Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 2, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for October 31st, 1860 AD or search for October 31st, 1860 AD in all documents.

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Naval intelligence. The Secretary of the Navy's special report made to the Senate on January 15, has just been printed. It contains a list of the vessels in commission during the last twenty years, with a description of their station and armament. On October 31, 1860, the total number of guns they mounted was 577, and the whole number of vessels then attached to the Home Squadron, consisted of the frigate Sabine, the sloops Cumberland, Savannah, St. Louis, and Germantown, the steamers Brooklyn, Powhatan Pawnee, Pocahontas, Wyandotte, Mohawk, and Crusador, and the storeship Supply. The cost of the armament of each of the screw steamships of the Navy is given — the most expensive of which is that of the Wabash, which has a battery of forty guns, capable of firing a broadside of the weight of 1,414 pounds. It cost $86,132.49. The Minnesota has a battery of forty one guns, and cost $85,080.20. The weight of its broadside is 1,458 pounds. The Roanoke, Colorado and Merrimack ha