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hem? Who are now using or abusing them? Sept. 16th, 1861. Just returned from Annfield, where we have spent a charming day, with most delightful society. The papers brought us news of success in the West, General Floyd having overcome Rosecranz on Gauley River. This gave us great satisfaction, as we are peculiarly anxious about that part of Virginia. We passed the time in talking over the feats of our heroes, as well as in enjoying the elegancies by which we were surrounded. Sept. 18th, 1861. I have been greatly interested in a letter, which has been sent me, written by my nephew, Lt. W. B. N., to his wife, the day after the battle of Manassas. I copy it here because I want his little relations, for whom I am writing this diary, to have a graphic description of the fight, and to know what their family and friends suffered for the great cause. Centreville, July 22, 1861. My dear---- :--For the last four days we have never been longer than two hours in any one place,
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 3: military operations in Missouri and Kentucky. (search)
over twenty-five thousand troops, including a large number of recruits who had come with their rifles and shot-guns, cut off the communication of the besieged with the city, upon which they chiefly relied for water, and on the following day Sept. 18, 1861. took possession of the town, closed in upon the garrison, and began a siege in earnest. The Confederates had already seized a steamboat well laden with stores for the National troops; and, under every disadvantage, the latter conducted a mowas, he penetrated the county as far as Elizabeth-town, forty miles from that city, when he heard of the approaching troops. He thought proper to fall back to Bowling Green, where he established an intrenched camp, and issued a proclamation Sept. 18, 1861. to his fellow-citizens of Kentucky, That proclamation abused the National Government and the loyal Legislature of Kentucky. He declared in it that Confederate troops occupied a defensive position in that State, on the invitation of the
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 4: military operations in Western Virginia, and on the sea-coast (search)
t of the Seventeenth Indiana. These penetrated his breast, which was covered by a rich white satin vest. In his pocket was found a complete description of the works at Elk Water. His remains were tenderly cared for, and sent to General Lee the next morning. Washington was about forty years of age. and wounded, and ninety prisoners. Report of General J. J. Reynolds to Assistant Adjutant-General George L. Hartsuff, September 17th, 1861; of General Robert E. Lee to L. Pope Walker, September 18th. 1861; The Cheat Mountain Campaign, in Stevenson's Indiana Roll of Honor; Pollard's First Year of the War. Whilst evidently giving Lee full credit for rare abilities as an engineer, Pollard regarded him as incompetent to execute well. He says: There is reason to believe that, if General Lee had not allowed the immaterial part of his plan to control his action, a glorious success would have resulted, opening the whole northwestern country to us, and enabling Floyd and Wise to drive Cox with
already served as Colonel of the Second, a three months regiment which fought at First Bull Run. It left the State September 18, 1861, and in the following month sailed from Annapolis for Port Royal, with General Sherman's (T. W.) expedition. It dion's Pass; Gettysburg; Rappahannock Station; Mine Run; Sailor's Creek; Appomattox. notes.--Organized at Buffalo, September 18, 1861. The regiment arrived in Washington, September 21, 1861, and was assigned soon after to Davidson's Brigade, W. F. sville, Tenn.; Utoy Creek, Ga.; Lovejoy's Station, Ga.; Averasboro, N. C. notes.--Organized at New Albany, Ind., September 18, 1861, proceeding immediately to Kentucky, where it encamped near Murfreesboro during the following fall and winter. In Shanty, Ga.; Jonesboro, Ga.; Siege of Savannah; Salkahatchie, S. C.; Columbia, S. C. notes.--Organized at Cairo, September 18, 1861. In November it fought at Belmont, where it lost 10 killed, 70 wounded, and 4 missing. In February, 1862, it moved
ana, and Lieutenant John T. Wood of Company H, Twenty-fifth Ohio, whose steady coolness and daring example had great force in keeping the deployed line unbroken, and in causing so destructive a fire to be poured upon the enemy. I have the honor to be, Colonel, very respect-fully, your obedient servant, David J. Higgins, Capt. Co. C, Twenty-fourth Ohio Infantry, Commanding Scout. Geo. S. Rose, Assistant Adj.-Gen. Report of Lieut.-Col. Owen. camp Elk water, Randolph Co., Va., September 18, 1861. Col. G. D Wagner, Commanding Fifteenth Regiment Indiana Volunteers: sir: In accordance with your order to proceed on the Manlia Turnpike until I met the enemy, but not to bring on a general engagement, I marched my command of two hundred and eighty-five infantry and four dragoons, (the latter designed to be used as messengers,) on Sunday, the 8th September, at noon, out of camp, under the guidance of Dr. Singer, a Union Virginian, who, having formerly practised in this and adjoinin
Doc. 51. expedition to Ocracoke Inlet. Report of Commander Rowan. United States steamer Pawnee, Hatteras Inlet, September 18, 1861. sir: On Saturday, the 14th inst., I gave a pass to one of the people on Hatteras Island to go to Ocracoke Inlet, for the purpose of bringing his family from Portsmouth. I directed this person to examine the forts on Beacon Island and Portsmouth Island, and bring me a true report of the condition of things, the number of guns mounted, if any, and the number dismounted; whether any troops were there, and whether the gun-carriages had all been burned or not, and to report the result to me on his return. On Sunday morning, the 15th inst., the boat came alongside, with the man and his wife and children, in a destitute state. We gave them food, and the surgeon prescribed and furnished medicine for the sick of the family. The man reported that there were twenty guns in Fort Beacon, and four eight-inch shell guns at Portsmouth; that the guns we
sed. Very respectfully, Melancton Smith. Commander United States Navy. To Flag-officer Wm. W. Mckean, &c. The following is the letter from the Confederate officer above referred to: To the Commander of the Massachusetts: By order of my Government this day I have evacuated Ship Island. This my brave soldiers under my command do with much reluctance and regret. For three long months your good ship has been our constant companion. We have not exactly lived and loved together, but we have been intimately acquainted, having exchanged cards on the 9th day of July last. In leaving you to-day we beg you to accept our best wishes for your health and happiness, while sojourning on this pleasant, hospitable shore. That we may have another exchange of courtesies before the war closes, and that we may meet face to face in closer quarters, is the urgent prayer of, very truly, your obedient servant, H. W. Allen, Lieut.-Col. Commanding Ship Island. Fort Twiggs, Sept. 18, 1861.
Doc. 53. battle of Blue Mills, Mo. Col. Scott's official report. Headquarters 3D regiment Iowa Volunteers, liberty, Mo., Sept. 18, 1861. S. D. Sturgis, Brig.-Gen. U. S. A.: sir: In relation to an affair of yesterday which occurred near Blue Mills Landing, I have the honor to report: Agreeably to your orders I left Cameron at 3 P. M. of the 15th instant, and through a heavy rain and bad roads made but seven miles during that afternoon. By a very active march on the 16th I reached Centerville, ten miles north of Liberty, by sunset, where the firing of cannon was distinctly heard in the direction of Platte City, which was surmised to be from Colonel Smith's (Illinois Sixteenth) command. Had sent a messenger to Colonel Smith from Hainesville, and sent another from Centerville, apprising him of my movements, but got no response. On the 17th at 2 A. M. started from Centerville for Liberty, and at daylight the advanced guards fell in with the enemy's pickets, which they d
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 54. proclamation of Gen. Buckner (search)
ion of dependent vassals, we believe that the recognition of the civil rights of citizens is the foundation of constitutional liberty, and that the claim of the President of the United States to declare martial law, to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, and to convert every barrack and prison in the land into a bastile, is nothing but the claim which other tyrants have assumed to subjugate a free people. The Confederate States occupy Bowling Green as a defensive position. I renew the pledges of commanders of other columns of Confederate troops to retire from the territory of Kentucky on the same conditions which will govern their movements. I further give you my own assurance that the force under my command will be used as an aid to the Government of Kentucky in carrying out the strict neutrality desired by its people, whenever they undertake to enforce it against the two belligerents alike. S. B. Buckner, Brigadier-General C. S. A. Bowling-Green, Sept. 18, 1861.
County, in accordance with General Fremont's proclamation and instructions. Ibid., p. 54. General Price resumed his march and, pressing rapidly forward with his mounted men, arrived about daybreak at Warrensburg, where he learned that the enemy had hastily fled about midnight. He then decided to move with his whole force against Lexington. He found the enemy in strong entrenchments and well supplied with artillery. The place was stubbornly defended. The siege proper commenced on September 18, 1861, and with varying fortunes. Fierce combats continued through that day and the next. On the morning of the 20th General Price ordered a number of bales of hemp to be transported to the point from which the advance of his troop had been repeatedly repulsed. They were ranged in a line for a breastwork and, when rolled before the men as they advanced, formed a moving rampart which was proof against shot, and only to be overcome by a sortie in force, which the enemy did not dare to make.