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Columbus, December 16, 1878. The Third Ohio Volunteer Infantry served under two separate terms of enlistment — the one for three months, and the other for three years. The regiment was organized April 21, 1861, and on April 27th it was mustered into the United States service, with the following field officers: Isaac H. Marrow, Colonel; John Beatty, Lieutenant Colonel, and J. Warren Keifer, Major. The writer's record begins with the day on which his regiment entered Virginia, June 22, 1861, and ends on January 1, 1864. He does not undertake to present a history of the organizations with which he was connected, nor does he attempt to describe the operations of armies. His record consists merely of matters which came under his own observation, and of camp gossip, rumors, trifling incidents, idle speculations, and the numberless items, small and great, which, in one way and another, enter into and affect the life of a soldier. In short, he has sought simply to gather up th
Heights; Rappahannock Station; Fort Stevens; Appomattox. notes.--The Second was Rhode Island's fighting regiment. It fired the opening volley at First Bull Run, and was in line at the final scenes of Appomattox. It arrived at Washington, June 22, 1861, and after a few weeks encampment there, marched to the field of First Bull Run. It was then in Burnside's Brigade, of Hunter's Division. Burnside opened that fight with the First Rhode Island deployed as skirmishers, and the Second advancitals 92 328 298 718 Present, also, at Seven Days Battles; North Anna; Totopotomoy. notes.--This regiment was organized by the Tammany General Committee, under the patronage of the Tammany Society of New York City. It was mustered in June 22, 1861, and on the 18th of July, following, went to Washington, 1,019 strong. Colonel Kennedy died on the 22d and was succeeded by Colonel Cogswell. The regiment was assigned, October 15, 1861, to Gorman's Brigade, Stone's Division, and was engage
Doc. 32.-Gov. Pierpont's proclamation. Executive Chamber, city of Wheeling, June 22, 1861. Whereas, by an ordinance of the Convention of the people of Virginia, which assembled in this city on the 11th inst., entitled An ordinance for the reorganization of the State Government, it was, among other things, ordained that the delegates elected to the General Assembly on the 23d day of May last, and the Senators entitled under existing laws to seats in the next General Assembly, and those who may be hereafter elected to fill vacancies, who shall qualify themselves by taking the oath or affirmation thereinafter set forth, shall constitute the Legislature of the State, to discharge the duties and exercise the powers pertaining to the General Assembly, and it being by the same ordinance further ordained that the General Assembly shall assemble in the city of Wheeling, on the 1st day of July, in the year 1861, and proceed to organize themselves, as prescribed by existing laws, in t
could in that summer of 1861. New York, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania usually in blue, the Vermonters in gray, turned — up with emerald, as befitted the Green Mountain boys. The First Minnesota infantry at Camp Stone, near Pooles-Ville, Maryland, in January, 1862 The First Minnesota Infantry was the first regiment tendered to the Government, April 14, 1861. It was mustered into the service April 29, 1861, fourteen days after the President's proclamation. The regiment embarked June 22, 1861, for Prairie du Chien, whence it proceeded by rail to Washington. Its first uniforms furnished by the State were black felt hats, black trousers, and red flannel shirts. It served throughout the war. The population of Minnesota in 1860 was 172,023, including 2,369 Indians. It furnished 24,020 soldiers, of whom 2,584 were lost. While the whole people of Minnesota were striving night and day to fill up new regiments to reinforce the national armies, they had to maintain garrisons along
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Maryland troops in the Confederate service. (search)
n, promoted June 30th, 1863; killed before Nashville, Tennessee, December 16th, 1864; Captain William L. Ritter, promoted December 16th, 1864, on the battle-field before Nashville, Tennessee. Fourth battery--Captain William Brown, killed; Captain W. S. Chew. First Maryland infantry--The First Maryland infantry was organized in June, 1861, and shortly after their organization were complimented by General J. E. Johnston, in the following special order: headquarters, Winchester, June 22, 1861. special order. The Commanding General thanks Lieutenant-Colonel Steuart and the Maryland regiment for the faithful and exact manner in which they carried out his orders of the 19th instant at Harper's Ferry. He is glad to learn that, owing to their discipline, no private property was injured and no unoffending citizen disturbed. The soldierly qualities of the Maryland regiment will not be forgotten in the day of action. By order of General Joseph E. Johnston. W. H. Whiting, Ins
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Minnesota, (search)
he Union......May 11, 1858 State normal school at Winona opened......1860 Railroads default in interest and the State forecloses......1860 Amendment to constitution, article IX., section 10, amended 1858, forbidding more bonds to aid railroads, and to section 2, providing that no tax or provision for interest or principal of bonds shall be in force until ratified by the people......November, 1860 First regiment of Minnesota volunteers leaves Fort Snelling for Washington......June 22, 1861 Sioux Indians, under Little Crow, massacre the whites at Yellow Medicine agency, Aug. 18, 1862; at New Ulm, in Brown county, Aug. 21; attack New Ulm and are repulsed, Aug. 23; besiege Fort Ridgely for nine days; attack Cedar City, McLeod county, Sept. 3; State troops under Col. H. H. Sibley march against them, Aug. 26; United States troops under Major-General Pope are despatched to the seat of war, and after a sharp battle at Wood Lake the Indians are defeated, and 500 are taken priso
through Major Duncan, which read as follows: Applied to the Captain of the Pilots' Association for a pilot for the Sumter. He requested me to state, that there are no pilots on duty now! So ho! sits the wind in that quarter, thought I—I will soon set this matter right. I, at once, sent Lieutenant Stribling on board the Ivy, and directed him to proceed to the Pilots' Association, and deliver, and see executed the following written order: C. S. Steamer Sumter, head of the passes, June 22, 1861. Sir:—This is to command you to repair on board this ship, with three or four of the most experienced pilots of the Bar. I am surprised to learn, that an unwillingness has been expressed, by some of the pilots of your Association, to come on board the Sumter; and my purpose is to test the fact of such disloyalty to the Confederate States. If any man disobeys this summons I will not only have his Branch taken from him, but I will send an armed force, and arrest, and bring him on board
view to invade. I need not say it will give me the greatest satisfaction to co-operate with you, and, if you will keep me advised of your wishes, they shall receive the most respectful consideration, and, as far as I can, consistently with my other obligations, be complied with. I am, General, very respectfully, your obedient servant, T. H. Holmes, Brig-Genl. Comdg. Dept. Genl. G. T. Beauregard, Comdg. Manassas. A true copy. S. W. Ferguson, Aide-de-Camp. camp Jackson, June 22d, 1861. General G. T. Beauregard: Sir,—I received, and read, your communication to me with a great deal of pleasure. I presented it to General Holmes, as you requested, and forwarded it to the War Department. General Holmes, in his endorsement on the back of the communication, evidently admits the force of your suggestions, but objects to having any portion of his command taken from him. I desire to take the Walter Legion to the column which is to advance on Alexandria, if such advance is
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.), Commissioned and Warrant officers of the Navy of the Cofederate States January 1, 1864. (search)
ng at Mobile. CaptainLawrence RousseauLouisianaLouisiana March 26, 1861.Oct. 23, 1862.March 26, 1861.Waiting orders. CaptainFrench ForrestVirginiaVirginia June 10, 1861.Oct. 23, 1862.March 26, 1861.Commanding James River squadron. CaptainJosiah TattnallGeorgiaGeorgia March 26, 1861.Oct. 23, 1862.March 26, 1861.Commanding naval station at Savannah. CaptainV. M. RandolphVirginiaAlabama March 26, 1861.Oct. 23, 1862.March 26, 1861.Waiting orders. CaptainGeorge N. HollinsMarylandMaryland June 22, 1861.Oct. 23, 1862.March 26, 1861.Waiting orders. CaptainD. N. IngrahamSouth CarolinaSouth Carolina March 26, 1861.Oct. 23, 1862.March 26, 1861.Commanding naval station at Charleston. CaptainSamuel BarronVirginiaVirginia June 10, 1861.Oct. 23, 1862.March 26, 1861.Abroad. CaptainWilliam F. LynchVirginiaVirginia June 10, 1861.Oct. 23, 1862.March 26, 1861.Commanding naval defences of North Carolina. CaptainIsaac S. SterettMarylandMaryland June 10, 1861.Oct. 23, 1862.March 26, 1861.Waiting or
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, New York Volunteers. (search)
that point till March, 1865. Siege operations against Petersburg and Richmond, Va., December, 1864, to April, 1865. Fall of Petersburg April 2. Duty in the Dept. of Virginia till December. Mustered out December 9, 1865. Regiment lost during service 1 Officer and 69 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 4 Officers and 69 Enlisted men by disease. Total 143. 42nd New York Regiment Infantry--Tammany Regiment, Jackson Guard Organized at Great Neck and mustered in June 22, 1861. Left State for Washington, D. C., July 18. Attached to Stone's Brigade, Division of the Potomac, October, 1861. Gorman's Brigade, Stone's Division, Army of the Potomac, to January, 1862. Burns' Brigade, Sedgwick's Division, Army of the Potomac, to March, 1862. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 2nd Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to March, 1864. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 2nd Army Corps, to July, 1864. Service. Duty in the Defenses of Washington, D. C., till October, an