Browsing named entities in The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 10: The Armies and the Leaders. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller). You can also browse the collection for May 17th, 1861 AD or search for May 17th, 1861 AD in all documents.

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e Hooker was a man of handsome physique and intense personal magnetism. He graduated at West Point in 1837 in the same class with Jubal A. Early and Braxton Bragg. Having fought through the Mexican War, he resigned from the army in 1853. On May 17, 1861, he was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers, and on May 5, 1862, major-general of volunteers. He was active throughout the Peninsular campaign, and at Bristoe Station, Second Bull Run, Chantilly, South Mountain and Antietam. He commandwas born at Newport, Rhode Island, March 26, 1813. He served in the Seminole War and as captain in the War with Mexico. At the opening of the Civil War, he was lieutenant in the artillery, and was promoted to brigadier-general of volunteers, May 17, 1861. He was placed at the head of the South Carolina Expeditional Corps and commanded the land forces in the operations around Port Royal. After that, he commanded a division in Grant's Army of West Tennessee. In September, 1862, he was put at
men, Jacob, July 16, 1862. Baker, Edw. D., May 17. 1861. Baker, L. C., April 26, 1865. Bayard, Gener, Seldon, June 11, 1864. Cooper, James, May 17, 1861. Cooper, Jos. A., July 21, 1864. Copelandrnan, James L., Aug. 1, 1863. King, Rufus, May 17, 1861. Kirby, Edmund, May 23, 1863. Kirk, E. N.l, Chas. R., Oct. 19, 1864. Lyon, Nath'l., May 17, 1861. Lytle, William H., Nov. 29, 1862. McCall, G. A., May 17, 1861. McCandless, W., July 21, 1864. McCook, Daniel, July 16, 1864. McCook, R. L, R. B., April 8, 1862. Montgomery, W. R., May 17, 1861. Morgan, Geo. W., Nov. 12, 1861. Nagle, J, John S., July 19, 1862. Phelps, John W., May 17, 1861. Piatt, Abraham, April 28, 1862. Plummer, J. B., Oct. 22, 1861. Porter, Andrew, May 17, 1861. Pratt, Calvin E., Sept. 10, 1862. Quinby, Isgue, John W., July 21, 1864. Sprague, Wm., May 17, 1861. Starkweather, J. C., July 17, 1863. Stevbrand, C. J., Feb. 18, 1865. Stone, C. P., May 17, 1861. Stoughton, E. H., Nov. 5, 1862. Strong, [1 more...]