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Ohio. Cleveland, Nov. 7, 1 P. M. --Partial returns from about 12 counties show Republican gains of 200 to 300 per county. Lincoln's majority in the State is from 30,000 to 40,000.
Fires at the South Fort Gaines, Ga., Nov. 7. --A fire here to lay consumed the agency of the Bank of Columbus, and several stores and dwellings.--Loss $40,000. Charleston, Nov. 8. --A fire occurred yesterday, at Williamston's Springs, in Anderson county, destroying the hotel and furniture, valued at $60,000 and R. F. Marsden's store and goods. Insured in Northern companies for $10,000; loss $12,000.
Destructive Fire. Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 7. --The Neil House was entirely consumed by fire yesterday. The loss is $190,000. A number of stores were burnt. Total loss from $200,000 to $300,000.
Marine Intelligence.port of Richmond, November 9.high Water this day (Saturday) 1 ½ o'clock. Arrived, Steamer Belvidere, Keene, Baltimore, mdze., and passengers, D. & W. Currie. Steamship City of Richmond. Mitchell, Philadelphia, mdze. and passengers. C. P. Cardozo. Brig New York, Cooper, Baltimore, in ballast, Jas. Grays Sons. Sloop Sophia, Coleman, James river, wheat. Schr. Lynchburg, Harris, New York, mdze., D. & W. Currie. Schr. Willard Saulsbury, Hudson, Philadelphia, coal, W. T. Staples. Sailed. Steamship Jamestown, Skinner, New York, mdze. and passengers, Ludlam & Watson. Schr. Buena Vista, Robby, down the river, light. Schr. Roxanna, Moore, down the river, light. Cleared--Nov. 9. Brig Charles Miller, Brewer, with tobacco for Bristol, England, by Caskies & Harrison. Newark, Nov. 7.--Arr'd , schr. Banquet, Suffolk. Va. Norfolk, Nov. 8.--Arr'd , schr. Jno. P. Hooper, Richmond
The Pony Express. St. Joseph, Nov. 24. --The extra Pony express, which left Fort Kearney on Wednesday, November 7, with the election news, arrived in Salt Lake City in three days and four hours--distance, nine hundred and fifty miles. The last forty-five miles was made in three hours and ten minutes, and this forty-five miles of the route is the most mountainous of the whole road. The regular Pony express, leaving St. Joseph on the 8th inst., arrived at Salt Lake, distance twelve hundred miles, in four days and twenty-three hours. It had been snowing for thirty-six hours when the pony left Salt Lake City.
Murderess of Two Husbands.--The Milwankie Sentinel says it is believed from recent developments that Aun R. Bilansky, who was executed at St. Paul, Minnesota, for the murder of her husband by administering arsenic, was the same person who on the 8th of November, 1849, poisoned Alex. D. Simpson, her husband, in the town of Fayetteville, N. C. In that case arsenic was the agent employed, and after the death of Simpson, his wife was arrested, but succeeded in escaping to Charleston, and thence to Havana, where she remained until May, 1850. She returned to Fayetteville on the 7th of November following, surrendering herself for trial, and was acquitted. On the trial of Mrs. Bilansky at St. Paul, she stated that she had resided at Fayetteville, N. C., where her husband died. The Christian names of the two women were identical, and many circumstances in St. Paul subsequent to her execution have been called to mind which tend to the belief that she and Mrs. Simpeon were the same persons.
The Daily Dispatch: November 8, 1860., [Electronic resource], Servants' Clothing--Servants' Clothing. (search)
red that Senator Hammond will follow suit. Messrs. Bonham, Rhett, ex-Gov. Adams and others spoke also in the same strain. [by Telegraph.] Charleston, Nov. 7. --The U. S. Judge for this district resigned his office this morning in open court. Columbia, S. C.,, Nov. 7. --In the Legislature yesterday, Nov. 7. --In the Legislature yesterday, a joint resolution was adopted making the special order of the day for Thursday, the question of reorganizing the militia and preparing the State for defence. Mr. Brist, urging it in the House, said action should be prompt, immediate, unqualified, effective and decisive in case of Lincoln's election. Hon. Wm. C. Boyce spoincoln's election. Hon. Wm. C. Boyce spoke yesterday, from the steps of the Congaree Hotel, urging secession in case of Lincoln's election. He was followed by other prominent Carolinian. Charleston, Nov. 7--P. M. --James Connor, U. S. District Attorney, and W. F. Colcock, Collector of the port, have resigned.
The Daily Dispatch: November 8, 1860., [Electronic resource], Servants' Clothing--Servants' Clothing. (search)
ve lost so many Congressmen that he will have a House and Senate opposed to his administration. In Virginia, the result is still in doubt, and it is impossible to form a reliable opinion of what it will be. The General result. Washington, Nov. 7. --The following are the estimated majorities for Lincoln: New York, 50,000; Michigan, 25,000; Illinois, 15,000; Ohio, 38,000; Wisconsin, 10,000. Iowa and Minnesota are strongly claimed by the Republicans. Tennessee has probareckinridge, 360; Bell, 330, Douglas, 154. Culpeper. Court-House — Bell, 182; Breckinridge, 135; Douglas, 7. Brandy, 3:50 P. M.--Bell, 60; Breckinridge, 68; Douglas, 1. Calvin's, 4 o'clock--Bell, 47; Breckinridge, 18; Douglas, 1. Nov. 7.--The county gives 2 majority for Breckinridge-- an opposition loss of 20. Madison. Madison, C. H., Nov. 6. --The majority for Breckinridge in this county, over Bell, will be at least 700. Douglas will get 18 or 20 votes. N. W.
n votes and 22,821 Dem. and Am. New York, Nov. 7--P. M.--As far as heard from the Republican maep., in the 6th. Massachusetts. Boston, Nov. 7. --In 149 towns, exclusive of this city,gislature is largely Republican. Boston, Nov. 7, P. M.--In the 9th district Bailey has 8,784, bers of Congress. New Jersey. Trenton, Nov. 7. --Parry, Dem., has been chosen to Congrton, late Speaker of the House. Trenton, Nov. 7.--P. M.--New Jersey has gone for the Union ticket. Later. Trenton, Nov. 7, 10 P. M.--The Union ticket is 3,000 or 4,000 ahead, but Douglt doubtful. Delaware. Wilmington, Dri., Nov. 7 --P. M.--The Electoral vote of Delaware by 100 majority. Maryland. Baltimore, Nov. 7. --Queen Annes county is reported to givl by 40 majority. Vermont. Montpelier, Nov. 7. --This State has gone for Lincoln by 2500 or 30,000 votes. Georgia. Savannah, Nov. 7. --Only a few counties are heard from, b[2 more...]
The Daily Dispatch: November 8, 1860., [Electronic resource], Servants' Clothing--Servants' Clothing. (search)
The news of Lincoln's election at the South. Augusta, Ga., Nov. 7. --The Charleston Mercury says that the news of Lincoln's election was received in Charleston with long continued cheering for a Southern Confederacy. A strong feeling is expressed in the different part of the South heard from in favor of calling State Conventions, to deliberate on the centre of policy to be pursued. Columbia, S. C. Nov. 7.--It was reported here last night that the South Carolina Legislature w --The Charleston Mercury says that the news of Lincoln's election was received in Charleston with long continued cheering for a Southern Confederacy. A strong feeling is expressed in the different part of the South heard from in favor of calling State Conventions, to deliberate on the centre of policy to be pursued. Columbia, S. C. Nov. 7.--It was reported here last night that the South Carolina Legislature will soon send a commissioner to Georgia to confer about prompt action.