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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 38 38 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 2 2 Browse Search
Appian, The Civil Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
E. T. Merrill, Commentary on Catullus (ed. E. T. Merrill) 1 1 Browse Search
Sextus Propertius, Elegies (ed. Vincent Katz) 1 1 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 28-30 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University) 1 1 Browse Search
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition. 1 1 Browse Search
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Appian, The Civil Wars (ed. Horace White), BOOK V, CHAPTER I (search)
formed them in prætorian cohorts. There remained to them, including those who had come over from Brutus, eleven legions of infantry and 14,000 horse. Of these Antony took, for his foreign expedition, six legions and 10,000 horse. Octavius had five legions and 4000 horse, but of these he gave two legions to Antony in exchange for others that Antony had left in Italy under the command of Calenus. Then Octavius proceeded Y.R. 713 toward the Adriatic. B.C. 41 When Antony arrived at Ephesus he offered a splendid sacrifice to the city's goddess and pardoned those who, after the disaster to Brutus and Cassius, had fled to the temple as suppliants, except Petronius, who had been privy to the murder of Cæsar, and Quintus, who had betrayed Dolabella to Cassius at Laodicea. Having assembled the Greeks and other peoples who inhabited the Asiatic country around Pergamos, and who were present on a peace em
E. T. Merrill, Commentary on Catullus (ed. E. T. Merrill), Friends and foes. (search)
r, though quite possible, that he is the Q. Cornificius to whom Cicero wrote friendly letters (Fam. XII. 17-30), dated between 45 and 43 B.C. This Cornificius was an active officer of Julius Caesar, a member of the college of augurs, and later governor of the province of Africa, which he endeavored to hold against T. Sextius, the general of the second triumvirate. His death is mentioned by Jerome under date of 41 B.C.: Cornificius poeta a militibus desertus interiit, quos saepe fugientes 'galeatos lepores' adpellarat. Jerome If this be the friend of Catullus, he may perhaps be counted as another of the group of young writers won over by Caesar from the ranks of his political foes. His interest and activity in rhetorical studies are distinctly indicated by Cicero, and there seems to be no good reason to doubt
Sextus Propertius, Elegies (ed. Vincent Katz), Book 1, Poem 21 (search)
The Gallus referred to is probably not the Gallus of the other poems in this book, but a neighbor of Propertius' who died in the Perusine war (41 B.C). See poem 22. “You scramble to avoid my fate, soldier, wounded at the Etruscan rampart. Why do you roll swollen eyes when I groan? I'm from the next unit. I hope you make it through; let your parents celebrate, may your sister sense from your tears what's happened: Gallus, ripped from the midst of Caesar's swords, tried to escape the enemy units—but was not able. No matter how many bones you see scattered on the Etruscan mountains, let her know these are min
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.), BOOK X. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF BIRDS., CHAP. 34. (24.)—SWALLOWS. (search)
rture also during the winter months; but it only goes to neighbouring countries, seeking sunny retreats there on the mountain sides; sometimes they have been found in such spots bare and quite unfledged. This bird, it is said, will not enter a house in Thebes, because that city has been captured so frequently; nor will it approach the country of the Bizyæ, on account of the crimes committed there by Tereus.See B. iv. c. 18. CæcinaA friend of Augustus, sent by him with proposals to Antony, B.C. 41. of Volaterræ, a member of the equestrian order, and the owner of several chariots, used to have swallows caught, and then carried them with him to Rome. Upon gaining a victory, he would send the news by them to his friends; for after staining them the colourThe colour of the "factio," or "party" of charioteers. See p. 217. of the party that had gained the day, he would let them go, immediately upon which they would make their way to the nests they had previously occupied. Fabius Pictor also r
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 30 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University), chapter 29 (search)
a by forced marches. ZamaProbably Zama Regia, ca. 90 m.p. due west of Hadrumetum (Sousse). An old Numidian city, it is now Seba Biar, on the edge of a plain just west of the long dorsal ridge extending from Cap Bon south-west some distance beyond Kasserine and Tebessa. Lying north of Maktar this city was a residence of Jugurtha (Sallust 56-61); strongly fortified by King Juba I.; Bell. Afr. 91 f., 97 (Caesar leaves Sallust there as proconsul); Vitruvius VIII. iii. 24. Captured by Sextius in 41 B.C. (Dio Cass. XLVIII. xxiii. 4), it long lay desolate (Strabo XVII. iii. 9, 12). Absence of ruins from the Empire shows that the city was not rebuilt. Polybius plainly indicates that the battle was considerably farther inland than Hannibal's first position at Zama (v. 14; vi. 2). Cf. p. 472, n. 1. For modern works and the controverted questions see Appendix. is distant five day's marches from Carthage. ScoutsB.C. 202 who had been sent in advance from that position were captured and broug
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition., chapter 3 (search)
cts as opposed to his ironical suggestion in the preceding sentence. infert, used of offensive war. quattuor consulibus, i.e. besides the consuls, the two consuls elect, Plancus and D. Brutus. unus, i.e. Antony. gent, is actually carrying on. suis cladibus, the evils he himself threatens. Dolabellae facinus: Dolabella, Antony's colleague in the consulship, when on his way to the province of Syria, in February, 43, assaulted Smyrna by treachery, captured the propraetor of Asia, C. Trebonius (one of the conspirators against Caesar), and put him to death with indignities and torture. hoc templo, i.e. that of Jupiter Capitolinus, where the Senate was now met (cf. Cat. 1, sect. 1 and note). Parmensium: Parma had been captured by L. Antonius, and treated in the manner here described. L. Antonius, the youngest brother of Mark Antony (cos. B.C. 41). oblita, from oblino. crudelitatem: the cruelty of the Carthaginians was proverbial—at least among their enemies the Romans.
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, IUNO LUCINA, AEDES (search)
on of the cult to Titus Tatius; Dionys. iv. 15). It was on the Cispius, near the sixth shrine of the Argei (Varro, LL v. 50; Ov. Fast. ii. 435-436; iii. 245-246), probably not far west of S. Prassede and just north-west of the Torre Cantarelli, in which neighbourhood inscrip. tions relating to the cult have been found (CIL vi. 356-361, 3694-3695, 30199; BC 1888, 394; 1889, 40; Mitt. 1889, 281). The grove probably extended down the slope southwards from the temple (BC 1905, 204-209), and in 41 B.C. a quaestor, Q. Pedius, either built or restored a wall (CIL vi. 358: locavit. . . murum lunoni Lucinae .. eidemque probavit), which seems to have surrounded both. Servius Tullius is said to have ordered the gifts for new-born children to be placed in the treasury of this temple (Dionys. iv. 15:e)s to\n th=s ei)leiqui/as qhsauro\n h(\n (rwmai=ai kalou=siv (/*hrav *fwsforon), so that there may have been a shrine of some sort before that built in 375. In 190 B.C. the temple was struck by ligh
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, Chronological Index to Dateable Monuments (search)
a dedicated, 78. Euripus in Circus Maximus, 115. 44Temple of Concordia Nova vowed (probably not built), 138. New Curia begun, 143. Temple of Clementia and Caesar, 121. of Felicitas, 207. of Pietas destroyed for Theatre, 390. 43Naumachia Caesaris filled up, 358. Temple of Isis voted (if ever built ?), 283. Shrine of Cloacina, 128. 42Rostra completed, 452. Temple of Saturn rebuilt, 464. of Mars Ultor vowed, 220. of Divus Julius authorized, 286. 42-38of Neptune, 360. 41of Juno Lucina restored, 289. 36Regia burnt and rebuilt, 441. Columna rostrata for victory over Sextus Pompeius, 134. Temple of Apollo Palatinus vowed and begun, 16. 34Villa Publica restored, 581. Basilica Aemilia dedicated after restoration, 72. 33Agrippa: restores Cloaca Maxima, 126: repairs aqueducts, 13, 23, 24, 27; places seven dolphins on spina of Circus Maximus, 115. Porticus Octavia restored, 426. 32Theatre of Pompey restored, 516. 32(ca.). Sosius restores Temple of Ap
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
44, Agrippa was one of those intimate friends of Octavius, who advised him to proceed immediately to Rome. Octavius took Agrippa with him, and charged him to receive the oath of fidelity from several legions which had declared in his favour. Having been chosen consul in B. C. 43, Octavius gave to his friend Agrippa the delicate commission of prosecuting C. Cassius, one of the murderers of J. Caesar. At the outbreak of the Perusinian war between Octavius, now Octavianus, and L. Antonius, in B. C. 41, Agrippa, who was then praetor, commanded part of the forces of Octavianus, and after distinguishing himself by skilful manoeuvres, besieged L. Antonius in Perusia. He took the town in B. C. 40, and towards the end of the same year retook Sipontum, which had fallen into the hands of M. Antonius. In B. C. 38, Agrippa obtained fresh success in Gaul, where he quelled a revolt of the native chiefs; he also penetrated into Germany as far as the country of the Catti, and transplanted the Ubii to
Archela'us 4. A son of the preceding. (Strab. xvii. p. 796.) In B. C. 34, Antony, after having expelled Ariarathes, gave to Archelaus the kingdom of Cappadocia --a favour which he owed to the charms of his mother, Glaphyra. (D. C. 49.32; Strab. xii. p.540.) Appian (de Bell. Civ. 5.7), who places this event in the year B. C. 41, calls the son of Glaphyra, to whom Antony gave Cappadocia, Sisinna; which, if it is not a mistake, may have been a surname of Archelaus. During the war between Antony and Octavianus, Archelaus was among the allies of the former. (Plut. Ant. 61.) After his victory over Antony, Octavianus not only left Archelaus in the possession of his kingdom (D. C. 51.3), but subsequently added to it a part of Cilicia and Lesser Armenia. (D. C. 54.9; Strab. xii. p.534, &c.) On one occasion, during the reign of Augustus, accusations were brought before the emperor against Archelaus by his own subjects, and Tiberius defended the king. (Dio Cass. Ivii. 17; Suet. Tib. 8.) But afte