Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 8, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for October 31st, 1860 AD or search for October 31st, 1860 AD in all documents.

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,12,406.885,585.23 Surplus and Contingent fund5,568.018,599.07 Profits of the institution,1,06.791,814.54 $279,722.00$381,984.10 Denominations of notes, $5's and 10's. The undersigned, Directors of the Southwestern Bank of Virginia, hereby certify that the annexed statement of the condition of the Bank has been carefully examined by them, and that they believe the same correct. Robert Gibboney, J. F. Kent. Hugh Spence, Henry Zimmerman, G. Guggenheimer, The circulating notes of the Southwestern Bank are redeemed at the Bank of the Commonwealth, Richmond. Robert Gibboney, Pres't. Virginia--Wythe County, to wit: This day, personally appeared before the undersigned, a Notary Public for said county, W. A. Stuart; Cashier of the Southwestern Bank of Virginia, and made oath that the foregoing statement of the condition of the said Bank is correct, as he verily believes. Given under my hand this October 31, 1860. C. A. Haller, N. P.