Browsing named entities in Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles. You can also browse the collection for May 6th, 1861 AD or search for May 6th, 1861 AD in all documents.

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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, Arkansas, 1861 (search)
1861 Feb. 8: Seizure of Little Rock ArsenalBy State Troops. Feb. 12: Seizure of U. S. Stores, Pine BluffBy State Troops. April 18: Seizure of Stores, NapoleonBy State Troops. April 23: Seizure of Fort SmithBy State Troops. May 6: Adoption by State of Secession Ordinance  Dec. 9: Skirmish, Bushy CreekUnion Indians, under Opothleyholo.
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, Maryland, 1861 (search)
1861 April 19: Attack in streets of BaltimoreMASSACHUSETTS--6th Infantry. PENNSYLVANIA--26th Infantry. Union loss, 4 killed, 20 wounded. Total, 24. April 21: Occupation of Fort CarrollUNITED STATES--5th Infantry (Detachment). May 6: Occupation of Relay HouseMASSACHUSETTS--6th Militia Infantry; Cook's Battery Light Arty. NEW YORK--8th Militia Infantry. May 13: Occupation of Baltimore by U. S. TroopsMASSACHUSETTS--6th Militia Infantry; Cook's Battery Light Arty. NEW YORK--8th Militia Infantry. June 10-July 7: Expedition to RockvilleDISTRICT OF COLUMBIA--2d, 3d, 5th and 8th Battalions Infantry. NEW HAMPSHIRE--1st Infantry. NEW YORK--9th State Militia Infantry. PENNSYLVANIA--17th Infantry. UNITED STATES--Griffin's Battery "D," 5th Arty.; 1st Dragoons (Owens' Company). June 11: Occupation of CumberlandINDIANA--11th Infantry. June 14: Skirmish, Seneca MillsDISTRICT OF COLUMBIA--2d Battalion Infantry. June 17: Skirmish, Conrad's FerryNEW HAMPSHIRE--1st Infantry (5 Cos.). June 18: Sk