Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 21, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for March, 1 AD or search for March, 1 AD in all documents.

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Convention called. --The New York Democratic State Committee, in view of the alarming condition of the country, have issued a call for an election of four delegates in each Assembly district, to hold a State Convention at Albany on the 31st of January.
s was of luminous bars, and at the ends of the arms the rainbows appeared, not circular, but perpendicular. The large circle possessed all the colors of the rainbow, and was very brilliant, reflecting two smaller circles, one northwest and the other southwest. Oh, how we wished for you all. We have watched the papers closely to see whether you were favored in the East with the same sight. I hope you were. The Daily Telegraph, a little paper published at Omaha, gives, in its issue of Jan. 3d, the following account of the phenomenon above described: On the night of the 28th of December, was witnessed a most beautiful lunar bow, or rainbow, as it is commonly called, though there was no rain at the time. It was caused by the reflection and refraction of the rays of light upon the sleet-encrusted snow which covered the earth. The moon, which was full the day previous, rose about 7 o'clock, when the beautiful phenomenon commenced. At first the bow was distinct at the edge of