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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 121 121 Browse Search
Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero 15 15 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, Letters to and from Quintus (ed. L. C. Purser) 11 11 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, Epistulae ad Familiares (ed. L. C. Purser) 11 11 Browse Search
E. T. Merrill, Commentary on Catullus (ed. E. T. Merrill) 10 10 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 8 8 Browse Search
Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero 5 5 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, Letters to Atticus (ed. L. C. Purser) 5 5 Browse Search
J. B. Greenough, Benjamin L. D'Ooge, M. Grant Daniell, Commentary on Caesar's Gallic War 3 3 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 2 2 Browse Search
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Appian, Gallic History (ed. Horace White), Fragments (search)
ttack put to flight his 5000; and that when they sent another embassy to explain this violation of good faith he suspected a similar deception, and made his attack before B.C. 55 giving his answer.Cæsar's Gallic War, iv. 1-5; Plutarch, Life of Cæsar, 22. The latter repeats Cato's proposal that Cæsar should be surrendered to the barbarians for his breach of faith. FROM SUIDAS Straightway they stirred up the Britons to violate the oath, complaining that while a treaty with them was in force the camp was still among them. FROM SUIDAS Y.R. 700 Cæsar apprehending an attack on [Quintus] Cicero turned B.C. 54 back.Cæsar's Gallic War, v. 38 seq. FROM THE VATICAN MSS. OF CARDINAL MAI Britores seduced the Ædui from their Roman allegiance. When Cæsar reproached them for this, they said that an ancient alliance had the precedence. [Here follow two fragments of only three words each.]
Appian, Syrian Wars (ed. Horace White), CHAPTER VIII (search)
abinius. As he Y.R. 699 was in readiness to begin the war, Mithridates, king of the B.C. 55 Parthians, who had been driven out of his kingdom by his brother, Orodes, persuaded Gabinius to turn his forces from the Arabs against the Parthians. At the same time Ptolemy XI., king of Egypt, who likewise had lost his throne, prevailed upon him by a large sum of money to turn his arms from the Parthians against Alexandria. Gabinius overcame 700 the Alexandrians and restored Ptolemy to power, but B.C. 54 was himself banished by the Senate for invading Egypt without their authority, and undertaking a war considered ill-omened by the Romans; for it was forbidden by the Sibylline books. I think that Crassus succeeded Gabinius in the government of Syria -- the same who met with a great disaster when waging war against the Parthians. While Y.R. 703 Lucius Bibulus was in command of Syria after Crassus, the B.C. 51 Parthians made an incursion into that country. While the Y.R. 714 government was in ch
Appian, The Civil Wars (ed. Horace White), BOOK II, CHAPTER III (search)
should come into conflict with each other, especially as the commonwealth had been for a long time disorderly and unmanageable. The magistrates were chosen by means of money, and faction fights, with dishonest zeal, with the aid of stones and even swords. Bribery and corruption prevailed in the most scandalous manner. The people themselves went to the elections to be bought. A case was found where a deposit of 800 talents had been made to obtain the B.C. 54 consulship. The consuls holding office yearly could not hope to lead armies or to command in war because they were shut out by the power of the triumvirate. The baser ones strove for gain, instead of military commands, at the expense of the public treasury or from the election of their own successors. For these reasons good men abstained from office altogether. The disorder was such that at one time the republic was without consuls for eight months, Pompey c
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK VI., CHAPTER IV. (search)
kings of the Syrians,We may here observe that the Seleucidæ ceased to reign in Syria as early as 83 B. C., when that country, wearied of their sad dissensions, willingly submitted to Tigranes the king of Armenia, but their race was not extinct, and even in the year 64 B. C. when Pompey made the kingdom a Roman province, there were two princes of the Seleucidæ, Antiochus Asiaticus and his brother Seleucus-Cybiosactes, who had an hereditary right to the throne; the latter however died about 54 B. C., and in him terminated the race of the Seleucidæ. the Paphlagonians,The race of the kings of Paphlagonia became extinct about 7 B. C. See M. l' Abbé Belley, Diss. sur l' ère de Germanicopolis, &c. Ac. des Inscr. et Belles-Lettres, vol. xxx. Mém. p. 331. Cappadocians,The royal race of Cappadocia failed about 91 B. C. and Egyptians,The race of the Lagidæ terminated with Ptolemy Auletes, who died 44 B. C., leaving two daughters, Cleopatra and Arsinoë. Ptolemy Apion died 96 B. C.; he
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK XVI., CHAPTER I. (search)
ire. The Romans and the chiefs of the Arabian tribes occupy the parts on this side the Euphrates as far as Babylonia. Some of the chiefs attach themselves in preference to the Parthians, others to the Romans, to whom they adjoin. The Scenitæ nomades, who live near the river, are less friendly to the Romans than those tribes who are situated at a distance near Arabia Felix. The Parthians were once solicitous of conciliating the friendship of the Romans, but having repulsed Crassus,B. C. 54. who began the war with them, they suffered reprisals, when they themselves commenced hostilities, and sent Pacorus into Asia.The Parthians became masters of Syria under Pacorus, and of Asia Minor under Labienus. B. C. 38. But Antony, following the advice of the Armenian,Artavasdes, king of the Armenians. B. xi. c. xiii. § 4. was betrayed, and was unsuccessful (against them). Phraates, hisThe text would lead us to suppose that Phraates succeeded Pacorus, whereas below, § 8, Pacorus, the eld
C. Julius Caesar, Gallic War, Book 5, chapter 1 (search)
Lucius Domitius and Appius Claudius being consuls [54 B.C.], Caesar, when departing from his winter quarters into Italy, as he had been accustomed to do yearly, commands the lieutenants whom he appointed over the legions to take care that during the winter as many ships as possible should be built, and the old repaired. He plans the size and shape of them. For dispatch of lading, and for drawing them on shore, he makes them a little lower than those which we have been accustomed to use in our sea; and that so much the more, because he knew that, on account of the frequent changes of the tide, less swells occurred there; for the purpose of transporting burdens and a great number of horses, [he makes them] a little broader than those which we use in o
E. T. Merrill, Commentary on Catullus (ed. E. T. Merrill), Date of birth and of death. (search)
ast as late as the end of the year 55 B.C., or the beginning of the year 54 (e.g. cc. 11, 29, 53, 113). Jerome is, therefore, certainly wronce concerning the date of his death. It probably occurred in the year 54 B.C. In the first place, there are no poems that clearly must have been wre close of the year 55 B.C., or the earlier months of the year 54, nor any that are even capable of more ready explanation, if a later dat 53, may well have taken place in 56 B.C., instead of in the fall of 54. Furthermore, c. 11, which was surely written toward the close of 55 ize well with the hypothesis that he was born in 87, and died in 54 B.C., at the age of thirty-three, or that he was born in 84, and diedat he was born in 84, and died in 54, at the age of thirty; but nothing more definite can be said about the matter.
E. T. Merrill, Commentary on Catullus (ed. E. T. Merrill), Later years. Relations with Caesar. (search)
Caesar and the Caesarians. The reconciliation apparently took place at the house of the father of Catullus at Verona during the winter visit of the governor to the nearer province in the early part of the year 54 (Caes. B. G. 5.1). The only poem that shows the change of feeling toward Caesar is c. 11, and this is connected with another marked incident in the life of the poet. 41. Catullus was now may have been, closing perhaps with the touching appeal written from Verona (cf. § 56) to his brother-poet, Cornificius, for a word of consolation, but that was all; and sometime in the year 54 B.C., in his beloved Rome, so says the chronicler, the swiftly burning candle of his life burned itself out. 43. With him died the clearest, if not the richest, poet-voice ever lifted in Ro
E. T. Merrill, Commentary on Catullus (ed. E. T. Merrill), Friends and foes. (search)
Memmius, governor of Bithynia, has already been discussed (§ 29 ff.). Concerning Memmius himself we may add further that neither his political nor his personal character was above reproach. He was in 54 B.C. party to a most barefaced attempt to secure the consulship by bribing the consuls of that year (Cic. Att. IV. 18. 2), and was charged with the seduction of the wives of Lucullus (Cic. Att. I. 18. 3) and Pompeyero (Brut. 70.247) speaks well of his Greek scholarship, and of his ability in oratory, though blaming him for lack of application. Accused of ambitus in 53 B.C., on account of the operations of the preceding year, he went into exile in Greece (cf. Cic. Fam. XIII.1), where he died about the year 49. 72. Prominent among the invective poems of Catullus is a group directed against a certain Gellius. Th
M. Tullius Cicero, Letters to Atticus (ed. L. C. Purser), book 4, letter 14 (search)
Scr. in Cumano m. Mai. post vi Id. a. 700 (54). CICERO ATTICO salutem Vestorius noster me per litteras fecit certiorem te Roma a. d. vi Idus Maias putari profectum esse tardius quam dixeras quod minus valuisses. si iam melius vales, vehementer gaudeo. velim domum ad te scribas ut mihi tui libri pateant non secus ac si ipse adesses cum ceteri tum Varronis. est enim mihi utendum quibusdam rebus ex his libris ad eos quos in manibus habeo; quos, ut spero, tibi valde probabo. tu velim si quid forte novi habes, maxime a Quinto fratre, deinde a C. Caesare, et si quid forte de comitiis, de re publica (soles enim tu haec festive odorari), scribas ad me; si nihil habebis, tamen scribas aliquid. numquam enim mihi tua epistula aut intempestiva aut loquax visa est.