Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 12, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for October 31st, 1860 AD or search for October 31st, 1860 AD in all documents.

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act of April 2d, 1858, is at the office of Messrs, R. H. Maury & Co., at Richmond, Va. H. Fitzhugh, President. Monticello Bank. Charlottesville, Va., Oct. 31, 1860. to the Hon John Letcher, Governor of Virginia: Dear Sir: I herewith transmit to you a statement of the condition of this Bank to the 1st inst. agan, Cashier of the Monticello Bank, and made oath that the annexed statement of the condition of the Monticello Bank is correct. Given under my hand, October 31st, 1860. John H. Bibb. N. P. Bank of Scottsville, Scottsville, Va., Oct. 31st. 1860. Hon. John Letcher, Governor of Virginia: Dear Sir: I enOct. 31st. 1860. Hon. John Letcher, Governor of Virginia: Dear Sir: I enclose a statement showing the condition of this Bank on the 1st inst., compared with the 1st day of October, 1859. very respectfully, your obd'tserv't, W. D. Davis, Cashier. Comparative State of the Bank of Scottsville the 1st day of Oct., '60, and the 1st day of Oct., '59. 1860.1859. Virginia 6 per cent bonds