Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 29, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for March, 1 AD or search for March, 1 AD in all documents.

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ucted to evacuate the fort, so long gallantly held by him and his companions, immediately on procuring suitable transportation to take them to New York His relative weakness had steadily increased in the last eighteen days. It was not till January 3d"when the first Commissioners from South Carolina withdrew — that the permission I had solicited October 31st was obtained to admonish commanders of the few Southern forts with garrisons to be on the alert against surprises and sudden assaults (Major Anderson was not among the admonished, being already straitly beleaguered) January 3d.--To Lieutenant Slemmer, commanding in Pensacola harbor: "The General-in-Chief directs that you take measures to do the utmost in your power to prevent the of either of the forts in Pensacola harbor, By on assault, conducting first with the commander of the navy-yard, who will probably have received instructions to co-operate with you." (This order was signed by Aide-de-camp Lay.) It wa