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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 2 2 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Benton, Thomas Hart, -1858 (search)
Benton, Thomas Hart, -1858 Statesman; born near Hillsboro, N. C., March 14, 1782. Before finishing his studies at Chapel Hill University, North Carolina, he removed to Tennessee, studied law, and obtained great eminence in his profession. In the legislature of that State he procured the enactment of a law giving to slaves the benefit of a jury trial, and also succeeded in having a law passed which reformed the judicial system of the State. He had been on intimate terms with General Jackson at Nashville (1813), when a quarrel ensued, and in a personal encounter in that town with deadly weapons both parties gave and received severe wounds. He was colonel of a Tennessee regiment from December, 1812, to April, 1813, and lieutenant-colonel in the regular army from 1813 to 1815. Removing to St. Louis in 1813, he established the Missouri inquirer there, and practised his profession. He took an Thomas Hart Benton. active part in favoring the admission of Missouri as a State of the
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), North Carolina, (search)
s into the surrounding country, receiving news of the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown, evacuates the place.......Nov. 18, 1781 Legislature grants Maj.-Gen. Nathanael Greene 25,000 acres of State land, afterwards located on Duck River, and 640 acres to each private, with larger grants to officers in the Continental army, North Carolina troops......1782 Thomas Hart Benton, statesman, son of Jesse Benton, private secretary of Governor Tryon, born near Hillsboro, Orange county......March 14, 1782 General Assembly at Hillsboro, among acts for relief of the general government, cedes her western lands and authorizes her delegates to execute a deed provided Congress would accept the offer within two years......April, 1784 Convention at Jonesboro appoints John Sevier president, and resolves that a person be despatched to Congress to press the acceptance of the offer of North Carolina......Aug. 23, 1784 General Assembly meets at Newbern and repeals the act of April 23, regardi