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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.39 (search)
Guy's Battery. [from the Richmond, Va., dispatch, February 23, 1902.] Another Roll of the company made from memory. Below is the muster-roll of the Goochland Light Artillery, mustered in the Confederate Army May 6, 1861. Made from memory by R. N. Allen, one of the first names to be enrolled, and who was with the company from the beginning to the end. The names not marked with an asterisk were on the original roll—108 rank and file. The names with an asterisk are those of recruits after the company returned from Camp Douglas, where they were sent as prisoners of war after the fall of Fort Donelson, February 16, 1862. About eighty of the company were surrendered at Donelson: John H. Guy, Captain. Jonathan Talley, First Lieutenant. John Brown Budwell, Second Lieutenant. J. H. Guerrant, Third Lieutenant. Isaac Curd, First Sergeant. J. D. Massie, Second Sergeant. T. E. Gathright, Third Sergeant. John Morris, Fourth Sergeant. J. T. Ballou, Comissary