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my issued a general order designating the thirtieth of May, 1868, for the purpose of strewing with flowers or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion. He did this with the hope that it would be kept up from year to year. Already in some of the southern states the women had laid their flowers on the graves of the Confederate dead to show their devotion to the Lost Cause, but in the north there was no fixed date till 1868. In 1882 the Grand Army urged that May thirtieth be Memorial Day, not Decoration Day, as it had commonly been called. Since 1910 it has been a legal holiday in most of the states and territories. Memorial Day is something more than a decoration day. Every national day is a memorial day. Such days should teach us to feel more strongly our duty to our country. They should fill us with enthusiasm and love for our native land; they should bring home to us more vividly the sacrifices of our fathers, a
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 25., The Medford Indian monument (search)
ssertion because of the record of Standish's visit, but before his passing away one was discovered. An account of this is given on page 98 of the Usher history. At that time (1862) five skeletons were found beneath the lawn in the rear of the house of the late Edward Brooks. One was in perfect condition, lying on its side with the arms and legs drawn up, the head to the west and the face to the north. This was sent to the Agassiz Museum at Cambridge and given a place of honor there. In 1882 another discovery was made as seen by the following from Mercury, September 2. L. W. Conant while digging a cellar on the Brooks place recently came across the skeletons of several Indians. They were placed mostly in a sitting posture, after the old Indian mode of burial. Mr. Lucien Conant was the superintendent of the Brooks estate and lived in the farm house on High street, and near the granite arch, and the cellar referred to was probably that of a new barn close by. Soon after
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 26., The Medford High School under Lorin L. Dame (search)
d question as to the value of the classics was being agitated in reference to an all-English course in the high school. Already the four-year courses had been shortened to three to encourage a larger number to proceed with advanced work and in that course, either Latin or French was compulsory. The Committee now conceded the advantage of an all-English course, but maintained this would be impossible without a female assistant, whose salary need not be larger than six hundred dollars, and in 1882 Miss Genevieve Sargent appeared. It is pleasant to find, in every school report, year after year, that the work of the four teachers was appreciated by the Committee. The Committee feel that the town is to be congratulated upon being able to retain the present staff of instructors; and any parent can with safety recommend captious critics and doubters of the advantage of the high school to visit this school. (Report, 1885.) The standard of college preparation was high, and especial referen
Virginia when abolitionized. The annihilation of slave property in St. Domingo, in 1791, reduced the sugar product of that prolific island from 163,405,220 lbs. in that year, to 652,541 lbs. in 1882; producing a loss per annum in one crop of one hundred and sixty-three millions of pounds. In consequence of the annihilation of slave property in the British West Indies, in 1831, the export of the chief staples of those colonies fell off, in ten years, from four hundred and ten to two hundred and fifteen millions pounds of sugar; from eight to two and three-quarter millions gallons of rum; and from twenty to ten millions pounds of coffee. In these instances, the negro was merely set free, but remained in the islands, still as capable of producing crops by his labor as before, and still tilling the ground under all the incentives of self-interest. If the negroes had been driven forth from the islands into the sea, or transported back to the jungles of Africa, the whole trade in t
ipts and expenditure of the public fund are mainly on account of the military establishment maintained by the State for the purpose of clothing troops and purchasing supplies. The total amount of State bonds issued is $21,132,000, and of this amount $8,949,500 were issued previously to the 20th May, 1861, and are known as the old coupon and registered bonds. The periods at which the bonds of all kinds will fall due range from 1864 to 1893; the amount, however, which will fall due before 1882 is small, and will be easily provided for by the sinking fund. The whole amount of the State debt is $26,226,434.90, as follows: Bonded debt, $21,132,000; treasury notes in circulation, $3,329,828.90; coupons unpaid, $1,156,183; temporary loans, $608,423.--The whole amount of State treasury notes issued is $5,235,075.05. Of these $1,905,246.15 have been funded or otherwise withdrawn from circulation, leaving the above amount in circulation, of which $2,145,043.90 are of small denominatio