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Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 3 (search)
abit of spending the winters, until he sold it and transferred his principal planting interests to the Yazoo Delta in Mississippi. Mt. Enon was a little log church where services were held by a refugee Baptist minister, and, being the only place of worship in the neighborhood, was attended by people of all denominations. The different homes and families mentioned were those of well-known planters in that section, or of refugee friends who had temporarily taken up their abode there. Jan. 1st, 1865. Sunday. Pine Bluff A beautiful clear day, but none of us went to church. Sister was afraid of the bad roads, Metta, Mrs. Meals, Julia and I all sick. I think I am taking measles. Jan. 1 , Wednesday I am just getting well of measles, and a rough time I had of it. Measles is no such small affair after all, especially when aggravated by perpetual alarms of Yankee raiders. For the last week we have lived in a state of incessant fear. All sorts of rumors come up the road and dow
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 46 (search)
unimportant, and the supposition is that both armies will now go into winter quarters, after a taste of this rigorous weather. It is rumored and believed (though I have seen no dispatch to that effect) that Sherman has beaten and out-manceuvred our generals, and got into communication with the Federal fleet. I read President Lincoln's message carefully last night. By its commissions and omissions on Mexican affairs, I think he means to menace Louis Napoleon, who may speak out January 1st, 1865. Lincoln says: Mexico continues to be a theater of civil war. While our political relations with that country have undergone no change, we have at the same time strictly maintained neutrality between the belligerents. And his reference to England is so equivocal, and his grouping of the Central and South American Republics so prominent, and the boastful allusion to the inexhaustible resources of the United States, may be considered as a premeditated threat to Great Britain.
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Lix. (search)
Lix. On New year's day, 1865, wrote a correspondent of the New York Independent, a memorable incident occurred, of which the like was never before seen at the White House. I had noticed, at sundry times during the summer, the wild fervor and strange enthusiasm which our colored friends always manifest over the name of Abraham Lincoln. His name with them seems to be associated with that of his namesake, the Father of the Faithful. In the great crowds which gather from time to time in front of the White House, in honor of the President, none shout so loudly or so wildly, and swing their hats with such utter abandon, while their eyes are beaming with the intensest joy, as do these simple-minded and grateful people. I have often laughed heartily at these exhibitions. But the scene yesterday excited far other emotions. As I entered the door of the President's House, I noticed groups of colored people gathered here and there, who seemed to be watching earnestly the inpouring
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Index. (search)
Garrison, 167; Mrs. Cropsey, 168; and soldiers, 169; reprieves, 171; a handsome President, 174; idiotic boy, 176; Andersonville prisoners, 178; retaliation, 178; Fessenden, 182; McCulloch, 184; religious experience, 185-188; rebel ladies, 189; Col. Deming, 190; creeds, 190; Newton Bateman, 192; slavery, 194; prayer, 195; epitaph suggested, 196; Bible presentation, 197; Caroline Johnson, once a slave, 199; Sojourner Truth, 201-203; Frederick Douglass, 204; memorial from children, 204; New Year's Day, 1865, 205; walk de earf like de Lord, 209; Rebel Peace Commissioners, 218; slave map, 215; Kilpatrick, 216; personal description, 217, 323; opinion on the war, 219; text applied to Fremont, 220; reappointment of Fremont, 222; California lady's account of a visit at Soldiers' home, 223; on trees 224; school of events, 225; Mc-Clellan, 130, 143, 227, 255; Peace Convention, 229; Henry Ward Beecher, 230; popularity with the soldiers and people, 231; portraits, 46, 231; Lieutenant Cushing, 232;
1865. January 1st, 1865. At St. James's Church this morning. Our children came over from Union Hill yesterday, to take their dinner from the contents of the captured box, and were detained by snow and rain. We were too much pleased to have them with us not to make it convenient to accommodate them, which we did with the assistance of our kind friend Mrs. P. To-morrow F. and myself will return to our offices, after a good rest, for which we are very thankful. January 2d, 1865. This bitter cold morning, when we entered the office, we found that our good Major had provided us a New Year's treat of hot coffee. Of course we all enjoyed it highly, and were very grateful to him; and when I returned home, the first thing that met my eye was a box sent from the express office. We opened it, and found it a Christmas box, filled with nice and substantial things from a friend now staying in Buckingham County, for whom I once had an opportunity of doing some trifling kindness.
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 44: the lack of food and the prices in the Confederacy. (search)
et20.00 Sherry35.00 Liquors, per Drink. French brandy3.00 Rye whiskey2.00 Apple brandy2.00 Malt Liquors, per Bottle. Porter12.00 Ale12.00 Ale, one-half bottle6.00 Cigars. Fine Havana1.00 Game of all kinds in season. Terrapins served up in every style. Bill for a dinner for nine poor Confederates at the Oriental, January 17, 1864. Soup for nine$13 50Brought forward$132 50 Venison steak31 50Apples12 00 Fried potatoes9 005 bottles of Madeira250 00 Seven birds24 006 bottles of claret120 00 Baked potatoes9 00Urn cocktail65 00 Celery13 50Jelly20 00 Bread and butter14 00Cake20 00 Coffee18 001 dozen cigars12 00 $1132 50$631 50 Approximate value of gold and Confederate currency from January 1, 1862, to April 12, 1865. Date.Gold.Currency. January 1, 1862$100$120 December 20, 1862100300 December 20, 18631001,700 January 1, 18641001,800 December 20, 186410002,800 January 1, 18651003400 February 1, 18651005,000 March 1, 18651004,700 April 10, 18651005,500
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., General Grant on the siege of Petersburg. (search)
of the outer line of the Richmond defenses on the 29th of September, the importance of the canal project sensibly diminished; therefore the work was much delayed, was subject to indifferent management, and was not ultimately completed until December 30th, 1864. The rather large bulkhead containing nearly 6000 cubic yards of earth was mined and charged with 12,000 pounds of powder, distributed in four charges, one being 25 feet, and three 16 feet, below the water-level. At 3:50 P. M., January 1st, 1865, these mines were exploded by means of a Gomez fulminate fuse so arranged as to give a point of ignition for every one hundred pounds of powder. The condition of the canal in November is well delineated in the accompanying cut. The bombproof steam-pump is shown in the far corner, and the bulkhead, separated from the adjacent embankment by vertical trenches, is that which was mined and blown up. After the explosion the debris at the north-west end was partially removed by means of a st
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Notes on the Union and Confederate armies. (search)
neral Richard Taylor 42,293 Army of the Trans-Mississippi Department, General E. Kirby Smith 17,686 Paroled in the Department of Washington 3,390 Paroled in Virginia, Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana, and Texas 13,922 Surrendered at Nashville and Chattanooga, Tennessee 5,029     174,223 The following table, made from official returns, shows the whole number of men enrolled (present and absent) in the active armies of the Confederacy:   Jan. 1, 1862. Jan. 1, 1863. Jan. 1, 1864. Jan. 1, 1865. Army of Northern Va 84,225 144,605 92,050 155,772 Dep't of Richmond   7,820 8,494 16,601 Dep't of Norfolk 16,825       Dep't of the Peninsula 20,138       Dep't of Fredericksb'g 10,645       Dep't of N. C 13,656 40,821 9,876 5,187 Dep't of Miss. and E. La. 4,390 73,114 46,906 32,148 Dep't of S. C. and Ga 40,955 27,052 65,005 53,014 Dep't of Pensacola 18,214       Dep't of N. Orleans 10,318       Dep't of the Gulf   10,489 17,241 12,820 Western Dep't 24,784    
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 1: operations in Virginia.--battle of Chancellorsville.--siege of Suffolk. (search)
Confederate officers, entitles the commanding general and his troops to the highest praise, and which he received from those most competent to judge. On the 15th of February, 1865, General Meade wrote to General Peck, saying: That with the united force under your command, you should have held in check and defeated the designs of such superior numbers, is a fact of which you may well be proud, as the most practical proof of your own skill and the gallantry of your troops. On the 1st of January, 1865, General Slocum wrote: I think the gratitude of the nation is due to you and your gallant little army for the important services performed at Suffolk. On the 30th of January, 1865, General Stoneman wrote: I have always looked upon it as a most fortunate thing for us that you were enabled to hold Longstreet at Suffolk. It has been asserted that Longstreet joined Lee at the battle of Chancellorsville. Lee, in his report of that battle, page. 5, says: General Longstreet, with two
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 49: first attack on Fort Fisher.--destruction of the confederate ram Albemarle, etc. (search)
officers Commodore (afterwards Rear-Admiral) Jas. F. Schenck. of vessels in the North Atlantic squadron are too many and too voluminous to insert them all here, but we append some of the most graphic and interesting, which are animated with the zeal in the performance of duty which is characteristic of the naval profession: Report of Commodore Schenck, commanding U. S. S. Powhatan and 3d division North Atlantic Squadron. United States Steamer Powhatan, Off Beaufort, N. C., January 1, 1865. Admiral-Your General Order No. 75 did not reach me until this morning, owing to its being sent on board the Colorado. In reply to that part of it requiring me to make a report of the part took in the actions of the 24th and 25th ultimo, I have to state that at 1:20 P. M., on the 24th, I took my position in the line, as directed by you, with a kedge upon my port quarter acting as a spring, letting go my port anchor with twenty-five (25) fathoms of chain, which brought my starboard b