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Aristotle, Politics, Book 3, section 1284a (search)
story that the Argonauts left Heracles behind for a similar reason; for the ArgoCf. Apollod. 1.9.19 th=s *)argou=s fqegcame/nhs mh\ du/nasqai pe/rein to\ tou/tou ba/ros. Argo was a live creature, and Athena had built a ‘talking timber’ into her cutwater. refused to carry him with the others because he was so much heavier than the sailors. Hence also those who blame tyranny and Periander's advice to ThrasybulusPeriander was tyrant of Corinth circa 626-585 B.C.; Thrasybulus was tyrant of Miletus. Hdt. 5.92 tells the story with their parts reversed. must not be thought to be absolutely right in their censure (the story is that Periander made no reply to the herald sent to ask his advice, but levelled the corn-field by plucking off the ears that stood out above the rest; and consequently, although the herald did not know the reason for what was going on, when he carried back news of what had occurred, Thrasybul<