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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., chapter 7.83 (search)
d McCook's corps of the Federal army. For a the Nashville pike out of Murfreesboro‘, looking North-West toward the rise of ground which was the site of fortress Rosecrans, constructed after the withdrawal of Bragg. From A photograph taken in 1884. while the enemy were disorganized, many of the men being still engaged in cooking their breakfasts, but they very soon got under arms and in View of Murfreesboro'from the vicinity of fortress Rosecrans. From a photograph taken in 1884. posit1884. position, and resisted the attack with desperation. At this juncture Polk advanced with Withers's and Cheatham's divisions, and after hard fighting McCook's corps was driven back between three and four miles. Our attack had pivoted the Federals on their center, bending back their line, as one half-shuts a knife-blade. At 12 o'clock we had a large part of the field, with many prisoners, cannon, guns, ammunition, wagons, and the dead and wounded of both armies. Between 2 and 3 o'clock, however, Ro
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The battle of Stone's River. (search)
ap, P. 616)--the Nashville railroad in the foreground. From photographs made in 1884. The Round forest mentioned in the text included the right of Harker's first on Cemetery, looking South-east toward Murfreesboro‘. from a photograph taken in 1884. open with skirmishing and engage the enemy's center and left as far as the rivgade in the angle between the pike and the railroad. From a photograph taken in 1884. Pioneers, 1700 strong) and to advance on Breckinridge. Wood's division wa General Rosecrans's headquarters at Stone's River. From a photograph taken in 1884. his front, but, meeting with the same reception, was compelled to retire. A sline with Manigault's Bridge over Overall's Creek. From a photograph taken in 1884. supported by Vaughan's. Turner's Confederate battery took position near the brepelled the charge of Breckinridge, January 2, 1863. from a photograph taken in 1884. swarmed down the slope they were mowed down by the score. Confederates were p
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., chapter 8.89 (search)
ns and limited supplies in safe positions, when all our forces were concentrated along the Chickamauga threatening the enemy in front. Alexander's bridge from the Confederate side of the Chickamauga looking up stream. From a photograph taken in 1884. During the active operations of a campaign the post of the commander-in-chief should be in the center of his marching columns, that he may be able to give prompt and efficient aid to whichever wing may be threatened. But whenever a great baderate) division, two thousand strong, struck the brigades of Scribner and King, and drove them in disorder, capturing Loomis's battery, commanded by Lieutenant Van Pelt. Bush's Indiana battery was Crawfish Springs. From a photograph taken in 1884. captured at the same time. The defeat had become a panic, and Baird's and Brannan's men were going pellmell to the rear, when the victorious Liddell found himself in the presence of a long line of Federal troops overlapping both flanks of his l
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Reenforcing Thomas at Chickamauga. (search)
d. So impetuous was this counter-charge that one regiment, with empty muskets and empty cartridge-boxes, broke through the enemy's line, which, closing in their rear, carried them off as in the undertow. One more feeble assault was made by the enemy; then the day closed, and the battle of Chickamauga was over. Of the 3700 men of the Reserve Corps who went into the battle that afternoon, 1175 were killed and wounded; 613 were missing, many of whom were of the regiment that broke through the lines. Our total loss was 1788, nearly 50 per cent. Gordon Granger was rough in manner, but he had a tender heart. He was inclined to insubordination, especially when he knew his superior to be wrong. Otherwise he was a splendid soldier. Rosecrans named him well when he wrote of him, Granger, great in battle. House of Mr. J. M. Lee, Crawfish Springs, Rosecrans's headquarters before the Sattle, and site of the Union filed-hospital for the right wing. From a photograph taken in 1884.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., From the Wilderness to Cold Harbor. (search)
rom the front of Longstreet's corps. Late in the afternoon, under the impression that General Grant had actually begun another flanking movement, General Lee ordered that all the artillery on the left and center that was difficult of access should be withdrawn from the lines, and that everything should be in readiness to move during the night if necessary. Under this order, General Long, Ewell's chief of artillery, removed all but two batteries from the line of General Edward McCool's in 1884. McCool's Farm-House, within the bloody angle, Spotsylvania. From a War-time photograph. Johnson's division, for the reason given, that they were difficult of access. Johnson's division held an elevated point somewhat advanced from the general line, and known as the salient [or Bloody angle ; see map], the breastworks there making a considerable angle, with its point toward the enemy. This point had been held because it was a good position for artillery, and if occupied by the enemy wo
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., General Grant on the Wilderness campaign. (search)
ble loss. An attack was immediately ordered by General Meade, along his whole line, which resulted in driving the enemy from a part of his intrenched skirmish line. On the 31st General Wilson's division of cavalry destroyed the railroad bridges over the South Anna River, after defeating the enemy's cavalry. General Sheridan, on the same day, reached Cold Harbor, and held it until relieved by the Sixth Corps and General Smith's command, The Wilderness Tavern. From a photograph taken in 1884. Brass Coehorns in use at Cold Harbor. From a War-time sketch. which had just arrived, via White House, from General Butler's army. On the first day of June an attack was made at 5 P. M. by the Sixth Corps and the troops under General Smith, the other corps being held in readiness to advance on the receipt of orders. This resulted in our carrying and holding the enemy's first line of works in front of the right of the Sixth Corps, and in front of General Smith. During the attack the
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Through the Wilderness. (search)
was far enough advanced into the Wilderness on the road to Richmond. As for the Wilderness, it was uneven, with woods, thickets, and ravines right and left. Tangled thickets of pine, scrub-oak, and cedar prevented our seeing the enemy, and prevented any one in command of a large force from determining accurately the position of the troops he was ordering to and fro. The appalling rattle of the musketry, the yells of the enemy, and the cheers of our Todd's Tavern. From a sketch made in 1884. own men were constantly in our ears. At times, our lines while firing could not see the array of the enemy, not fifty yards distant. After the battle was fairly begun, both sides were protected by log or earth breastworks. For an understanding of the roads which shaped the movements in the Wilderness, cross the Rapidan from the north and imagine yourself standing on the Germanna Plank road, where the Brock road intersects it, a little south of Wilderness Tavern, and facing due west. In
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., chapter 9.64 (search)
. Just at this critical moment of the battle, a brigade of the enemy, reported to have been Stanley's, Opdycke's brigade of Stanley's Fourth Corps, and the second line of Reilly's brigade of Cox's Twenty-third Corps.--editors. gallantly charged, and restored the Federal line, capturing at the same time about one thousand of our troops within the intrenchments. Still From the bivouac for August, 1885. Overton's House, Hood's head)quarters at Nashville. From a photograph taken in 1884. the ground was obstinately contested, and at several points upon the immediate sides of the breastworks the combatants endeavored to use the musket upon one another, by inverting and raising it perpendicularly, in order to fire; neither antagonist, at this juncture, was able to retreat without almost a certainty of death. It was reported that soldiers were even dragged from one side of the breastworks to the other by men reaching over hurriedly and seizing their enemy by the hair or the co
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Repelling Hood's invasion of Tennessee. (search)
shoulders of a lot of raw recruits weighed down with their unaccustomed burden. 1. the Carter House, from the side toward the town. 2. the Carter House, from the Confederate side. 3. front view of the Carter House. From Photographs taken in 1884. The head of the column, under General Cox, reached the out-skirts of Franklin about the same hour that the rear-guard was leaving Spring Hill. Here the tired, sleepy, hungry men, who had fought and marched, day and night, for nearly a week,ld not have been gotten ready before this. If General Grant should order me to be relieved, I will submit without a murmur. As he Hill near Nashville from which Bate's Confederate division was driven on December 16. from a photograph taken in 1884. was writing this,--2 o'clock in the afternoon of December 9th,--a terrible storm of freezing rain had been pouring down since daylight, and it kept on pouring and freezing all that day and a part of the next. That night General Grant notified h
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 21: capture of New Orleans.--first attack on Vicksburg by Farragut's fleet and mortar flotilla.--junction of flag-officers Farragut and Davis above Vicksburg.--ram Arkansas. (search)
he levee at any one who should dare come on shore from the ships. At this time the whole city was in an uproar, such as was perhaps never before seen in this country. All the vagabonds of the town, thieves, ragpickers, abandoned women, the inhabitants of the slums, all were abroad. their faces distorted by passion, the riffraff, hobnobbing with the well-to-do, and all animated by a common hatred of the detested Yankees. Lieutenant (now Captain) George H. Perkins. (from a portrait taken 1884.) It looked as if law and order could never be re-established. The steamers that had been left unburned were lying at the levee, with crowds of maniacs rushing over their decks, the men smashing in the rice tierces, the women scraping up all that could be gathered. Such portions as could not be carried off were thrown into the river--the damned Yankees shan't have it! they cried. There was no way of testifying their rage to which the mob did not resort. All at once a boat was seen