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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 7 7 Browse Search
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 6 6 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 1 1 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography 1 1 Browse Search
Xenophon, Minor Works (ed. E. C. Marchant, G. W. Bowersock, tr. Constitution of the Athenians.) 1 1 Browse Search
T. Maccius Plautus, Aulularia, or The Concealed Treasure (ed. Henry Thomas Riley) 1 1 Browse Search
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Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XIV, Chapter 98 (search)
In Cyprus Evagoras of Salamis, who was of most noble birth, since he was descended from the founders of the city,Evagoras traced his ancestry to Teucer, the founder of Salamis (Paus. 1.3.2; Paus. 8.15.7). In addition to the further facts of Evagoras' career given by Diodorus (chap. 110.5; Book 15.2-4, 8-9, 47), this distinguished king and faithful friend of Athens is well known from the panegyric bearing his name composed by Isocrates about 365 B.C. but had previously been banished because of some factional quarrels and had later returned in company with a small group, drove out Abdemon of Tyre, who was lord of the city and a friend of the King of the Persians. When he took control of the city, Evagoras was at first king only of Salamis, the largest and strongest of the cities of Cyprus; but when he soon acquired great resources and mobilized an army, he set out to make the whole island his own. Some of the cities he su
Strabo, Geography, Book 8, chapter 6 (search)
, such as I am, in this short time I have taken down three webs."That is, "finished three webs." But there is a word play in kaqei=lon i(stou/s which cannot be reproduced in English. The words may also mean "lowered three masts," that is, "debauched three ship captains." The situation of the city, as described by HieronymusApparently Hieronymus of Rhodes (see 14. 2. 13), who lived about 290-230 B.C. and EudoxusEudoxus of Cnidus, the famous mathematician and astronomer, who flourished about 365 B.C. and others, and from what I myself saw after the recent restoration of the city by the Romans,Cp. 8. 4. 8. is about as follows: A lofty mountain with a perpendicular height of three stadia and one half, and an ascent of as much as thirty stadia, ends in a sharp peak; it is called Acrocorinthus, and its northern side is the steepest; and beneath it lies the city in a level, trapezium-shaped place"This level is 200 feet above the plain, which lies between it and the Corinthian Gulf" (To
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 7, chapter 4 (search)
ing this deed he sailed back home.Not long after this the Eleans seized Lasion,365 B.C. which in ancient times had been theirs, but at present belonged to the Arcadiahe matter pass, but at once called out their troops and went to the rescue. And365 B.C. on the side of the Eleans the Three Hundred and likewise the Four Hundred Appay of Charopus, Thrasonidas, and Argeius were trying to convert the state into a365 B.C. democracy, and the party of Eualcas, Hippias, and Stratolas into an oligarchy.earned the news in regard to Olurus, they in their turn made a roundabout march365 B.C. and as best they could got into their own sity, Pellene. And after this they ce stockade, and, being thus in a safe position, besieged the people in Cromnus.365 B.C. Then the city of Lacedaemon, distressed at the besieging of its citizens, senten of the Eleans, as they rode along, caught sight of the Pylians, they did not365 B.C. delay, but attacked at once, and they killed some of them, while others fled f
Xenophon, On the Cavalry Commander (ed. E. C. Marchant, G. W. Bowersock, tr. Constitution of the Athenians.), chapter 1 (search)
s and galloping over all sorts of ground when they are riding to quarters or any other place. For this does as much good as taking them out, and it is less tedious. It is useful to remind them that the state supports an expenditure of nearly forty talentsSay 9,500 pounds as reckoned about the year 1925. The pay is, of course, alluded to. The expenditure would amount daily to nearly 666 drachmae. The cavalryman's normal pay was a drachma a day. Hence it looks as if the number of the cavalry in 365 B.C. had fallen to about 650. a year in order that she may not have to look about for cavalry in the event of war, but may have it ready for immediate use. For with this thought in their minds the men are likely to take more pains with their horsemanship, so that when war breaks out they may not have to fight untrained for the state, for glory and for life. It is well also to give notice to the men that you intend to take them out yourself some day, and lead them over country of all kinds. An
T. Maccius Plautus, Aulularia, or The Concealed Treasure (ed. Henry Thomas Riley), act 2, scene 4 (search)
the "toga prætexta," or "magisterial robe," sat on the "sella curulis," and were preceded by six lictors. Their duties lasted for a year, after which they went as governors to such provinces as had no army, which were assigned to them by lot. There they administered justice in the same way as they had done as Prætors at Rome, and were called by the name of "Proprætores;" though, as such governors, they were also sometimes called "Prætores." The office of Prætor was first instituted at Rome A.U.C. 388, partly because the Consuls, on account of the many wars in which the Romans were engaged, could no longer administer justice; partly that the Patricians might thereby have a compensation for admitting the Plebeians to a share in the Consulate. At first there was only one Prætor; Sylla made their number six; Julius Cæsar eight; and Augustus increased them to sixteen. It will not escape observation, that Plautus, as usual, mentions a Roman officer in a Play, the scene of which is supposed t
Aha'la 6. Q. Servilius Ahala, Q. F. Q. N., consul B. C. 365, and again B. C. 362, in the latter of which years he appointed Ap. Claudius dictator, after his plebeian colleague L. Genucius had been slain in battle. In 360 he was himself appointed dictator in consequence of a Gallic tumultus, and defeated the Gauls near the Colline gate. He held the comitia as interrex in 355. (Liv. 7.1, 4, 6, 11,17.)
Argeius (*)Argei=os), was one of the Elean deputies sent to Persia to co-operate with Pelopidas (B. C. 367) in counteracting Spartan negotiation and attaching Artaxerxes to the Theban cause. (Xen. Hell. 7.1.33.) He is again mentioned by Xenophon (Xenoph. Hell. 7.4.15), in his account of the war between the Arcadians and Eleans (B. C. 365), as one of the leaders of the democratic party at Elis. (Comp. Diod. 15.77.) [E.
Aventinensis 1. L. Genucius Cn. N. Aventinensis, M. F., consul B. C. 365, and again in 362, was killed in battle against the Hernicans in the latter of these years, and his army routed. His defeat and death caused the patricians great joy, as he was the first consul who had marched against the enemy with plebeian auspices. (Liv. 7.1, 4, 6; Diod. 15.90, 16.4; Eutrop. 2.4; Oros. 3.4; Lyd. de Mag. i. 46.)
ercinus. But Camillus, who probably saw that it was hopeless to resist any further the demands of the plebeians, resigned the office soon after, and P. Manlius was appointed in his stead. In the following year, B. C. 367, when a fresh war with the Gauls broke out, Camillus, who was now nearly eighty years old, was called to the dictatorship for the fifth time. His magister equitum was T. Quinctius Pennus. He gained a great victory, for which he was rewarded with a triumph. Two years later, B. C. 365, he died of the plague. Camillus is the great hero of his time, and stands forth as a resolute champion of his own order until he became convinced that further opposition was of no avail. His history, as related in Plutarch and Livy, is not without a considerable admixture of legendary and traditional fable, and requires a careful critical sifting. (Plut. Life of Camillus; Liv. 5.10, 12, 14, 17, 19, &c., 31, 32, 46, 49-55, 6.1-4, 6, &c., 18, &c., 22, &c., 38, 42, 7.1; Diod. 14.93; Eutrop.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
he soldiers enabled him to conquer the enemy, who did not venture to meet the Romans, but allowed them to ravage the country. The immense booty acquired in this campaign was all distributed among the soldiers. He obtained the consulship a second time in B. C. 468, during which year he again carried on a war against the Volscians and Aequians, and by his presence of mind saved the Roman camp, which was attacked by the enemy during the night. After this war he was honoured with a triumph. In B. C. 365 he was made consul a third time. The war against the Aequians and Volscians was still continued, and Capitolinus, who was stationed on mount Algidus and there heard of the ravaging inroads of the Aequians in the Roman territory, returned to Rome and delivered his fellow-citizens from their terror. The senate proclaimed a justitium, and the consul again marched out to protect the Roman frontier; but as he did not meet with the enemy, who had in the meantime been defeated by his colleague Q.