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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: may 18, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for May 17th, 1861 AD or search for May 17th, 1861 AD in all documents.
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From Norfolk.[special correspondence of the Dispatch] Norfolk, Va. May 17, 1861.
Yesterday I had the pleasure of visiting the old shipment of the Third Regiment of Alabama Volunteers, which are stationed just beyond Armistead's bridge, being removed only a few hundred paces from the city confines; and indeed does the tented field present a war-like appearance, and the thorough discipline of the sturdy soldiers attract large crowds of ladies and gentlemen every afternoon to witness their superior drilling.
Impudence and rascality seems to be the order of the day with the Government at Washington, as is again exhibited in the landing of troops at Hampton, where it is rumored they are disturbing and harassing peaceable and unoffending citizens, and from witness, it is conjectured, they will proceed by land to Richmond, where their intentional doings can only be inferred from what they have time and again openly declared them to be.
Lincoln seems to still persist in re
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.a run to Lunenburg.
Chimborazo Camp.
Near Richmond,
May 17, 1861.
A week ago we borrowed time enough for a hurried trip to Fredericksburg.
On our return we found a letter from some of our fair friends in Lunenburg, requesting us to come up and present one of their infantry companies with a flag, the result of their own industry.
Coming from such a source, we, of course, had nothing to do but to say "Yes."
We found Captain Orgain's company, for whom the flag was intended, encamped at a beautiful spring, near a church at which it was formerly our pleasure to minister Large, stately oaks spread their gnarled branches above them, affording a genial shade, while at their feet gushed in continual streams an ever full and overflowing fountain of cheering water.
The men seemed to possess warm hearts and strong arms, and, under the leadership of their young but gallant officer, will doubtless make their mark in the approachin