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Heros von Borcke, Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, Chapter 17: (search)
Chapter 17: The events of the 14th, 15th, and 16th December. The events of December 14-16. Darkness still prevailed when we mounted our horses and again hastened to Jackson's Hill, the summit of which we reached just in time to see the sun rising, and unveiling, as it dispersed the hazy fogs of the damp, frosty winter's night, the long lines of the Federal army, which once more stood in full line of battle about half-way between our own position and the river. I could not withhold my admiration as I looked down upon the well-disciplined lines of our antagonist, astonished that these troops now offering so bold a front to our victorious army should be the same whom not many hours since I had seen in complete flight and disorder. The skirmishers of the two armies were not much more than a hundred yards apart, concealed from each other's view by the high grass in which they were lying, and above which, from time to time, rose a small cloud of blue smoke, telling that
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 18: Fredericksburg. (search)
tricate himself from his perilous position. This was a problem which was not easy of solution; for, to retreat across his narrow floating bridges, in the face of a watchful and victorious foe, was to invite destruction. He therefore spent the day strengthening his position, especially before the front of the town, with hastily-dug trenches, and. kept his outposts pressed close up to those of General Lee, as though preparing for further aggressive movements. During the night of the 14th of December, General Jackson held his troops in the same lines, except that the division of D. H. Hill was placed in the front, and that of Early was relieved by retiring to a less exposed place. During Monday, the 15th, a flag of truce was sent, requesting a few hours' truce between the Confederate right wing and the Federal left, in order that'the latter might relieve their wounded, many of whom had now been lying upon the freezing ground two days and two nights. The note containing this reques
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 10 (search)
Gen. Huger to let him pass by way of Fortress Monroe. I refused, and great indignation was manifested. December 13 One of the papers has a short account of the application of Stone in its columns this morning. One of the reporters was present at the interview. The article bore pretty severely upon the assumption of power by the military commander of the department. Gen. Winder came in during the day, and denied having promised to procure a passport for Stone from Gen. Huger. December 14 Nothing. December 15 The President's private secretary, Capt. Josselyn, was in to-day. He had no news. December 16 We hear to-day that the loyal men of Kentucky have met in convention and adopted an ordinance of secession and union with our Confederacy. December 17 Bravo, Col. Edward Johnson! He was attacked by 5000 Yankees on the Alleghany Mountains, and he has beaten them with 1200 men. They say Johnson is an energetic man, and swears like a trooper; and instead o
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 22 (search)
on our government exchanging a private of the enemy's for himself. With the assurance that this will be done, he goes again to battle. Yesterday flour and tobacco had a fall at auction. Some suppose the bidders had in view the contingency of the capture of the city by the enemy. In the market-house this morning, I heard a man speaking loudly, denounce a farmer for asking about $6 a bushel for his potatoes, and hoping that the Yankees would take them from him for nothing! Sunday, December 14 Yesterday was a bloody day. Gen. Lee telegraphs that the enemy attacked him at 9 A. M., and as the fog lifted, the fire ran along the whole line, and the conflict raged until darkness (6 P. M.) put an end to the battle. The enemy was repulsed at all points, he continued, thanks be to God! But we have to mourn, as usual, a heavy loss. Lee expects another blow at Burnside to-day. It is understood that Gens. Hood, Texas, was wounded; T. R. R. Cobb, Georgia, and a brigadier from
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXXIII. December, 1863 (search)
knew the bishop personally, and much of his personal history; and hence this work is to me, and must be to many others, very interesting. The coming year is to be an eventful one. We shall be able (I hope) to put 400,000 effective men in the field; and these, well handled, might resist a million of assailants from without. We have the center, they the circumference; let them beware of 1864-when the United States shall find herself in the throes of an embittered Presidential contest! December 14 We have President Lincoln's message today, and his proclamation of amnesty to all who take an oath of allegiance, etc., and advocate emancipation. There are some whom he exempts, of course. It is regarded here as an electioneering document, to procure a renomination for the Presidency in the radical Abolition Convention to assemble in a few months. But it will add 100,000 men to our armies; and next year will he the bloody year. Congress spent much of the day in secret session.
se their decision given at the presidential election, and to appoint a day of fasting and prayer on which to implore the Most High to remove from our hearts that false pride of opinion which would impel us to persevere in wrong for the sake of consistency. Nor must mention be omitted of the astounding phenomenon that, encouraged by President Buchanan's doctrine of non-coercion and purpose of non-action, a central cabal of Southern senators and representatives issued from Washington, on December 14, their public proclamation of the duty of secession; their executive committee using one of the rooms of the Capitol building itself as the headquarters of the conspiracy and rebellion they were appointed to lead and direct. During the month of December, while the active treason of cotton-State officials and the fatal neglect of the Federal executive were in their most damaging and demoralizing stages, an officer of the United States army had the high courage and distinguished honor t
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 2: Charleston Harbor. (search)
rebel mission. They departed abruptly for home, leaving behind them an insolent rejoinder to the President's letter, charging him with tacit consent to the scheme of peaceable secession. Governor Pickens (newly chosen by the Legislature, December 14th) was perhaps the most daring revolutionist in South Carolina, and as commander-in-chief of the State forces he at once assumed and exercised dictatorial powers. Within three or four days after his seizure of the forts he ordered the selectio already withdrawn from Congress, were yet lingering in Washington as the most central point for observation and consultation. The formation of a Southern confederacy was, from the first, a recognized purpose, announced in their manifesto of December 14th, and again repeated in letters from a secret caucus held January 5th. Indeed, the whole programme probably dated back to the early days of the session, when it may be presumed the plan was elaborated by a few of the leading spirits. So f
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 3: the Confederate States' rebellion. (search)
Chapter 3: the Confederate States' rebellion. On the fourth day of February, 1861, while the Peace Conference met in Washington to consider propositions of compromise and concession, the delegates of the seceding States convened in Montgomery, Ala., to combine and solidify the general conspiracy into an organized and avowed rebellion. Such action had been arranged and agreed upon from the beginning. The congressional manifesto from Washington, as far back as December 14th, advised that we are satisfied the honor, safety, and independence of the Southern people require the organization of a Southern confederacy--a result to be obtained only by separate State secession. This agreement of the Washington caucus was steadily adhered to. The specious argument invented in Georgia, that we can make better terms outside of the Union than in it, and the public declaration of Mississippi's commissioner in Baltimore, that secession was not taken with the view of breaking up the presen
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 22 (search)
with Logan, and finally directed him to start at once for Nashville, with a view to putting him in command of the operations there, provided, upon his arrival, it was still found that no attack had been made. He gave him the requisite order in writing, to be used if necessary; and told him to say nothing about it, but to telegraph his arrival at Nashville, and if it was found that Thomas had already moved, not to deliver it or act upon it. Logan started promptly for the West. It was now December 14; and General Grant, being still more exercised in mind over the situation, determined to carry out a design which he had had in view for several days --to proceed to Nashville and take command there in person. The only thing which had prevented him from doing this earlier was the feeling which always dominated him in similar cases, and made him shrink from having even the appearance of receiving the credit of a victory the honor of which he preferred to have fall upon a subordinate. He
uard to shoot a Mexican, standing erect in a chaparral bush, but upon a closer inspection found he was dead. On his return the figure was still there, not in the least decomposed. This was the first of many occasions upon which he noticed that the dead Mexicans did not decay like the Americans, but seemed to dry up, and he attributed it to their eating so much red pepper and the dry climate. During Colonel Davis's absence the regiment was commanded by Major A. B. Bradford. On Monday, December 14th, the army began their march to Saltillo. Richard Griffith's, Adjutant, Diary. About fifty-eight miles from Monterey an express from General Worth brought news that Santa Anna with his forces was advancing upon Saltillo. Considerable excitement and numerous rumors in camp this night. Friday, December 18th: Remained in camp near Montmorelles, all this day. General Twigg's division returned to Monterey, General Taylor and staff accompanying him. General Quitman made chief of the di