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ord meeting-house in the winter of 1820. As his mother did not come till two years later, chances are that he went to Menotomy with grandsire Warren, and so did not witness the novel installation, and just here we are led to make some mental comparisons of that time, less than a century ago, with the present fuel conservation that would close our churches, and the cold and shivering air, we assume in a winter no more rigorous than in those times. Mr. Warren in his autobiography written in 1884, attributes to the influence of his grandparents whatever of religious characteristics he possessed. He was ambitious to study and earn money and was careful of his earnings made in various ways. Sticking cards was one of these. This would be a lost art to the youth of to-day, who know more of playing cards than of those more useful articles used in the textile industries of many New England homes of that time. This was the placing of many crooked bits of wire in a backing of perforated l
nty-eight years of his life [1889], has never used tobacco or tasted spirit, save as a medicine. He used to play the clarinet and with Uncle Sam Rogers, went to singing school in Pembroke. At that time Mr. Rogers was courting a Miss Standish, and Mr. Foster was obliged to wait for him to go to her home and do his courting, as Mr. Rogers had the team and it was a long walk. . . An epitaph current with the [Scituate shipyard] reads as follows. Under this greensward pat, Lies the hulk of old. . . . . . . . . Shepherds rejoice and do not weep, For he is dead who stole your sheep. The deceased was noted for putting other men's sheep in his own flock and marking them with his private mark. We have no proof of the identity of the writer but the lines are not inconsistent with Mr. Foster's jovial disposition. From the same source we find what Mr. Usher failed to mention, that while serving Medford in 1884 Captain Foster was the oldest man in the Legislature—the Dean of the House.
n's school and there (and in her early married life in New Ipswich) used this old piano. We also took from the library, for a careful reading, the Memoir of Mrs. Rowson, above alluded to. It was with some surprise that we found that though written by a Medford author, and published in 1870, it was not acquired by our library until March, 1901, and in the twenty years since then had been taken out but once (March, 1914). Attached to page 99 is the following typewritten statement:— In 1884 there was given to the New England Conservatory of Music an old piano—made in London in 1782. This instrument originally belonged to the Princess Amelia, the youngest daughter of George III, and she gave it to the Chaplain of the royal family, whose daughter married a Mr. Odiorne, an American. She brought the piano to Boston. It was bought by General John Montgomery and taken to Medford, where it was used, by his daughter, at the school for young ladies kept by Mrs. Susanna Rowson. Thi
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 25., The Medford Indian monument (search)
inches square and eighteen inches high; the shaft, of dark Medford granite twenty inches square and fifty-eight inches high, set diagonally upon the base, and surmounted with a rough and irregular-shaped block of conglomerate. In the west face of the base is a dressed panel with the words, Site of Indian Burial Place. A similar panel in the east has the dedication, To Sagamore John and those Mystic Indians whose bones lie here. On the north and south (respectively) are the dates 1630 and 1884. Thus did Mr. Francis Brooks, as possessor of the soil wherein was this Indian necropolis, reverently and honorably reinter the remains of those of a vanished race who possessed the land three centuries before. It was a commendable act, noticed at various times in public print, and views of this monument are extant, among them our illustration. The location was on the northern side of the canal's course, and the mansion house alluded to is seen in the background. After the death of Mr
that instantaneous photography and the aeroplane have come, it is possible to secure views of Medford, necessarily up to date, but to answer the query How did the old town look? we must consult such as we have herein named and such others as may from time to time be found. We ought not to close this review, covering nearly a century of time, without mentioning the excellent work of the Medford Publishing Company in Medford Past and Present (1905), illustrations to be found in years since 1884 in the Mercury, in the Leader, the various other (some short-lived) papers, the 275th Anniversary Proceedings and the Historical Society's collection. Lastly (and modestly, we trust), we refer to the illustrations in the Register during its twenty-five years of publication. It was fortunate that a Medford boy, who told us of old Ship street, had the gift and ability to also present the view of it, reproduced in Vol. IV, No. 4. Those who saw him build the ship at the Society's November m
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 25., Old ships and ship-building days of Medford. (search)
method did not protect the outer pages. It would appear that even they had lost some years' numbers, as some bear the name of Charles Cummings, the old high school master. In later years they were rolled up and consigned to the dark loft under the roof, to be consulted only by the rats. At removal from the old quarters down Main street, such as remained in the loft were transported to the Historical rooms, where the librarian carefully arranged them, but found two volumes (for the years 1884 and 1885) missing. Later (a labor of love) they were wire-stitched and bound in heavy covers of builders felt and kept flat in a filing case in the library. Since that time we had occasion to seek information contained in those that are missing. Our only resort was the public library. Some bundles were brought us and with the utmost care we examined them till we found in the issue of March 28, 1884, the object of our search—the first illustration (other than advertising cuts) used in a M
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 26., The Medford High School under Lorin L. Dame (search)
It is interesting in those days of the eighties which we have been accustomed to consider quiet and serene, to hear the voice of the chairman already uplifted against the distractions of the age. We feel obliged, says Mr. Gilman Waite (report of 1884), to make a suggestion to the parents of scholars, which is of the same nature as some criticisms made upon courses of study. That is, not to allow their children to try to do too many things at the time they are attending this school. The scholal rule for success in the work of life—Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might. Whatever may have been the internal changes, there is a long stretch of years in which the school committee has little or nothing to report. (1884). The ordinary occurrences of a prosperous school year are like the unnoticed growth of a plant, like the ordinary rising and setting of the sun, or any of the usual occurrences in ordinary life which, continuing invariably and regularly in their
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 28., What Mean Ye by these stones? (search)
disorderly boys. The story of its original erection by Mr. Francis Brooks in 1884, with view of it on its original site, may be found in the Register, Vol. XV, p with arrow-heads of stone, and among them the following coins—silver dollar of 1884, quarter dollar of 1876, dime of 1884, dime of 1873, five cent nickel of 1884 an1884, dime of 1873, five cent nickel of 1884 and a bronze cent of 1884. No trace of any paper, or of Mercury, which was said to have been enclosed, was found therewith. As the vault was yet to be constructed, Su1884 and a bronze cent of 1884. No trace of any paper, or of Mercury, which was said to have been enclosed, was found therewith. As the vault was yet to be constructed, Superintendent Adams took charge of the contents, which were placed in two new wooden boxes which were coated with a preservation composition. Prior to January 9, 191884. No trace of any paper, or of Mercury, which was said to have been enclosed, was found therewith. As the vault was yet to be constructed, Superintendent Adams took charge of the contents, which were placed in two new wooden boxes which were coated with a preservation composition. Prior to January 9, 1925, a concrete vault three feet, four inches square inside and one foot, nine inches deep, its enclosing wall seven inches thick, had been prepared. Mr. Tutten, who spot, erected at the instance of Mr. Francis Brooks, then owner and resident, in 1884. The property had been in the Brooks family since 1656, and in the sale to the
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 29., The Renovation of Peter Tufts' house. (search)
necessitated new enclosing frames placed in the old openings and reducing the glass width of each five inches. Only the attic escaped the general renewal and here is the most interesting feature. The framing of the roof remains as original, about the only thing old in wood work now to be seen in the house, except the girders or large timbers in the ceilings of both stories. We were told that these were renovated by being scraped quite smoothly to remove the axe-marks of the hewing. In 1884, a builders' magazine of New York sent its artist here, got a view of the house and made illustrative drawings of the roof frame and peculiarities of window frames and published the same in its August issue. This was probably because of a communication from Mr. Cleopas Johnson, who had told of re-shingling it thirty-five years before, and in his letter quoting Brooks' history. Only the stairway is enclosed in the attic, and a lot of drawers and storage spaces fitted under its steep roof a