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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 15 15 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 1 1 Browse Search
Pindar, Odes (ed. Diane Arnson Svarlien) 1 1 Browse Search
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Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 79 (search)
458 B.C.At the close of the year Bion was archon in Athens, and in Rome Publius Servilius Structus and Lucius Aebutius Albas succeeded to the consulship. During this year a quarrel arose between the Corinthians and Megarians over land on their borders and the cities went to war. At first they kept making raids on each other's territory and engaging in clashes of small parties; but as the quarrel increased, the Megarians, who were increasingly getting the worse of it and stood in fear of the Corinthians, made allies of the Athenians. As a result the cities were again equal in military strength, and when the Corinthians together with Peloponnesians advanced into Megaris with a strong army, the Athenians sent troops to the aid of the Megarians under the command of Myronides, a man who was admired for his valour. A fierce engagement took place which lasted a long time and each side matched the other in deeds of courage, but at last victor
Pindar, Isthmean (ed. Diane Arnson Svarlien), Isthmian 1 For Herodotus of Thebes Chariot Race ?458 B. C. (search)
Isthmian 1 For Herodotus of Thebes Chariot Race ?458 B. C. My mother, Thebe of the golden shield, I shall place your interests above my lack of leisure. May rocky Delos, in whose praises I have poured myself out, not be indignant at me.What is dearer to good men than their noble parents? Yield, island of Apollo; indeed, with the help of the gods I shall accomplish the end of both graceful songs, honoring in the dance both Phoebus with the unshorn hair, in wave-washed Ceos with its mariners, and the sea-dividing reef of the Isthmus.Since the Isthmus gave to the people of Cadmus six garlands from her games, the glory of triumph for my fatherland, where Alcmena bore her fearless son, before whom the bold hounds of Geryon once trembled. But I, while I frame for Herodotus a prize of honor for his four-horse chariot,and for managing the reins with his own hands and not another's, want to join him to the song of Castor or of Iolaus, for of all heroes they were the strongest charioteers, th
inas, on which occasion the crowd of spectators was so great as to cause the fall of the wooden planks (i)/kria) or temporary scaffolding, on which they were accommodated with seats. In B. C. 467, his friend and patron king Hiero died; and in B. C. 458, it appears that Aeschylus was again at Athens from the fact that the trilogy of the Oresteia was produced in that year. The conjecture of Böckh, that this might have been a second representation in the absence of the poet, is not supported by theus, the Agamemnon, the Choephoroe, and Eumenides ; the last three forming, as already remarked, the trilogy of the Oresteia. The Persians was acted in B. C. 472, and the Seven against Thebes a year afterwards. The Oresteia was represented in B. C. 458; the Suppliants and the Prometheus were brought out some time between the Seven against Thebes and the Oresteia. It has been supposed from some allusions in the Suppliants, that this play was acted in B. C. 461, when Athens was allied with Argo
Auguri'nus 3. L. Minucius Esquilinus Augurinus, P. F. M. N., consul B. C. 458, carried on the war against the Aequians, but through fear shut himself up in his camp on the Algidus, and allowed the enemy to surround him. He was delivered from his danger by the dictator L. Quinctius Cincinnatus, who compelled him, however, to resign his consulship. In the Fasti Capitolini we have one of the inversions which are so common in Roman history: in the Fasti, Augurinus is represented as consul suffectus in place of one whose name is lost, instead of being himself succeeded by another. (Liv. 3.25-29; Dionys. A. R. 10.22; Dio Cass. Frag. 34.27, p. 140, ed. Reimar; V. Max. 2.7.7, 5.2.2; Flor. 1.11; Zonar. 7.17; Niebuhr, Rom. Hist. ii. n. 604.)
e story of his having been reduced to poverty by the merciless exaction of the bail forfeited by the flight of his son Caeso (Liv. 3.13) has no foundation. (Niebuhr, ii. p. 289.) In B. C. 460 he was illegally appointed consul suffectus in the room of P. Valerius. (Liv. 3.19; Niebuhr, ii. p. 295.) Irritated by the death of his son Caeso, he proposed a most arbitrary attempt to oppose the enactment of the Terentilian law, but the design was abandoned. (Liv. 3.20, 21.) Two years afterwards (B. C. 458), according to the common story, Cincinnatus was appointed dictator, in order to deliver the Roman consul and army from the perilous position in which they had been placed by the Aequians. (Plin. Nat. 18.4; Cic. de Senect. 16, who however refers the story to his second dictatorship.) The story of the manner in which he effected this is given by Livy (3.26-29). The inconsistencies and impossibilities in the legend have been pointed out by Niebuhr (ii. pp. 266-269), who is inclined to regard
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Cloe'lius Gracchus the leader of the Aequians in B. C. 458, surrounded the consul L. Minucius Augurinus, who had through fear shut himself up in his camp on Mount Algidus; but Coelius was in his turn surrounded by the dictator L. Quinctius Capitolinus, who had come to relieve Minucius, and was delivered up by his own troops to the dictator. (Liv. 3.25-28; Dionys. A. R. 10.22-24.) The legendary nature of this story as told by Livy has been pointed out by Niebuhr (vol. ii. p. 268), who remarks, that the Aequian general, Coelius is again surrounded and taken prisoner twenty years after at Ardea--a circumstance quite impossible, as no one who had been led in triumph in those days ever escaped execution.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
been pointed out by Niebuhr, who has also shewn that if his banishment be placed some twenty years later, and his attack on the Romans about ten years after that, the groundwork of the story is reconcileable with history. The account of his condemnation is not applicable to the state of things earlier than B. C. 470, about which time a famine happened, while Hiero was tyrant of Syracuse, and might have been induced by his hostility to the Etruscans to send corn to the Romans. Moreover, in B. C. 458, the Volscians obtained from the Romans the very terms which were proposed by Coriolanus. "The list of his conquests is only that of a portion of those made by the Volscians transferred to a Roman whose glory was flattering to national vanity." The circumstance that the story has been referred to a wrong date Niebuhr considers to have arisen from its being mixed up with the foundation of the temple to Fortuna Muliebris. The name Coriolanus may have been derived from his settling in the tow
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Flaccus, L. Tarqui'tius was magister equitum to the dictator, L. Quintius Cincinnatus, in B. C. 458. Although he belonged to a patrician gens, he was very poor, but was a distinguished warrior. (Liv. 3.27; Dionys. A. R. 10.24.) [L.S]
Ly'sias (*Lusi/as), an Attic orator, was born at Athens in B. C. 458; he was the son of Cephalus, who was a native of Syracuse, and had taken up his abode at Athens, on the invitation of Pericles. (Dionys. Lys. 1; Plut. Vit. X. Orat. p. 835 ; Phot. Bibl. Cod. 262, p. 488, &c.; Suid. s. v. *Lusi/as; Lys. c. Eratosth. § 4; Cic. Brut. 16.) When he was little more than fifteen years old, in B. C. 443, Lysias and his two (some say three) brothers joined the Athenians who went as colonists to Thurii in Italy. He there completed his education under the instruction of two Syracusans, Tisias and Nicias, and afterwards enjoyed great esteem among the Thurians, and even seems to have taken part in the administration of the young republic. From a passage of Aristotle (ap. Cic. Brut. 12), we learn that he devoted some time to the teaching of rhetoric, though it is uncertain whether he entered upon this profession while yet at Thurii, or did not commence till after his return to Athens, where we kn
most distinguished families in Tusculum, and indeed in the whole of Latium. It is first mentioned in the time of the Tarquins; and it was to a member of this family, Octavins Mamilius, that Tarquinius Superbus betrothed his daughter. The Mamilii traced their name and origin to the mythical Mamilia, the daughter of Telegonus, who was regarded as the founder of Tusculum, and was the reputed son of Ulysses and the goddess Circe. (Liv. 1.49; Dionys. A. R. 4.45 ; Festus, p. 130, ed. Müller.) In B. C. 458 the Roman citizenship was given to L. Mamilius on account of his marching unsummoned two years before to the assistance of the city when it was at tacked by Herdonius. (Liv. 3.18, 29.) But although the Mamilii had obtained the Roman franchise, it was some time before any of the members of the house obtained any of the higher offices of the state: the first who received the consulship was L. Mamilius Vitulus, in B. C. 265, the year before the commencement of the first Punic war. The gens wa