15, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for September 14th or search for September 14th in all documents.

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From the Southwest. Mobile, Sept. 14. --A special dispatch to the Advertiser and Register, dated Holly Springs, 13th, says: The Yankees have not attempted further pursuit. Our scouts from Ripley report that Rose cra s, with a brigade, occupied that place, but retired on Sunday in the direction of Rienzi and Pocahontas. They destroyed the Court-House and county records, and are reported to have committed several rapes. Our army is in good health and spirits Reinforcements are constantly arriving. It is now as strong as before the battle. The Mobile and Ohio Railroad will behold against any odds. A considerable force now holds it and is being reinforced. Exchanged prisoners, arrived to-day at Jackson represent that between eight and ten thousand persons have taken the oath as enemies of the United States (1) Brute Butler has gone to Pensacola. The cotton presses in New Orleans are being put in repair, to be used, it is supposed, as jails for Confederat