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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 43: operations of the Mississippi squadron, under Admiral Porter, after the Red River expedition. (search)
avy Department, Richmond, September 10, 1863. Sir — Your letter of the 13th July, from Jacksonport, Arkansas, reached me a few days ago. You inform me that a certain part desires to obtain proper authority from the Confederate government to undertake the destruction of gun-boats, transports, etc., for such per centum of the value of the boats destroyed as may be offered, etc. There is no legislation of which I am aware that satisfies precisely the conditions required. The Act of May 6, 1861, recognizing the existence of war with the United States, and providing for privateering, is not construed to permit privateering on inland waters. A reference to the law for the establishment of a Volunteer Navy, a copy of which I enclose herewith, will show you that it cannot be made to embrace the parties to which you refer. To facilitate organizations of parties to operate as you propose, in boats or otherwise, against the enemy on our Western rivers, they could be received into t