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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 17 17 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 3 3 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 2 2 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 5-7 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
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Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XII, Chapter 30 (search)
this year the Syracusans, because of the successes we have described, built one hundred triremes and doubled the number of their cavalry; they also developed their infantry forces and made financial preparations by laying heavier tributes upon the Siceli who were now subject to them. This they were doing with the intention of subduing all Sicily little by little. While these events were taking place it came about in Greece that the Corinthian War,The correct date is 435 B.C. as it is called, began for the following causes. Civil strife broke out among the Epidamnians who dwell upon the Adriatic Sea and are colonists of the Cercyraeans and Corinthians.The Epidamnians were in fact colonists of Cercyra, which was a colony of Corinth. The successful group sent into exile large numbers of their opponents, but the exiles gathered into one body, associated the Illyrians with themselves, and sailed together with them against Epidamnu
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XII, Chapter 34 (search)
435 B.C.When Antiochides was archon in Athens, the Romans elected as consuls Marcus Fabius and Postumus Aebutius Ulecus.Ulecus is a corruption of Alba or Elva. In this year, since the Athenians had fought at the side of the Cercyraeans and been responsible for their victory in the sea-battle, the Corinthians were incensed at them. Being eager, therefore, to retaliate upon the Athenians, they incited the city of Potidaea, which was one of their own colonies, to revolt from the Athenians. And in like manner Peridiccas, the king of the Macedonians, who was also at odds with the Athenians, persuaded the Chalcidians, who had revolted from the Athenians, to abandon their cities on the sea and unite in forming a single city known as Olynthus. When the Athenians heard of the revolt of the Potidaeans, they dispatched thirty ships with orders to ravage the territory of the rebels and to sack their city; and the expedition landed in Macedonia, a
ed all public business, and devoted himself to the study of physic, sculpture, and gardening, on which he wrote a work. He died B. C. 133, of a fever, with which he was seized through exposing himself to the sun's rays, while engaged in erecting a monument to his mother. Philometor, Ctesias,See end of B. ii. Duris,See end of B. vii. Philistus,An historian of Syracuse, one of the most celebrated of antiquity, though, unfortunately, none of his works have come down to us. He was born about B.C. 435, and died B. C. 356. He wrote histories of Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Phœnicia. Archytas,A Greek of Tarentum, famous as a philosopher, mathematician, statesman, and general. The lives of him by Aristoxenus and Aristotle are unfortunately lost. He lived probably about B. C. 400, and he is said to have saved the life of Plato by his influence with the tyrant Dionysius. He was finally drowned in the Adriatic. He attained great skill as a prac- tical mechanician; and his flying dove of wood was one
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 7 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.), chapter 3 (search)
as though the gods had already turned away, rejecting the proffered appeasement of their anger —filled the people with fear. And so when Gnaeus Genucius and Lucius Aemilius Mamercus (for the second time) were consuls, and men's minds were more troubled by the search for means of propitiation than were their bodies by disease, it is said that the elders recollected that a pestilence had once been allayed by the dictator's driving a nail.The instance here referred to may have occurred in 435 B.C., when Quintus Servilius Prisous was dictator (Iv. xxi 6-9). Induced thereto by this superstition, the senate ordered the appointment of a dictator to drive the nail. Lucius Manlius Imperiosus was appointed, and named Lucius Pinarius master of the horse. There is an ancient law, recorded in archaic words and letters, that the chief magistrate shall on the thirteenth of September drive a nail; the tablet was formerly affixed to the right side of the temple of Jupiter Optimus Max
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, QUIRINUS, AEDES (search)
e been vowed by L. Papirius Cursor when dictator in 325 B.C., and dedicated in 293 by his son, who adorned it with a profusion of spoils (Liv. x. 46. 7; Plin. NH vii. 213). After the Romulus legend was developed and he was identified with Quirinus, the building of the temple was said to have been commanded by Romulus when he appeared to Proculus Julius (Cic. de re pub. ii. 20; de leg. i. 3; Ov. Fast. ii. 511 de vir. ill. 2. 14). The record of a session of the senate held in aede Quirini in 435 B.C. (Liv. iv. 21. 9) is regarded as fictitious, but in any case the temple was one of the oldest in Rome (Plin. NH xv. 120: inter antiquissima delubra habetur Quirini). Whether it stood on the site of an earlier ara (see above) cannot be determined. In front of it grew two myrtle trees, called patricia and plebeia, of which the former flourished as long as the senate retained its power unimpaired, but withered away during the Social war, while the other became healthy and vigorous (Plin. loc. c
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, VILLA PUBLICA (search)
VILLA PUBLICA the only public building in the campus Martius proper before the end of the republic, built in 435 B.C. (Liv. iv. 22. 7), restored and enlarged in 194 (ib. xxxiv. 44. 5), and probably again in 34 B.C. by Fonteius Capito. It is represented on a coin of Fonteius (Babelon, Fonteia 18; BM. Rep. i. 479, 3856-60) as a walled enclosure, within which was a square building with two stories, of which the lower opened outward with a row of arches. It was also decorated with paintings and statues (Varro, RR iii. 2). If, as seems probable, the Villa is represented on fragments of the Marble Plan (FUR 103, 97; Mitt. 1903, 47-48), it existed as late as the second century, but much reduced in size and merely as a monument of antiquity. No ruins have been found, but its site, just north of the Piazza del Gesu, is determined as close to the Saepta (Cic. ad Att. iv. 16. 14; Varro, loc. cit.; cf. BPW 1903, 575; cf., however, for a site further west, BC 1918, 120-126), the circus Flamin
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, Chronological Index to Dateable Monuments (search)
Temple of Juppiter Capitolinus dedicated, 297. of Dea Carna vowed (and built some years later), 148. 501-493of Saturn, 463. 499of Castor vowed, 102. 496of Cares, Liber and Libera vowed, 109. Lacus Juturnae, 311. 495Temple of Mercur dedicated, 339. 493of Ceres, Liber and Libera dedicated, 109 484of Castor dedicated, 102 466Aedes of Semo Sancus dedicated, 469. 456Part of Aventine given to Plebs, 67. 445Lacus Curtius (?), 310. 439Conlumna Minucia, 133. 435Villa Publica built, 581. 433Temple of Apollo vowed, 5. 430of Apollo dedicated, 15. 395of Mater Matuta restored, 330. 392of Juno Regina on Aventine dedicated, 290. 390The Gallic fire: debris in Comitium, 135, 451; Regia burnt, 441; Templ of Vesta burnt, 557. Ara Aii Locutii dedicated by Senate, 3. 389(after). Via Latina, 564. 388Area Capitolina enlarged, 48. Temple of Mars on Via Appia, 328. 384Patrians forbidden to dwell on Arx or Capitol, 54, 97. 378Fortifications of Palat
arded as an atheist (a)/qeos). With the exception of this one point, we possess only very scanty information concerning his life and literary activity. All that is known is carefully collected by M. H. E. Meier (in Ersch. u. Gruber's Allgem. Encyclop. xxiv. pp. 439-448). The age of this remarkable man can be determined only in a general way by the fact of his being called a disciple of Democritus of Abdera, who taught about B. C. 436. But the circumstance that, besides Bacchylides (about B. C. 435), Pindar also is called his contemporary, is a manifest anachronism, as has been already observed by Brandis. (Gesch. d. Griech. Röm. Philos. i. p. 341.) Nearly all the ancient authorities agree that Melos was his native place, and Tatian, a late Christian writer, who calls him an Athenian, does so probably for no other reason but because Athens was the principal scene of the activity of Diagoras. (Tatian, Orat. adv. Graec. p. 164a.) Lobeck (Aglaoph. p. 370) is the only one among modern cr
Elva 3. POSTUMUS AEBUTIUS ELVA CORNICEN, consul with M. Fabius Vibulanus in B. C. 442, in which year a colony was founded at Ardea, and magister equitum to the dictator Q. Servilius Priscus Structus in B. C. 435. (Liv. 4.11, 21; Diod. 12.34.)
Fide'nas a surname of the Sergia and Servilia Gentes, derived from Fidenae, a town about five miles from Rome, and which frequently occurs in the early history of the republic. The first Sergius, who bore this surname, was L. Sergius, who is said to have obtained it because he was elected consul in the year (B. C. 437) after the revolt of Fidenae; but as Fidenae was a Roman colony, he may have been a native of the town. This surname was used by his descendants as their family name. [See below.] The first member of the Servilia gens who received this surname was Q. Servilius Priscus, who took Fidenae in his dictatorship, B. C. 435; and it continued to be used by his descendants as an agnomen, in addition to their regular family name of Priscus. [PRISCUS.]