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Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 1 1 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 1 1 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 378 BC or search for 378 BC in all documents.

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g a dashing action better than his life, he listened readily to the persuasions of Leontiades. Be that as it may, Agesilaus vindicated his proceedings, on the sole ground that they were expedient for the state, and the Spartans resolved to keep the advantage they had gained; but, as if they could tllereby save their credit in Greece, they fined Phoelbidas 100,000 drachllas, and sent Lysanoridas to supersede him in the command. When Agesilaus retired from Boeotia after his campaign there in B. C. 378, Phloebidas was left behind by him as harmost, at Thespiae, Land annoyed the Thebans greatly by his continued invasions of their territory. To make reprisals, therefore, they marched with their whole army into the Thespian country, where, however, Phoebidas effectually checked their ravages with his light-armed troops, and at length forced them to a retreat, during which he pressed on their rear with good hopes of utterly routing them. But finding their progress stopped by a thick wood, th
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Priscus, Servi'lius 9. Sp. Servilius Priscus, censor B. C. 378, with Q. Cloelius Siculus (Liv. 6.31). As this Servilius does not bear the surname of Fidenas, he probably was not a descendant of the conqueror of Fidenae.
Pulvillus 4. M. Horatius Pulvillus, perhaps a brother of the preceding, was consular tribune, B. C. 378. (Liv. 6.31.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Si'culus, Cloe'lius 3. P. Cloelius Siculus, one of the consular tribunes B. C. 378. (Liv. 6.31.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Si'culus, Cloe'lius 4. Q. Cloelius Siculus, censor B. C. 378, with Sp. Servilius Priscus. (Liv. 6.31.)
Spho'drias (*Sfodri/as), a Spartan, whom Cleombrotus, on his return from the invasion of the Theban territory, in B. C. 378, left behind him as harmost at Thespiae, placing the third part of the allies (their regular contingent) under his command, and entrusting him with all the money he had brought from home, with which he desired him to hire mercenaries. Not long after this, and at a time when his country was at peace with Athens, Sphodrias was induced to take the foolish and unjustifiable step of invading the Athenian territory. According to Diodorus, he was instigated to it by private orders from Cleombrotus, acting without the authority of the Ephors; while from Xenophon and Plutarch we gather that he was tampered with by Pelopidas and Gorgidas, who wished to embroil Athens with Sparta, and whose mingled bribes and flattery Sphodrias, venal at once and vain and weak, was unable to resist. He accordingly led forth his troops from Thespiae, with the professed intention of surprisi
d on account of his espousing the interests of the Lacedaemonians, but was restored to his native country in the forty-fifth year of his age, after the death of his father, in consequence of the letters of Alexander the Great, in which he exhorted the Chians to recal their exiles (Phot. Bibl. 176, p. 120b. ed. Bekker). But as these letters could not have been written at the earliest till after the battle of Granicus, we may place the restoration of Theopompus in B. C. 333, and his birth in B. C. 378. Suidas assigns a much earlier date to Theopompus, stating that he was born at the same time as Ephorus. during the anarchy at Athens in the 93d Olympiad, that is in B. C. 404 ; but as we know that Theopompus was alive in B. C. 305, we may safely conclude that Suidas is in error, and that the date in Photius is the correct one. In what year Theopompus quitted Chios with his father, can only be matter of conjecture ; and the various suppositions of the learned on the point are not worth rep
rounds. Inheriting a considerable fortune from his father, he seems in his early years to have indulged in the display of it, as we may gather from an allusion in the Plutus of Aristophanes (B. C. 388); and we may therefore well believe the assertion, that it was through his intercourse with Isocrates that his mind was directed to higher views (Lys. de Arist. Bon. p. 155; Arist. Plut. 180 ; Schol. ad loc. ; Dem. c. Aphob. i. p. 815, c. Aphob. de F. T. p. 862; Pseudo-Dem. Erot. p. 1415). In B. C. 378, Timotheus was made general with Chabrias and Callistratus, and it is possible that, while Chabrias was occupied in Boeotia, his colleagues commanded the fleet, and were engaged in bringing over Euboea and other islands to the Athenian confederacy (Xen. Hell. 5.4.34 ; Diod. 15.29, 30; Plut. de Glor. Ath. 8; Rehdanttz, p. 57). In B. C. 375, Timotheus was sent with sixty ships to cruize round the Peloponnesus, in accordance with the suggestion of the Thebans, that the Spartans might thus be