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rper's Ferry, W. Va., May 9. Assigned to 3rd Separate Brigade, 8th Army Corps, Middle Department. At Maryland Heights till May 17. Guard duty in the Defenses of Baltimore, Md., and guarding bridges along Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad by Detachments till July. Battle of Monocacy Junction, Md., July 9. Expedition to Parkesville July 12. Companies B, E, G and I guard railroad at Havre de Grace July 28 to August 13. Ordered home August 13, and mustered out August 24, 1864. Regiment lost 10 Enlisted men by disease during service. 160th Ohio Regiment Infantry. Organized at Zanesville and mustered in May 12, 1864. Left State for Harper's Ferry, W. Va., May 12. Detached for duty guarding supply train at Martinsburg. Assigned to Reserve Division, Dept. of West Virginia, May 25. Moved to Woodstock, W. Va. Detached and moved to Martinsburg in charge of supply trains. Newtown May 29-30. Skirmish at Middletown June 7. Operations in the
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Pennsylvania Volunteers. (search)
ttles of the Wilderness May 5-7; Spottsylvania May 8-12; Spottsylvania C. H. May 12-21; Guinea Station May 21; North Anna River May 23-26. On line of the Pamunkey May 26-28. Totopotomoy May 28-31. Cold Harbor June 1-12. Before Petersburg June 16, 1864, to April 2, 1865. Assaults on Petersburg June 16-18, 1864. Charles City Cross Roads June 29. Consolidated to a Battalion of three Companies July 27, 1864. Non-Veterans on duty in Cumberland Valley till mustered out August 24, 1864. Reconnoissance to Hatcher's Run December 9-10. Hatcher's Run December 9. Dabney's Mills, Hatcher's Run, February 5-7, 1865. Fall of Petersburg April 2. Pursuit of Lee to Appomattox C. H. April 3-9. Provost duty at Richmond May 4-8. Transferred to 5th Pennsylvania Cavalry May 8, 1865. Regiment lost during service 1 Officer and 41 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 125 Enlisted men by disease. Total 169. 3rd Pennsylvania Regiment Prov
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Pennsylvania Volunteers. (search)
ll May 8; Spottsylvania May 8-12; Po River May 12-21. Assault on the Salient May 12. North Anna River May 23-26. On line of the Pamunkey May 26-28. Totopotomoy May 28-31. Cold Harbor June 1-12. Before Petersburg June 16-18. Siege of Petersburg June 16-August 20. Jerusalem Plank Road June 22-23. Demonstration north of the James at Deep Bottom July 27-29. Deep Bottom July 27-28. Mine Explosion, Petersburg, July 30 (Reserve). Mustered out at Philadelphia August 24, 1864. Regiment lost during service 11 Officers and 182 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 69 Enlisted men by disease. Total 264. 73rd Pennsylvania Regiment Infantry. Organized at Philadelphia September 19, 1861. Left State for Washington, D. C., September 24. Attached to Steinwehr's Brigade, Blenker's Division, Army of the Potomac, to March, 1862. 2nd Brigade, Blenker's Division, 2nd Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to April, 1862. 2nd Brigade,
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, United States--Regular Army. (search)
uty there till March, 1864. Red River Campaign March to May. At Alexandria, La. Retreat to Morganza May 13-20. Moved to Washington, D. C., July, 1864, and duty there till August, 1865. Consolidated with Battery E 2nd Artillery August 24, 1864. Battery D 2nd United States Artillery Attached to Wilcox's Brigade, Heintzelman's Division, McDowell's Army of Northeast Virginia, June to August, 1861. Kearney's Brigade, Division of the Potomac, to October, 1861. Artillery, Fr, 9th Army Corps, Dept. of the Ohio, to March, 1864. Reserve Artillery, 9th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to June, 1864. Camp Barry, Washington, D. C., 22nd Army Corps, to November, 1864. Consolidated with Battery C 2nd Artillery August 24, 1864. 1st Separate Brigade, 22nd Army Corps, November, 1864, to October. 1865. Service. Advance on Manassas, Va., July 16-21, 1861. Occupation of Fairfax Court House July 17. Battle of Bull Run July 21. Duty in the Defenses o
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, United States Veteran Reserve Corps. (search)
to November 30, 1865. 32nd United States Veteran Reserve Company, 2nd Battalion Formerly known as Company K, 20th Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps. Organized at Hampton Gen. Hospital, Fort Monroe, Va., August, 1863. Designation changed May 25, 1864. Mustered out by detachments August 11 to September 28, 1865. 33rd United States Veteran Reserve Company, 2nd Battalion Formerly known as Company G, 9th Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps. Organized at Convalescent Camp, Va., August 24, 1864. Designation changed April 29, 1864. Consolidated with 36th Company, 2nd Battalion, September 21, 1865. 34th United States Veteran Reserve Company, 2nd Battalion Formerly known as Company G, 18th Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps, Organized at Nashville, Tenn., August, 1863. Designation changed April 25, 1864. Consolidated with 20th Company, 2nd Battalion, August 2, 1865. 35th United States Veteran Reserve Company, 2nd Battalion Formerly known as Company I, 8th Reg
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 93. the burning of Chambersburg. (search)
Doc. 93. the burning of Chambersburg. Chambersburg, August 24, 1864. The defeat of Crook and Averell near Winchester, when pursuing the retreating rebels, was the first intimation given the border of another invasion; and even then little danger was apprehended, as Hunter's army was known to have been brought to Martinsburg, and rested and reorganized, and the Sixth and Nineteenth corps were also known to be on the line of the Potomac. On Wednesday the twenty-seventh ultimo, it was known at headquarters here that our entire force was north of the Potomac, and the line from Hancock to Harper's ferry was well picketed. General Couch had no troops — not even an organized battalion on the border. He had organized six or seven regiments of one hundred days men; but as fast as they were officered and armed they were forwarded to Washington, in obedience to orders from the authorities. He was left, therefore, with no force whatever to defend the border. The national authoritie
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 40: prison experiences. (search)
, Leonard A.,F.Sept. 5, 1864. Blake, Wm. H.,K.Oct. 12, 1864. Bradish, Francis,C.July 27, 1864. Bree, George,F.Aug. 8, 1864. Clemment, John,B.Sept. 5, 1864. Dame, Redford,G.June 12, 1864. (Regimental report says killed May 6, 1864,Wilderness.) Delano, Ezra,G.Nov. 3, 1864. Deansfield, John,F.Aug. 28, 1864. Edwards, Charles,B.Nov. 4, 1864. Ellers, Heindrick,H.Oct. 12, 1864. (Mass. Vols. Report says discharged June 30, 1865.) Farrell, George,E.Nov. 7, 1864. Finnegan, Patrick,A.Aug. 24, 1864. Hogan, Stephen,E.Aug. 18, 1864. Hoyt, Daniel,E.Sept. 19, 1864. Johnston, Robert A.,A.Aug. 16, 1864. Levoin, Charles,I.Aug. 28, 1864. Ludlow, James,A.Aug. 29, 1864. McCann, John,F.Nov. 25, 1864. (Mass. Vols. says discharged May 4, 1865 disability.) Mitchell, John,H.Nov. 3, 1864. Mortimer Louis,D.Sept. 7, 1864. Murray, Thomas,A.Feb. 9, 1865. Nietman, August,F.Mar. 15, 1865. Osborne, William,A.Aug. 7, 1864. Robinson, Henry,H.Oct. 3, 1864. Rowley, Charles A.,H.Oct. 26, 1864.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died., List of Massachusetts officers and soldiers killed in action. (search)
ncellorsville, Va.,May 3, 1863. Martin, Michael,16th Mass. Inf.,Manassas, Va.,Aug. 29, 1862. Martin, Patrick,21st Mass. Inf.,New Berne, N. C.,March 14, 1862. Martin, Solomon, 1st Sergt.,2d Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md.,Sept. 17, 1862. Martin, Thomas, 1st Sergt.,2d Mass. Cav.,Charlestown, Va.,Aug. 27, 1864. Marvin, Thomas,9th Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862. Mason, Andrew A.,1st Mass. Cav.,Ashland, Va.,May 11, 1864. Mason, Charles A.,10th Batt. Mass. L. A.,Reams' Station, Va.,Aug. 24, 1864. Mason, John L.,1st Mass. Cav.,Malvern Hill, Va.,Aug. 16, 1864. Mason, Thomas C. Name and rank. Private understood when not otherwise stated.Command.Engagement.Date. Mason, Thomas C., Corp.,1st Mass. H. A.,Spotsylvania, Va.,May 19, 1864. Matange, John F.,11th Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa.,July 2, 1863. Mathias, Henry,11th Mass. Inf.,Bull Run, Va.,July 21, 1861. Matthews, Henry, 1st Lieut.,25th Mass. Inf.,Cold Harbor, Va.,June 3, 1864. Matthews, James M.,1st Mass. Inf.,
Cold Harbor, Va.,June 3, 1864. Martin, Francis,34th Mass. Inf.,Lynchburg, Va.,June 18, 1864. Martin, George, Alias George Menton.21st Mass. Inf.,New Berne, N. C.,March 14, 1862. Martin, George A., Musician,59th Mass. Inf.,Before Petersburg, Va.,Feb. 27, 1865. Martin, James,32d Mass. Inf.,Bethesda Church, Va.,June 3, 1864. Martin, John,1st Mass. Inf.,Bull Run (2d), Va.,Aug. 24, 1862. Martin, John,2d Mass. Inf.,Chancellorsville, Va.,May 3, 1863. Martin, Michael,16th Mass. Inf.,Manassas, Va.,Aug. 29, 1862. Martin, Patrick,21st Mass. Inf.,New Berne, N. C.,March 14, 1862. Martin, Solomon, 1st Sergt.,2d Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md.,Sept. 17, 1862. Martin, Thomas, 1st Sergt.,2d Mass. Cav.,Charlestown, Va.,Aug. 27, 1864. Marvin, Thomas,9th Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862. Mason, Andrew A.,1st Mass. Cav.,Ashland, Va.,May 11, 1864. Mason, Charles A.,10th Batt. Mass. L. A.,Reams' Station, Va.,Aug. 24, 1864. Mason, John L.,1st Mass. Cav.,Malvern Hill, Va.,Aug. 16, 1864.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died., List of Massachusetts officers, and soldiers who died as prisoners. (search)
rles R.,27th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 24, 1864. Collins, Elbridge G.,2d Mass. H. A.,Andegdon, E.,2d Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 24, 1864. Conlan, Garrett,3d Mass. Cav.,Salisbury,r, John,11th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 24, 1864. Connor, Thomas,9th Mass. Inf.,Andersonviholomew,56th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 24, 1864. Coughlin, Michael,28th Mass. Inf.,Richmoomon N.,58th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 24, 1864. Dodds, Henry W.,34th Mass. Inf.,AnnapoliPatrick,19th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 24, 1864. Finney, John F.,9th Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mancis E.,22d Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 24, 1864. Holt, William T., Corp.,26th Mass. Inf., Ezra A.,2d Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 24, 1864. Kempton, John W.,1st Mass. H. A.,Florenc, Corp.,1st Mass. H. A.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 24, 1864. Phipps, Lyman,15th Mass. Inf.,Richmond, Charles,27th Mass. Inf.,Andersonville, Ga.,Aug. 24, 1864. Williams, Charles,54th Mass. Inf.,Floren[1 more...]