Captain, Apr. 3, 1839, to June 18, 1846.
Major, staff, Quartermaster, May 17, 1861, to Aug. 4, 1861.
Chief Quartermaster, department of West Virginia, Nov., 1Colonel, 7th Mass. Infantry, June 15, 1861. Brig. General, U. S. Volunteers, May 17, 1861; mustered, Aug., 1861.
In the defences of Washington, D. C., July, 1861, tod, Oct. 29, 1848.
Resigned, Feb. 21, 1853. Brig. General, U. S. Volunteers, May 17, 1861.
In the defences of Washington, Aug. 12, 1861, to Dec., 1861.
Guarding theColonel, 11th U. S. Infantry, May 14, 1861. Brig. General, U. S. Volunteers, May 17, 1861.
On the staff of Governor Morgan of New York, Apr. 21 to June 25, 1861.
Ref Philippi and the battle of Rich Mountain. Brig. General, U. S. Volunteers, May 17, 1861; served in an important command on the upper Potomac; engaged at the battle Colonel, 14th U. S. Infantry, May 14, 1861. Brig. General, U. S. Volunteers, May 17, 1861.
On Rockville expedition, June 10, 1861; skirmishes at Conrad's and Edward'
Mustered out, Oct. 9, 1861.
Captain, 1st Mass. Cavalry, Oct. 31, 1861.
Major, Jan. 2, 1864. Lieut. Colonel, Sept. 30, 1864.
Killed near Bellfield, Va., Dec. 9, 1864.
Savage, James, Jr.
Captain, 2d Mass. Infantry, May 24, 1861.
Major, June 13, 1862. Lieut. Colonel, Sept. 17, 1862.
Died at Charlottesville, Va., Oct. 22, 1862, of wounds received at Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9.
Sawtell, Josiah A.
Captain, 6th Infantry, M. V. M., in service of the U. S., Apr. 22, 1861.
Major, May 17, 1861.
Mustered out, Aug. 2, 1861.
Major, 26th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 28, 1861. Lieut. Colonel, July 29, 1862.
Discharged (disability),,Oct. 14, 1864.
Scott, Henry Bruce.
Second Lieutenant, 2d Mass. Infantry, Jan. 16, 1862.
Captain, Assistant Adj. General, U. S. Volunteers, July 17, 1862.
Major, 4th Mass. Cavalry, Jan. 18, 1865.
Resigned as Captain, Assistant Adj. General, U. S. Volunteers, Mar. 6, 1865. Brevet Lieut. Colonel, U. S. Volunteers, Mar. 31, 1865. Lieut. Colonel, 4th Mass
1st U. S. Artillery, May 11, 1866. First Lieutenant, Aug. 28, 1867.
Resigned, Nov. 17, 1873.
Reinstated, Mar. 23, 1875, with rank from Aug. 28, 1867.
Captain, Nov. 25, 1886.
Died, Aug. 9, 1889.
Chandler, John Gorham.
Born in Massachusetts.
Cadet, U. S. Military Academy, Sept. 1, 1848, to July 1, 1853. Brevet Second Lieutenant, 3d U. S. Artillery, July 1, 1853. Second Lieutenant, Dec. 24, 1853. First Lieutenant, May 31, 1856, to Nov. 1, 1861.
Captain, Assistant Quartermaster, May 17, 1861; accepted, June 14, 1861. Lieut. Colonel, Quartermaster, U. S. Volunteers, Jan. 1, 1863, to Aug. 1, 1865. Brevet Major, Lieut. Colonel and Colonel, Mar. 13, 1865.
Major, Quartermaster, Jan. 18, 1867; accepted, Apr. 13, 1867. Lieut. Colonel, Deputy Q. M. General, Mar. 4, 1879.
Colonel, Assistant Q. M. General, Dec. 11, 1892.
Chapin, Marshall P.
Born in Massachusetts.
Captain, Commissary of Subsistence, U. S. Volunteers, Sept. 4, 1863.
Mustered out, Aug. 3, 1865.
Chapman, Georg