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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) | 10 | 10 | Browse | Search |
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Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) | 1 | 1 | Browse | Search |
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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 447 BC or search for 447 BC in all documents.
Your search returned 10 results in 9 document sections:
(*)Aga/qwn), an Athenian tragic poet, was born about B. C. 447, and sprung from a rich and respectable family.
He was consequently contemporary with Socrates and Alcibiades and the other distinguished characters of their age, with many of whom he was on terms of intimate acquaintance. Amongst these was his friend Euripides.
He was remarkable for the handsomeness of his person and his various accomplishments. (Plat. Protag p. 156b.)
He gained his first victory at the Lenacan festival in B. C. 416, when he was a little above thirty years of age : in honour of which Plato represents the Symposium, or banquet, to have been given, which he has made the occasion of his dialogue so called.
The scene is laid at Agathon's house, and amongst the interlocutors are, Apollodorus, Socrates, Aristophanes, Diotima, and Alcibiades. Plato was then fourteen years of age, and a spectator at the tragic contest, in which Agathon was victorious. (Athen. 5.217a.) When Agathon was about forty years
(*)Alkibia/dhs), the son of Cleinias, was born at Athens about B. C. 450, or a little earlier. His father fell at Coroneia B. C. 447, leaving Alcibiades and a younger son. (Plat. Protag. p. 320a.)
The last campaign of the war with Potidaea was in B. C. 429. Now as Alcibiades served in this war, and the young Athenians were not sent out on foreign military service before they had attained their 20th year, he could not have been born later than B. C. 449. If he served in the first c he Spartan family to which the ephor Endius belonged, with which that of Alcibiades had been anciently connected by the ties of hospitality.
The first who bore the name was the grandtlather of the great Alcibiades.
On the death of his father (B. C. 447), Alcibiades was left to the guardianship of his relations Pericles and Ariphron. † Agariste, the mother of Pericles and Ariphon, was the daughter of Hippocrates, whose brother Cleisthenes was the grandfather of Deinomache. (Hdt. 6.131; Isocr.
1. Son of Alcibiades, who traced his origin from Eurysaces, the son of the Telamonian Ajax. This Alcibiades was the contemporary of Cleisthenes [CLEISTHENES, No. 2], whom he assisted in expelling the Peisistratidae from Athens, and along with whom he was subsequently banished. Cleinias married Deinomacha, the daughter of Megacles, and became by her the father of the famous Alcibiades.
He greatly distinguished himself in the third naval engagement at Artemisium, B. C. 480, having provided a ship and manned it with 200 men at his own expense.
He was slain in B. C. 447, at the battle of Coroneia, in which the Athenians were defeated by the Boeotian and Euboean exiles. (Hdt. 8.17; Plut. Alc. 1; Plat. Alc. Prim. p. 112; Thuc. 1.113
4. C. Julius, C. F. C. N., JULUS, son of No. 2, was consul in B. C. 447, with M. Geganius Macerinus, and again in B. C. 435, with L. Verginius Tricostus.
In the latter year Rome was visited with such a grievous pestilence, that not only were the Romans unable to march out of their own territory to devastate the enemy's, but even offered no opposition to the Fidenates and Veientes, who advanced almost up to the Colline gate. While Julius manned the walls, his colleague consulted the senate, and eventually named a dictator. (Liv. 3.65, 4.21; Diod. 12.29, 49.)
According to Licinius Macer, Julius was elected consul for the third time in the following year, with his colleague of the preceding. Other accounts mentioned other persons as the consuls; and others again gave consular tribunes this year. (Liv. 4.23.)
3. M. Geganius Macerinus, M. F., was three times consul; first in B. C. 447, with C. Julius Julus; a second time in B. C. 443, with T. Quintius Capitolinus Barbatus, in which year he conquered the Volscians, and obtained a triumph on account of his victory; and a third time in B. C. 437, with L. Sergius Fidenas. (Liv. 3.65, 4.8-10, 17; Dionys. A. R. 11.51, 63; Diod. 12.29, 33, 43; Zonar. 7.19.)
The censorship, which was instituted in his second consulship, he filled in B. C. 435, with C. Furius Pacilus Fusus.
These censors first held the census of the people in a public villa of the Campus Martius.
It is also related of them that they removed Mam. Aemilius Mamercinus from his tribe, and reduced him to the condition of an aerarian, because he had proposed and carried a bill limiting the time during which the censorship was to be held from five years to a year and a half. (Liv. 4.22, 24, 9.33, 34.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Trebo'nia Gens
plebeian, was of considerable antiquity, and gained distinction as early as B. C. 447, but none of its members obtained the consulship under the republic, during which time likewise we find none of them mentioned with any surname.
1. L. Trebonius, tribune of the plebs B. C. 447, obtained the surname of Asper on account of his frequent attacks upon the patres. he proposed and carried a plebiscitum, that if the ten tribunes were not chosen before the comitia were dissolved, those who were elected should not fill up the number (co-optare), but that the comitia should be continued till the ten were elected. (Liv. 3.65, 5.10.)