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rmed its arduous and important labors. The President of the New Orleans Convention, and the First Vice. President of the Troy Convention, belonged to our Associational. Thus, intimately connected with an organization neither sectarian nor sectional in its character, it seemed not inappropriate that from our Association, located in the capital of a central and conservative State, should emanate one last, honest, and earnest effort to dispel those gloomy portents. Accordingly, on the 6th of May, 1861, a circular, signed by the present and two of the previous presidents of our Association, was prepared printed, and addressed to the Young Men's, Christian Associations of North America.--To this peace offering responses were received from some Associations in the Northern States. They did not breathe the spirit for which we had hoped and prayed. Several of them were respectful, while others outraged the rules of common courtesy. The stern reality of war burst upon as an summoned