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[Special Dispatch to the Richmond Dispatch.]
No "Concessions" to be Made by the Republicans — The Special Committee a Farce — A Treasury Draft Dishonored, &c. Washington, Dec. 6.--The best authority reports that the Republican Senators held a us last night, and resolved to make no concession.
Southern members pronounces the House Special committee a farce.
There is not a representative man on it.
The National Intelligencer of to-morrow comes out for a Convention of all the Southern States.
A draft of the Clerk of the House on the Treasury for the Clerk of the House on the Treasury for $10,000, to pay its subordinates, has been dishonored.
Sixty thousand dollars due the 1st of next January for pensions have been ordered not to be paid, unless the Treasury notes will be issued promptly.
None of the clerks in the Departments will receive a dollar for their present month's services.
The Daily Dispatch: December 7, 1860., [Electronic resource], Difficulty on board the Mail Boat . (search)
Washington, Dec. 6. --Senate.--Mr. Hale moved the adjournment to-day be until Monday.
Mr. Powell's resolution to refer the secession portion of the President's Message to a special committee of thirteen was carried.--The committee will be appointed Monday.
The same committee is to inquire into the expediency of further legislation to protect the Federal property, and also of the expediency of amending the Constitution, to insure protection for property in States and Territories.
Mr. Latham introduced an inquiry to carry the whole California daily letter mail by Pony Express.
Adjourned at 12 ¼ o'clock.
House.--Mr. Morris, of Ill., gave notice that on Monday he should call up the resolution offered a few days since, looking to the perpetuity of the Union, and would ask a suspension of the rules for that purpose.
Mr. Vallandigham, from the special committee appointed last session, on the Senate bill abolishing the franking privilege, made a
From Washington.
Washington, Dec. 6. --The President to-day replied to the resolution of last session relative to the slave trade.
It appears that the African squadron has been maintained in the last twelve years at an annual excess over ordinary naval expenses of $380,000, and the excess of the present year, in consequence of the employment of steamers, will be $800,000.--Not withstanding this expenditure, the British Government has frequently complained of the inefficiency of our efforts, until at last the President has officially informed England that we don't want any more suggestions on the subject, as we consider ourselves abundantly able to regulate our own affairs.
Today, the Speaker's warrants for the pay of members of the House were refused at the Treasury for want of funds.
They will be formally protested to-morrow.
About $200,000 only has been paid to members since the session commenced.
There is a strong resolution on the part of the South not to yi
The Daily Dispatch: December 7, 1860., [Electronic resource], Hotel burnt. (search)
The Virginia Electoral vote.
Norfolk, Dec. 6. --Mr. W. Lamb, the Elector on the Breckinridge Democratic ticket, did not resign his seat in the Electoral College, as reported.
The resignation of the Breckinridge Electors is "generally condemned among Democrats."
The Daily Dispatch: December 7, 1860., [Electronic resource], Debts of the Northern and Southern States. (search)
New York Finances.
New York, Dec. 6. --Money outside the Bank is dearer.
There is a continued shipment of specie to the South.
About $1,000,000 had been shipped Saturday.
The Daily Dispatch: December 7, 1860., [Electronic resource], Death of an Astronomer. (search)
Northern Markets.
Baltimore, Dec. 6.
--Flour dull — Howard Street and Ohio $5. Wheat dull and generally unchanged.
Corn dull and heavy — new white and yellow 49 @50 Provisions dull and quotations nominal.
Coffee declined ¼ @¾--Rio 13 ¼. Whiskey cull at 18 ½.
New York, Dec. 6. --There was a general decline in the stock market to-day of 4 per cent. Cotton — Uplands Middling 9 ¾@10 Flour 10 cts, lower — Southern $465@515.
Wheat 3@4 cents lower.
Corn 2 @3 cts, lower — closingDec. 6. --There was a general decline in the stock market to-day of 4 per cent. Cotton — Uplands Middling 9 ¾@10 Flour 10 cts, lower — Southern $465@515.
Wheat 3@4 cents lower.
Corn 2 @3 cts, lower — closing at 60@61 for mixed.
Beef dull at $8.50@8.70.
Pork steady — mess $16.62@16.75 --chielly at the latter figure; prime $10@10.75.
Lard firm at 10@10 . Whiskey dull at 18.
Sugar is heavy — Orleans 4 ¾@6.
Molasses unchanged — Orleans 30@33 ½.
Turpentine heavy at 33@35.
Rosin heavy.
Rice dull at 3 ¾@3 ¾.
Stocks — New York Centrals 70 7/8; Va. 6's 76.
Sales yes
Richmond Markets, December 6.
Apples.--Northern $2.50@3.00; Virginia Pippins $2.00 to $4.
Bacon.--Sides 12 ½ cents; Shoulders 10 ¼c.; plain Hams 12; Sugar-cured 13 @13 ½c.; Todd's Sugar-cured Hams 15
Bags — Seamless Bags, 25; Manchester do., 19@23; Gunny do., 12@14
Beans.--White $1.87 ½@1.50 per bushel.
Beeswax.--32 to 33--active.
according to quality.
Buckets, &c.--Painted Buckets $1.87 ½@$2 per dozen; three hoop Painted Paris $2.25@2.50 per dozen; heavy Cedar Tubs, neat, $3.50@5 per nest; heavy Cedar Food Buckets $6.50 per dozen.
Butter.--We quote good Butter at 20 to 25; inferior 8 to 10
Candles.--Tallow 15 per lb.; Jackson's 15; Hall's 16 cts.; Adamantine 20@23; Sperm 45; Patent Sperm 54@56
Cement.--James River $1.70@1.80 per bbl.; Northern Rosendale at $1.70 @1.80.
Coal.--White and Red Ash Anthracite Coal, for grates, $6.50 per cart load of 25 bushels, per ton of 2,340 lbs.; Bituminous Lump $
The Daily Dispatch: December 8, 1860., [Electronic resource], Secession movement at the South . (search)
The Daily Dispatch: December 8, 1860., [Electronic resource], Secession movement at the South . (search)
Fire at Belvidere, N. J. Belvidere, N. J.,Dec. 6.
--The Belvidere Tannery was destroyed by fire last night, supposed to have originated in the engine room.--The loss is $20,000.